Opinion / Columnist
Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Not As Bad!
02 Nov 2013 at 03:04hrs | Views

It's now clear that the Zimbabwean electorate resembles the plebians in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. In one moment they are mourning Julius Caesar and in the next, Mark Anthony hops on stage and gives his moving speech making them hate Caesar even more. This is Morgan Tsvangirai (MT)'s quagmire. As he exposed bad governance and the decaying rule of law in Zimbabwe, many hungry citizens rallied behind him in the red colours. That gave ZANU PF unprecedented panic. They hated MT and feared him so much as he rose to prominence by the hour like stocks. Many in ZANU PF freaked out as the majority desperately rooted for him for change of government.
Then clandestine means and ways were devised for election strategy by ZANU PF. There were alleged countless irregularities that saw MT lose the election prize under polemic conditions covered by regional organizations just to make peace. In despondency many have now resorted to attacking him daily. Oh how forgetful! And why have many continued leaving Zimbabwe crossing borders for better lives? If ZANU PF was the most perfect party ever, what was the trigger to the 4 million Zimbabwean refugees now stationed in South Africa, Europe and America? And why are they not making plans to resettle back home with this fresh victory by ZANU PF. Everyone knows the truth. Right?
FYI, if there was no MT and his MDC-T to tackle the ZANU PF bull by its horns, no one would have done it. While he never got to rule Zimbabwe, there are countless measures that he triggered for the better of Zimbabwe. The spirit of democracy came in. Zimbabwe's GNU obtained international legitimacy, a component that no ordinary street person will understand off hand. Without legitimacy and proper statehood, Zimbabwe could be considered stateless and not eligible for any international trade, financing, or any other related international business like before the UN. His willingness to be part of the GNU therefore became ideal as a safety valve for the good of Zimbabwe.
Before MT, many fake or docile opposition parties came and went as they slowly became absorbed into ZANU PF or died natural deaths. MT was the very first man to form a strong party as he put his life in danger, demanding real plural politics in Zimbabwe. He endured threats, harassment, media ridicule, torture and various other retrogressive measures but he kept fighting until the GNU was formed. With the GNU, food returned to shelves together with basic supplies and amenities. Parties were able to work together to salvage the runaway situation. That was also the time for maturity in the interests of the nation. Many sat side by side, worked together and interim governance saved Zimbabwe.
Lately, due to the controversial election result, it seems like MT and his MDC-T have provided fodder for caricature to some opportunists and many other short-sighted opponents of democracy. From his private life to his internal party political affairs at Harvest House right down to all his personal fallibilities many are now commenting negatively. Maybe it's a "grapes are sour" scenario or simple frustration on the change that was never be due to the election climate. The continued attacks on MT simply demonstrate how much of a threat he was to ZANU PF. It's like taunting a dead lion that almost ate you alive. Before we get carried away with cheap vitriol, we must wait a minute and reflect.
First of all, no leader has been perfect in Zimbabwe. If you look at President Mugabe and his ZANU PF, they have so many weaknesses that actually triggered the rise of the opposition parties causing tremors and sleepless nights to the ruling class. Poverty, leadership greed, poor governance, lack of accountability, hunger for international travel destroyed Zimbabwe in the last three decades. From 1986 to date, corruption has been denounced in social lines. Now, day in and day out the online media has joined in to condemn the vice. President Mugabe is fully aware that poor service and corruption pushed his party to the edge of near defeat. People were hungry and angry over poor systems and heavy police hands quelling bread riots. Mugabe even appointed the Anti Corruption Commission as he continued to offer empty podium threats that went nowhere beyond weddings and funeral speeches. To date not even a single big wig has been nabbed for corruption. All they get are velvet glove treatments with no consequences. With that, our dear nation continues to bleed from a known cause.
Cities have no clean water or power supply and the Chinese have been trusted with the task as they hire labour and engage their own resources 100%. Parastatal employees are going for months unpaid due to hand-picked inexperienced management. Hwange Colliery miners risk having their pay checks cut as business is low yet Zimbabwe could utilize thermal power to revive the problem power supply. I am not sure if Malaysia still clung to the thermal power deal signed some years ago. ZBC has wage issues raging on as its leaders get hefty packages leaving fellow employees unpaid. NRZ was slowly derailed by Mike Karakadzai as an inexperienced soldier leading a corporate entity. Roads are in total shambles. Schools still need books. Civil servants need more pay. In ZANU PF, it has always been a blame game. First it was the colonial system that caused unfair resource distribution, then now it's the opposition attracting Western sanctions.
The truth is that a poor man always blames his tools. There is a lot of potential in Zimbabwe but the corruption worm keeps destroying the potential.
Tsvangirai or any opposition are essential in Zimbabwe because they are check parties. Where they see abuse they scream out loud and spread awareness. Today, politicians walk with caution. There is a lot of information flowing in the air. Some have adjusted their ways for fear of being exposed. Without opposition politics, many would still be living in endless fear of the unknown. Remember the CIO was once feared as a party organization serving ZANU PF interests only? Now all their modes of operation are slowly returning to national interests because there has been freedom to air views. The opposition triggered that freedom that we now so freely enjoy. Even legislators have cut back on dosing in Parliament. No one wants to be on the spotlight. Legislators now have performance contracts that will trigger productivity and a sense of national service.
Citizens should not be distracted to follow some gold diggers who have now decided to float with ZANU PF as lost and returning sons. This is a strategic way to get rich through diamond money or any other deals. Such a blatant search for access to capital has seen many compromise their dignity and standing to denounce the opposition in favour of ZANU PF. Interestingly, the list is growing by the day.
All this free speech we now so enjoy, the capacity to make comparison of choices between ZANU PF and opposition politics was harbingered by MT who has been taunted by many lately. Personally, I take him as a Hero. He dared endanger his life to meet the "dreaded CIO" and military leaders. He risked being sent to an electric chair for questioning bad governance. Now many leaders are slowly becoming mature and civilized. They know people have feelings and must be served well. Thank you MT. Oh yes you have your own weaknesses. Please show me one perfect leader and I will challenge him to walk on water.
Article kindly re-produced with courtesy from www.zimeye.org
Source - Chido Wilcox
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