Opinion / Columnist
Will Blessed Geza lead the planned 31st March demonstrations?
6 hrs ago | Views

Anticipation can be a nervous expectation. Even in situations where there is zero hope of success, out of desperation we cling on to it. We have been subjected to ignorance, how this revolution is going to unfold. How will this kinetic force be implemented? Is the army part of the game changing instrument, or the popular mass demonstrations? Who is leading the mass movement if Geza is not known where he is hiding? How is he going to sound the signal to the masses, by social media outlets? Is it a strategy for Geza to be dead silent about his whereabouts? How does Geza ignite a revolution and hide again leaving many at the mercy of Dambudzo Mnangagwa? Does that personify a courageous comrade who was at the forefront of the war of liberation in the seventies? Just saying!
I see and smell danger in this regime change exercise; I doubt if leaders of this current revolution thought it through in the planning and execution. A repetition and success of a coup of 2017 will not be possible. The dynamic on the ground has changed significantly. It is not possible to use the same script to change Mnangagwa regime this time around. If anything, I see a script reminiscent with the demos in 2018, after the harmonized elections. MDC-C lost elections, and without putting much depth into how the demonstrations would be executed, Chamisa leadership bought beers, bottles of Whiskey, and some "stuff" to smoke as preparations for the demonstrations to overturn flawed elections. Our children are cannon fodder, thrown in the street to demonstrate, while the leadership is hiding somewhere for fear of their lives. This time around, it appears it is the same script: sons and daughters from poorest of the poor backgrounds are sent to face Mnangagwa guns, and they will die: Geza or Chiwenga in cahoots with Chamisa will share the spoils of regime change. They will not even attend funerals of those who will have been gunned down during the demonstrations.
Looking at case Geza on the flip side of the coin: I read an interesting article on Bulawayo24 not long ago written by John Mbizvo. He wonders if Geza made the same mistake Simba Makoni made in 2008. Makoni was groomed by Zanu Stalwarts to challenge Mugabe at the ballot box. At the 11th hour, the very people who bankrolled Mavambo/Kusile project left him to hang and dry, leaving him to fight the project with Comrade Dumiso Dabengwa: the rest of them were nowhere to be seen. John Mbizvo wonders if Geza fell in the same trap as that of Makoni. He further laments the wisdom of it all. Geza enjoyed the trappings of power since independence. In 1017, he bankrolled the coup in millions of dollars cash, they said. These questions will always insist in us: what made Geza revolt against the MOTHER THAT FED HIM for 5 straight decades. Reasons about the poor state of the nation has been with us for decades. What has happened to him personally to realize that the social and economy of the nation is unsustainable for all Zimbabweans. The timing of Geza to realize the dire situation about our failing economy is very suspicious. Geza's case does not smell and look good in the nostrils and eyes of good citizens. His treason case is hanging on his throat. Zanu PF is heaping further murder accusations of yester-year against him. His war- veterans comrades are equally silent. Even Chiwenga is not uttering a word about him. Generali Chiwenga fears to support Geza openly. Geza's age is conspiring against him, health issues showing visibly on his wrinkled face: Geza should have done better than his decision to literally play hide-and-seek against Mnangagwa. Just saying!
Quote Mbizvo verbatim: "Chris Mutsvangwa warned Geza that he stands the risk of being used and discarded by mischievous political malcontents. Zimbabweans won't march for Geza at the expense of their livelihoods and safety". Once more, I agree fully with Chris, but my argument is different from that of Mutsvangwa. I fear the loss of young lives that will be sacrificed by unscrupulous politicians of the moulds of Geza, Chiwenga and Chamisa. All three of them are not leaders of the moment but downright chancers. The voters, however, have affinity, strangely to leaders without ideas; said Professor Lumumba of Kenya. Citizens are not paying attention to progressive discussions on Professor Ibo Mandaza's platform where convincing political and economic transformations takes place. Just saying!
I remain in a frenzy of what will happen, is happening, has happened may not happen at all. I have put my last penny on a revolution that will be unsuccessful on the 31st of this month. It will not take place because so many factors that mean a true revolution are not present on the ground. True revolutionaries are not yet born not in our life time.
I see and smell danger in this regime change exercise; I doubt if leaders of this current revolution thought it through in the planning and execution. A repetition and success of a coup of 2017 will not be possible. The dynamic on the ground has changed significantly. It is not possible to use the same script to change Mnangagwa regime this time around. If anything, I see a script reminiscent with the demos in 2018, after the harmonized elections. MDC-C lost elections, and without putting much depth into how the demonstrations would be executed, Chamisa leadership bought beers, bottles of Whiskey, and some "stuff" to smoke as preparations for the demonstrations to overturn flawed elections. Our children are cannon fodder, thrown in the street to demonstrate, while the leadership is hiding somewhere for fear of their lives. This time around, it appears it is the same script: sons and daughters from poorest of the poor backgrounds are sent to face Mnangagwa guns, and they will die: Geza or Chiwenga in cahoots with Chamisa will share the spoils of regime change. They will not even attend funerals of those who will have been gunned down during the demonstrations.
Looking at case Geza on the flip side of the coin: I read an interesting article on Bulawayo24 not long ago written by John Mbizvo. He wonders if Geza made the same mistake Simba Makoni made in 2008. Makoni was groomed by Zanu Stalwarts to challenge Mugabe at the ballot box. At the 11th hour, the very people who bankrolled Mavambo/Kusile project left him to hang and dry, leaving him to fight the project with Comrade Dumiso Dabengwa: the rest of them were nowhere to be seen. John Mbizvo wonders if Geza fell in the same trap as that of Makoni. He further laments the wisdom of it all. Geza enjoyed the trappings of power since independence. In 1017, he bankrolled the coup in millions of dollars cash, they said. These questions will always insist in us: what made Geza revolt against the MOTHER THAT FED HIM for 5 straight decades. Reasons about the poor state of the nation has been with us for decades. What has happened to him personally to realize that the social and economy of the nation is unsustainable for all Zimbabweans. The timing of Geza to realize the dire situation about our failing economy is very suspicious. Geza's case does not smell and look good in the nostrils and eyes of good citizens. His treason case is hanging on his throat. Zanu PF is heaping further murder accusations of yester-year against him. His war- veterans comrades are equally silent. Even Chiwenga is not uttering a word about him. Generali Chiwenga fears to support Geza openly. Geza's age is conspiring against him, health issues showing visibly on his wrinkled face: Geza should have done better than his decision to literally play hide-and-seek against Mnangagwa. Just saying!
Quote Mbizvo verbatim: "Chris Mutsvangwa warned Geza that he stands the risk of being used and discarded by mischievous political malcontents. Zimbabweans won't march for Geza at the expense of their livelihoods and safety". Once more, I agree fully with Chris, but my argument is different from that of Mutsvangwa. I fear the loss of young lives that will be sacrificed by unscrupulous politicians of the moulds of Geza, Chiwenga and Chamisa. All three of them are not leaders of the moment but downright chancers. The voters, however, have affinity, strangely to leaders without ideas; said Professor Lumumba of Kenya. Citizens are not paying attention to progressive discussions on Professor Ibo Mandaza's platform where convincing political and economic transformations takes place. Just saying!
I remain in a frenzy of what will happen, is happening, has happened may not happen at all. I have put my last penny on a revolution that will be unsuccessful on the 31st of this month. It will not take place because so many factors that mean a true revolution are not present on the ground. True revolutionaries are not yet born not in our life time.
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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