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MDC-Renewal not different from MDC-Tsvangirai

17 Jul 2014 at 08:27hrs | Views
The recent statements on the social media by the excessively ambitious Promise Mkwananzi will definitely scuttle the prospects of a united front in 2018.

For Mkwananzi to describe the MDC led by Welshman Ncube as tired is too stupid to stomach because its all based on jealous and hatred.

Some of us will never support divisive characters, like Promise Mkwananzi, who get over-excited with fictitious political power.

After all, the coalition is not and was never their baby.

In terms of value and capacity, some of us will never lose focus when it comes to selection of presidential candidates and national leaders.

Ncube remains our hope and hot favourite in 2018.

Our hopes as MDC supporters are still on Ncube and not on the bad-mouthing renewal team that has been badly infiltrated by the Tsvangirai people.

The MDC has started bigger programmes than those being run by the renewal team.

It will be foolish for any political leader anywhere to continue engaging bad leaders.

There is no reason for an engagement with dishonest individuals who are evidently selfish and power-hungry.

We are not going to hesitate to spit on them if they think they are bigger than life characters.

Some of us are not desperate for partners, we shall continue to serve in our respective parties and continue with our business as if nobody is knocking on the door for a united front.

Tendai Biti and company should not force us to believe they are better than Tsvangirai.

As MDC supporters we are tipping Ncube for victory in 2018, we are looking at life without Simba Makoni, Dumiso Dabengwa and renewal team.

We are not desperate for partnerships with people who have a habit of insulting other people or creating wrong perceptions about other parties like the MDC.

Source - Gugugu Magorira
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