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Welshman Ncube tipped to shock Mugabe and Tsvangirai

03 Feb 2013 at 06:54hrs | Views
Former university of Zimbabwe law Professor and current President of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Welshman Ncube could be widely tipped to scoop the majority vote in this year's do-or-die presidential elections.

While fellow opposition parties have taken him for granted or underrated him, his effect has gone viral and invidious. His composure and calm resolution in the face of President Mugabe at times openly taking sides with MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai especially over the Mutambara Principal-Gnu issues, have triggered many to see the true qualities of Ncube as a seasoned,mature leader. For that cause alone, he has been deemed a composed man who remains unshakeable  and firm in times of frustrating agenda.

Lately Welshman Ncube has emerged as a great quality leader who is also riding high on the crest of the wave of success as triggered by the professional performance of his ministers in cabinet who have defied the cause of corruption and indolence to show a true cause to serve the gloomy citizenry. Many ministers have had the tendency to only show up in their constituencies when it is election time and they have disappeared without trace during their terms of office, taking the electorate for a ride. Welshman's team members have proven many wrong through their being accountable and accessible to the electorate.

The rather sluggish coalition government has seen a number of ministers exploit the union to corruptly amass riches through diamond wealth as they have also gone an extra mile to appropriate urban properties, defying land use planning and abused power to chase women and money. Without any reason, remorse or consideration for public interest, many have become rich overnight and are not apologetic about that. To the contrary, Ncube's cabinet members have stayed way above the wave of controversy, corruption or bad reputation. For that cause alone, he has stood as a great leader with qualities that win people's hearts because the ministers' performance speaks volumes of the genuine leadership traits in their leader.

The Ministers include Education Minister David Coltart who resuscitated the ailing education sector, Priscilla Misihairabwi the party's secretary general and Minister of Regional Intergration. Welshman Ncube is Minister of industry and Commerce who resuscitated Ziscosteel and lured a number of prospective investors. Lutho Tapela, Robson Makhula and Moses Mzila Ndlovu the national healing Minister have also continued to play their part without making headlines for the wrong reasons in public office.

Unlike the controversial MDC-T cabinet and councilors who have drawn innumerable controversy premised on corruption and prurient interests in chasing dresses, wealth and swanky cars, the MDc for Ncube has been quiet. The MDC-T leader who wound u on the defensive to sweep away his embarrassing moves has set a bad precedent for who he could be in case he gets favored with power. His speed to impregnate a number of women in the heat of the loss of his dear wife raised many eyebrows. The controversy was embarrassing. Then the corruption among his councilors spoke volumes about what was going in. This was spiced up by the internal squabbles of violence and power struggles that intermittently leaked to press amid threats for disciplinary action against some from top leadership as some were re-shuffled.

Most MDC-T Ministers have struck some glitches along the way. Blunders have been many and misstatements and vacillations have underlined their government.

Welshman Ncube has strong characters running for Parliament such as vocal policy guru Qhubani Moyo, Goodrich Chimbaira,Sibusisiwe Tamirepi,Descent Bajila,Tagwirei Ngwenya,Davis Mundirwira, the vibrant ex-cop Sondon Stalin Mugaradziko,Henry Chimbiri,Gideon Mandaza,Linos Mushonga,Trynos Mgutshini and various others.

Welshman Ncube has also multiplied his supporters because of an effective team and nationwide outreach programme that he undertook after the Harare congress.With that powerfully diverse team, he is bound for greater heights. This has been his major trump card even against the seasonal politician Simba Makoni whose party has remained focused on make-believe paper theories and past glory as he was once Minister of Energy and then Finance. Many keep asking why the Energy and Finance Ministry never performed much during his day and why he still has the audacity to refer to those failed offices.

Ncube has been realistic, has resisted corruption and has been there to meet the people and listen to their concerns. He has avoided vote-buying and has instead gave people basic needs through acts of empathy. He has not discriminated voters through acts of witch hunt or victimizing those that may disagree with his thoughts and agenda. He has held all with respect as citizens of Zimbabwe. For that reason alone, he will embarrass Tsvangirai and Mugabe.

Ncube's credibility also emerges from the fact that most of his funding is from grassroots folks. He shares their sentiments with them and they value his worth and social engagement. Welshman Ncube is now enjoying massive support in all Mashonaland and Matebeleland provinces because he is not promising people bridges where there are no rivers. For that reason alone, I personally predict a Welshman Ncube surprise win.

Source - zimeye
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