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Zimbabwe rife with crime more than South Africa!

19 Oct 2013 at 13:20hrs | Views

Folks amaze me many times. I usually hear the refrain that even though Zimbabwe is in economic and political turmoil, it is a far better country than South Africa because "South Africa is rife with crime."

Usually its folks from Mashonaland.

But folks, let's face it. Our own country is thoroughly crime infested. Whilst crime in South Africa is more pronounced in the streets, crime in Zimbabwe is pronounced right in the political corridors of power.

Where South Africa struggles with street gangsterism and illicit drug trade, Zimbabwe struggles with politicial gangsterism and illicit diamond trade.

Whilst South Africa has to content with murders on its streets, Zimbabwe has to content with the murder of innocents in their homes, road accidents, through AIDS joined to poverty, and worst of all, the continuing Gukurahundi Genocide, (which, in the words of a fellow columnist, is now an "Ethnicide").

Whilst South Africa struggles with issues of corrective rap against lesbians, Zimbabwe struggles with 'officially sanctioned rap' as a political weapon. Who doesn't remember the Gukurahundi Genocide and 2008 in this regard?

Whilst South Africa has to struggle against drug gangs marauding the streets of Khayelitsha and Gugulethu and the murder of children in Diepsloot, Zimbabweans have to contend with a political gang holding 13 million people captive and throwing about a quarter of their number into the diaspora, and leading 2 million, according to the UN, to near starvation, not to mention the endless bank ques and bearer checks and poverty and hunger of 2006-2008.

Whilst South Africa has to contend with Xenophobia against foreign nationals by disgruntled private citizens seeing job and economic opportunities taken away from them, Zimbabwe has to content with a rich and public (official) class that suppresses whole ethnic groups, murdered a 100,000 of a section of the country's population during their Gukurahundi moment of madness.

The same official/public rich class (rich from control of and illicit trade in national resources) is continually trying, even against the new Constitution, to suppress and defeat the masses' desire for self-government and self-determination through Devolution of Power.

Whilst South Africa has to invest in a larger and better trained and equipped police force and special crime busting squads, CCTV cameras on every major streets and shop, house and town house at the cost of billions of rands per year, Zimbabweans have not need to worry about such humongous amounts of money to ensure their safety and security, they just have to find a way to dislodge the criminal gang holding them hostage, which proper name is Zanu PF!

Well, something I just thought of sharing with fellow nationals in my normal course of thinking and contemplation on the challenges that Africa faces and the possible solutions thereof.

Of course my preferred solution to the massive crime in Zimbabwe is the creation of regional parties that will form a coalition to govern and national level and 'march' on Harare and seize power from the political gangsters holding the country hostage from there.

This would mean regional parties of something like this: MDC/ZAPU for 'Matebeleland', Bulawayo and the Midlands; MDC-T for Harare, Manicland and Maswingo, and maybe Madhuku and his NCA can have Mashonaland. This way these parties don't get to compete against each other and they can better focus all of their resources and be almost assured of winning 71% of National Assembly seats - 149 out of 210.

And finally, before folks from Mashonaland sing their usual "go back to South Africa you Ndeere" song, this know, I am a proud Kalanga whose ancestors have continually resided in this country for the last 2000 years. Ndaaa.

Source - Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
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