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Zanu-PF members should respect the Constitution

2 hrs ago | Views
Dear Zanu PF Members

Today, I write to you not just as a fellow Zimbabwean but as someone who deeply believes in the promise of our great nation.

The conference is upon us and we stand at a pivotal moment in our political journey, one that calls for reflection, courage and a commitment to the foundational principles that unite us, our beloved Constitution.The Constitution of Zimbabwe is more than just a document, it is a symbol of hope and a beacon of our collective aspirations.

It embodies our struggles, our sacrifices, and our dreams for a peaceful, democratic society. Yet, as we gather for the upcoming conference, we must confront a pressing issue; the temptation to amend this guiding document for convenience, rather than uphold it as our cornerstone of governance.

Amending the Constitution may seem like a quick fix, a way to sidestep current challenges. However, history has taught us that such actions often lead down a slippery slope, an erosion of trust, accountability and the very democratic values we claim to uphold. If we allow ourselves to be swayed by short-term interests, we risk repeating the mistakes of the past, where power became centralised and dissent silenced.

The demonisation of General Constantino Chiwenga by certain sections of the party is another troubling sign of our internal divisions. Instead of fostering unity, these actions sow discord and fear among party members. General Chiwenga, a key figure in our nation's history, deserves respect and recognition for his contributions. We must move away from the toxic culture of fear and suspicion. Embracing our differences and allowing for open dialogue can only strengthen us as a party and as a nation.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's recent statement that he is not seeking an extension of his presidency is a significant moment for ZANU PF and Zimbabwe as a whole. This is an opportunity and a chance to open the democratic space for members to contest for leadership positions. We must seize this moment to reaffirm our commitment to constitutional governance.

Let us not allow the ghosts of Mugabe's era to haunt us any longer. A true leader is one who empowers others and fosters an environment where new ideas and leadership styles can flourish.

As members of ZANU PF, we have a profound responsibility to set an example for our fellow citizens. If we cannot practice democracy within our own ranks, what hope does Zimbabwe have for a vibrant democratic space? Our actions today will echo into the future. We must choose to uphold our Constitution, not just as a legal obligation, but as a moral imperative.Let us come together in this critical moment.

Let us pledge to respect the Constitution and to create a political environment that is inclusive and fair. Every Zimbabwean, including each one of you, has a role to play in shaping the future of our nation. We owe it to ourselves, to our children, and to the generations yet to come.

In closing, I urge you to reflect on the path forward. Choose unity over division, respect over demonisation and constitutional integrity over convenience. Together, we can redefine the narrative of ZANU PF and in doing so, ensure a brighter future for all Zimbabweans.

With hope and determination, Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi.

Source - Engineer Jacob Kudzayi Mutisi.
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