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Welshman Ncube Blooms

11 Nov 2014 at 17:40hrs | Views

MDC supporters across the country are excited with the new democratic path being taken by the MDC president professor Welshman Ncube of reorganizing the party ahead of the 2018 elections.

As MDC supporters we are not going to concentrate on events taking place next door but on our own programs coordinated by our party President Professor Welshman Ncube and his team.

The changes within the party have so far boosted morale within the party and thousands of Zimbabweans are flocking to party offices day and night since it is the only political outfit with an organized leadership that has the capacity to deliver a democratic Zimbabwe. MDC structures are currently spilling with new members in a show of confidence in the leadership of professor Welshman Ncube. People of Zimbabwe have been hunting for freedom for the past 15 years without a breakthrough.

Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC is crumbling at the same rate as Zanu-PF and their denial to join forces with other political parties in a coalition have eventually separated them from the people.

We are certain that Welshman Ncube is a better leader as compared to Morgan Tsvangirai who blew away chances of becoming president several times.

Welshman Ncube is currently the most organized political leader with a blooming political future that will never fail us as citizens of Zimbabwe.

The reunification process with MDC renewal team will go a long way towards addressing our concerns as victims of the Zanu-PF regime. Morgan Tsvangirai is now a tired leader without a clue on how to help us out of the political and economic crisis.

We are not going to waste time rejoining MorganTsvangirai when there is abundant life in Welshman Ncube and the green team.

Both Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai are all having their last supper as a result cannot be paret of various solutions for Zimbabweans.

Voting for Tsvangirai or Mugabe is like voting for corpses.

Source - Gugugu Magorira, Zvishavane
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