Opinion / Columnist
Bootlicking Rev Wutawunashe has exceedingly and abundantly gone beyond measure of bootlicking!
29 Dec 2014 at 23:10hrs | Views

Dear Rev Wutawunashe
RE: Mugabe God-given says Reverend Andrew Wutawunashe -by Pamela Shumba 28 December 2014
The abovementioned and aboveunderlined article dated on even date and reported by Pamela Shumba refers.
KINDLY PLEASE BE ADVISED that your utterances are an insult to the Zimbabwean situation, and especially taking into cognizance the fact that you are a man of cloth.
There is something demonic that makes Zanu Pf, Robert and disGrace Mugabe cannibalistic after they ascended to the throne; they have been devouring their own with impunity! Damn you Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf!
For the love of Pete may we Zimbabweans who speak without fear, favor or prejudice to the wicked government!
KINDLY PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that the failure of the church to focus and resolve matters within its domain will continuously invites the adjudication of the public into its own office. After the set up of Zimbabwe's own outspoken Arch Desmond Tutu in the name of Pius Ncube, the church in Zimbabwe had tried its level best to abstain from politics; except of course for Prophet Makandiwa's recent prophecy of a bloodshed which was received with mixed emotions but people respected to it anyway.
We woke up with news that Rev Wutawunashe declared that Robert Mugabe is a God-chosen leader.
The church is supposed to win the hearts of many Zimbabweans and seek to unite the nation. The remarks by the Rev do not sit well within the MDC-T circles for they reflect nothing short of a conclusion that Rev Wutawunashe's common sense has been deferred indefinitely.
The MDC-T has won the moral authority of countless Zimbabweans and the globe at large because of its noble cause. The MDC-T's selfless struggle to extend freedom and EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL to the majority of Zimbabweans, is a direct deviation from the Robert Mugabe led Zanu Pf's cadre-ship alliance when it comes to opportunities. With this behavior, Zanu Pf has shifted from the sole reason of fighting the Smith Regime. Robert Mugabe has gone into reverse gear and is now focusing on ideals that have left Zimbabwe stuck and unable to navigate the treacherous waters of governance through corruption and selfish tendencies. It is mind bogging to see that the Rev is heaping praise on Robert Mugabe.
Zimbabwe is full of young people brimming with ideas in all walks of life, and many of these neither belong to Zanu Pf nor MDC-T. With the way and direction Robert Mugabe is steering Zimbabwe, these new potential leaders will never benefit. Zanu Pf continues with the corrupt culture of favoring spineless, feeble, feckless party loyalists, family members and friends. Zanu Pf has failed to have political maturity and intellectual imagination to tap into the creative promise of the young people. Thank you Robert Mugabe, you indeed are God-given!
I suppose the utterances of the Rev reveals that he is grateful for the notion that Zanu Pf has shown us that promotion and wealth abilities in Zimbabwe are not a product of deserving, but a product of genetic boot-licking; an opportunity developed from who you know in Zanu Pf! In this sense the MDC-T South Africa Youth Assembly is able to locate the makeup the Rev and Zanu Pf relations in their proper context. It's everything that describes the toxic Ananias and Sapphira relationship.
It is absolutely surprising that the Rev is not particular about our democracy as Zimbabweans to the extent that he meets puts food down the hatch and interacts with those abusing the majority of Zimbabweans. Probably the Rev needs to go around Zimbabwe and see and be told about inta alia the dilapidated roads, the suburbs in Bulawayo that haven't had running water for ten years, the abuse of people by Zanu Pf, the corruption levels and those families sleeping without food.
I take it that he is unaware of the real Zimbabwean situation; and I take it that once he is made aware of these leprosy issues about Zimbabwe, he will be able to identify with the correct ideology about Zanu Pf's identity and subsequently assert the correct pose with little of the mythological exceptionalism, as it were.
Every leader indeed comes from God, and at the same time Daniel 2 verses 21-22 clearly states that God further also changes the times and seasons; He removes presidents, and raises presidents. If the Rev had the capabilities to discern, his actions should have been directed at having a prayer that will benefit the poor and pray for Zimbabwe to be restored. The nation is in a dire need for a total and supernatural transformation and restoration. A prayer based on an optimism of Grace would have done the best for Zimbabwe. Bootlicking will never get Zimbabwe to the Promised Land.
The only work that Robert Mugabe has been doing is supporting corruption, nepotism and gross governance of the country. If this need applauding, I am sorry Rev Zimbabweans will not be part of such extraordinary boot-licking stunts. You have gone slightly overboard Rev.
The Bible reads that Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no fickleness, neither shadow of turning. – James 1:17. If Robert Mugabe is a special gift to Zimbabwe, how come he unleashed OPERATION MURAMBATSVINA and destroyed people's houses? Was your house from your hard earned cash destroyed by the operation? I guess not! Were you ever in a queue for days waiting for petrol or bread? Are you sure that Robert Mugabe is a special gift? Probably there is a new definition of a special gift. Educate me herein Rev!
Another correction on your script is the fact that Robert Mugabe has been working tirelessly in order to have the wealth of the country transferred to the black majority. Firstly there was the Land Invasions in 2000 which was an underhand payment to the war vets after a fall out with Zanu Pf. The ever smart and ever-green Robert Mugabe only realized 20 years down the line that the main purpose of the guerilla warfare was because of the land issue! Thank you Robert Mugabe, you indeed are God-given!
The commercial farmers lost their lives; farm labourers lost their houses and employment; and above all, the nation lost its status as the bread basket of Africa. We have been converted into the begging basket of the world! Well Done Robert Mugabe! Land was given to the politicians instead of the farmers. The real black farmers never got the land and farming implements. Driving from Harare to Karoi used to be a green fresh sight, but currently it's a desert in the making and in many cases I have seen people farming grass! No offence this is a fact.
Land belongs to Zimbabweans. Everyone from Zanu Pf to MDC-T via MKD and FreeZim Congress (except for Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube's coalition which need to get a political party first), needs land. The land policy was wrong in timing, implementation and in motive. Land was just used as apolitical tool to get votes for Mugabe as Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T had taken Zimbabwe by a storm. As it stands all farms from the white minority were transferred into the black minority in Zanu Pf and production levels have changed from booming into negative figures!
Rev Wutawunashe should be educated on the negative publicity that Zimbabwe has been getting. It is not negative publicity per se, it's facts. Some of the publicity is as follows:
1. Zimbabwe has no currency of its own; it uses South African Rand, US Dollar and British Pound, Chinese Yen, Australian Dollar etc and this is despite the perennial attacks on USA and Britain!
2. A sober driver drives like a snake avoiding potholes, and whoever drives straight will be presumed drunk!
3. There is no clean running water in many suburbs, people drink from the shallow dirty wells leading to disease outbreaks.
4. There are boreholes in the capital city centre!
5. The sewer system is blocked
6. Only those in Zanu Pf benefited on the land reform and indegnization looting policy by Savior Kasukuwere
7. The nation had the world record inflation where the bus fare price would go up three times in a 10 km journey!
8. The nation has the biggest diamond deposits in the world, but the diamond-rush in the country only benefited the elites in Zanu Pf.
9. There is rampant nepotism and corruption – the Police force is heavily affected.
10. Every town has a housing scheme spreading like a veld fire with an industry growth. This poor town planning is suffocating towns as there is no industry to sustain the balance.
11. Robert Mugabe never utilize the hospitals in Zimbabwe, he travels to the far East
12. Robert Mugabe and his family are always on extended extravagant holidays whilst the nation is suffering economically
13. Grace Mugabe, who was academically excluded at a university in the United Kingdom, then studied in China, got a PHD within two months of registration at the University of Zimbabwe without a Masters Degree. It is alleged that Robert Mugabe marked her script, if ever it was there and her dissertation correctly concluded that ‘girls are at a more risk of getting pregnant than boys'!
I will end here, the list is endless.
If Rev Wutawunashe has been exposed to this facts and still sing praises for Zanu Pf, probably the question should focus on what he tends to gain from such utterances. Maybe a farm!
All Zimbabweans including politicians need to turn to God for salvation is personal. Praying for them is not all, and I addressed such in my belowmentioned article with the heading:
Zimbabwe - A case for a Supernatural Transformation at all costs.
Praying for the nation and its leaders is important, but the truth has to be told especially in the Zimbabwe instance where it is difficult to hide it. Zimbabwe is at a time where the truth, and nothing else but the truth will set the nation free.
This is the time where the church has to stand up right and denounce those abusing their positions acting in bad faith.
The church has a duty to make sure that those in need are well taken care of, and this extends to a duty of denouncing those abusing people.
As we speak, there is an uncertainty on the future of more than 500 the Zimbabweans living at the Central Methodist Church in Johannesburg which has been a refugee home to more than 30 000 Zimbabweans over the years. The Methodist church has done its part, they played their role and gave accommodation to political, social and economic refugees from Zimbabwe. Amidst all this, one has the audacity to sing the praises of one Robert Mugabe! Oh Jesus Mary Joseph! Thank you Robert Mugabe, you indeed are God-given!
Probably Arch Desmond Tutu should be transferred to Zimbabwe and deal with Robert Mugabe head on. Probably the church has been compromised for some of them have benefited heavily – no names mentioned.
We have come to a time where Zimbabwe needs more people like Morgan Tsvangirai, Douglas Mwonzora, Pastor Komichi, Abedinico Bhebhe and less of Rev Wutawunashe, Robert and disgrace Mugabe, Zanu Pf, Jonathan Moyo and ZBC Radio and Tv!
Anyways what did we expect from a scandalous Rev leading the special prayer session that was attended by Zanu-PF Politburo and Central Committee members, lawmakers, senior party officials? Asking the Rev to tell as it is, is like asking disGrace Mugabe how many times she mate with the Reserve Bank governor or to produce her dissertation; more or less the same as asking the nutty Professor Jonathan Moyo to grow hair in his head.
Free Zimbabwe, the truth shall be told.
Let the real church come and say the truth.
Let Zimbabwe be delivered.
Equal opportunities for all is what Zimbabwe needs.
May God richly Bless you.
Be safe in this festive season.
Don't drink and drive, or smoke and fly!
Stay away from ZTV and ZBC Radio Stations!
Refuse coins as well
The only change Zimbabwe needs is the government regime change!
President Morgan Tsvangirai, the time is now!
is a political analyst and also the director of Information and
Publicity in the South African Youth Assembly of the Morgan Tsvangirai
led Movement for Democratic Change. Chadya who describes himself as a
devout Christian, read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and lives is
in the Natal Midlands. He can be contacted by email at
RE: Mugabe God-given says Reverend Andrew Wutawunashe -by Pamela Shumba 28 December 2014
The abovementioned and aboveunderlined article dated on even date and reported by Pamela Shumba refers.
KINDLY PLEASE BE ADVISED that your utterances are an insult to the Zimbabwean situation, and especially taking into cognizance the fact that you are a man of cloth.
There is something demonic that makes Zanu Pf, Robert and disGrace Mugabe cannibalistic after they ascended to the throne; they have been devouring their own with impunity! Damn you Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf!
For the love of Pete may we Zimbabweans who speak without fear, favor or prejudice to the wicked government!
KINDLY PLEASE BE FURTHER ADVISED that the failure of the church to focus and resolve matters within its domain will continuously invites the adjudication of the public into its own office. After the set up of Zimbabwe's own outspoken Arch Desmond Tutu in the name of Pius Ncube, the church in Zimbabwe had tried its level best to abstain from politics; except of course for Prophet Makandiwa's recent prophecy of a bloodshed which was received with mixed emotions but people respected to it anyway.
We woke up with news that Rev Wutawunashe declared that Robert Mugabe is a God-chosen leader.
The church is supposed to win the hearts of many Zimbabweans and seek to unite the nation. The remarks by the Rev do not sit well within the MDC-T circles for they reflect nothing short of a conclusion that Rev Wutawunashe's common sense has been deferred indefinitely.
The MDC-T has won the moral authority of countless Zimbabweans and the globe at large because of its noble cause. The MDC-T's selfless struggle to extend freedom and EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL to the majority of Zimbabweans, is a direct deviation from the Robert Mugabe led Zanu Pf's cadre-ship alliance when it comes to opportunities. With this behavior, Zanu Pf has shifted from the sole reason of fighting the Smith Regime. Robert Mugabe has gone into reverse gear and is now focusing on ideals that have left Zimbabwe stuck and unable to navigate the treacherous waters of governance through corruption and selfish tendencies. It is mind bogging to see that the Rev is heaping praise on Robert Mugabe.
Zimbabwe is full of young people brimming with ideas in all walks of life, and many of these neither belong to Zanu Pf nor MDC-T. With the way and direction Robert Mugabe is steering Zimbabwe, these new potential leaders will never benefit. Zanu Pf continues with the corrupt culture of favoring spineless, feeble, feckless party loyalists, family members and friends. Zanu Pf has failed to have political maturity and intellectual imagination to tap into the creative promise of the young people. Thank you Robert Mugabe, you indeed are God-given!
I suppose the utterances of the Rev reveals that he is grateful for the notion that Zanu Pf has shown us that promotion and wealth abilities in Zimbabwe are not a product of deserving, but a product of genetic boot-licking; an opportunity developed from who you know in Zanu Pf! In this sense the MDC-T South Africa Youth Assembly is able to locate the makeup the Rev and Zanu Pf relations in their proper context. It's everything that describes the toxic Ananias and Sapphira relationship.
It is absolutely surprising that the Rev is not particular about our democracy as Zimbabweans to the extent that he meets puts food down the hatch and interacts with those abusing the majority of Zimbabweans. Probably the Rev needs to go around Zimbabwe and see and be told about inta alia the dilapidated roads, the suburbs in Bulawayo that haven't had running water for ten years, the abuse of people by Zanu Pf, the corruption levels and those families sleeping without food.
I take it that he is unaware of the real Zimbabwean situation; and I take it that once he is made aware of these leprosy issues about Zimbabwe, he will be able to identify with the correct ideology about Zanu Pf's identity and subsequently assert the correct pose with little of the mythological exceptionalism, as it were.
Every leader indeed comes from God, and at the same time Daniel 2 verses 21-22 clearly states that God further also changes the times and seasons; He removes presidents, and raises presidents. If the Rev had the capabilities to discern, his actions should have been directed at having a prayer that will benefit the poor and pray for Zimbabwe to be restored. The nation is in a dire need for a total and supernatural transformation and restoration. A prayer based on an optimism of Grace would have done the best for Zimbabwe. Bootlicking will never get Zimbabwe to the Promised Land.
The only work that Robert Mugabe has been doing is supporting corruption, nepotism and gross governance of the country. If this need applauding, I am sorry Rev Zimbabweans will not be part of such extraordinary boot-licking stunts. You have gone slightly overboard Rev.
The Bible reads that Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no fickleness, neither shadow of turning. – James 1:17. If Robert Mugabe is a special gift to Zimbabwe, how come he unleashed OPERATION MURAMBATSVINA and destroyed people's houses? Was your house from your hard earned cash destroyed by the operation? I guess not! Were you ever in a queue for days waiting for petrol or bread? Are you sure that Robert Mugabe is a special gift? Probably there is a new definition of a special gift. Educate me herein Rev!
Another correction on your script is the fact that Robert Mugabe has been working tirelessly in order to have the wealth of the country transferred to the black majority. Firstly there was the Land Invasions in 2000 which was an underhand payment to the war vets after a fall out with Zanu Pf. The ever smart and ever-green Robert Mugabe only realized 20 years down the line that the main purpose of the guerilla warfare was because of the land issue! Thank you Robert Mugabe, you indeed are God-given!
The commercial farmers lost their lives; farm labourers lost their houses and employment; and above all, the nation lost its status as the bread basket of Africa. We have been converted into the begging basket of the world! Well Done Robert Mugabe! Land was given to the politicians instead of the farmers. The real black farmers never got the land and farming implements. Driving from Harare to Karoi used to be a green fresh sight, but currently it's a desert in the making and in many cases I have seen people farming grass! No offence this is a fact.
Land belongs to Zimbabweans. Everyone from Zanu Pf to MDC-T via MKD and FreeZim Congress (except for Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube's coalition which need to get a political party first), needs land. The land policy was wrong in timing, implementation and in motive. Land was just used as apolitical tool to get votes for Mugabe as Morgan Tsvangirai's MDC-T had taken Zimbabwe by a storm. As it stands all farms from the white minority were transferred into the black minority in Zanu Pf and production levels have changed from booming into negative figures!
Rev Wutawunashe should be educated on the negative publicity that Zimbabwe has been getting. It is not negative publicity per se, it's facts. Some of the publicity is as follows:
1. Zimbabwe has no currency of its own; it uses South African Rand, US Dollar and British Pound, Chinese Yen, Australian Dollar etc and this is despite the perennial attacks on USA and Britain!
2. A sober driver drives like a snake avoiding potholes, and whoever drives straight will be presumed drunk!
3. There is no clean running water in many suburbs, people drink from the shallow dirty wells leading to disease outbreaks.
4. There are boreholes in the capital city centre!
5. The sewer system is blocked
6. Only those in Zanu Pf benefited on the land reform and indegnization looting policy by Savior Kasukuwere
7. The nation had the world record inflation where the bus fare price would go up three times in a 10 km journey!
8. The nation has the biggest diamond deposits in the world, but the diamond-rush in the country only benefited the elites in Zanu Pf.
9. There is rampant nepotism and corruption – the Police force is heavily affected.
10. Every town has a housing scheme spreading like a veld fire with an industry growth. This poor town planning is suffocating towns as there is no industry to sustain the balance.
11. Robert Mugabe never utilize the hospitals in Zimbabwe, he travels to the far East
12. Robert Mugabe and his family are always on extended extravagant holidays whilst the nation is suffering economically
13. Grace Mugabe, who was academically excluded at a university in the United Kingdom, then studied in China, got a PHD within two months of registration at the University of Zimbabwe without a Masters Degree. It is alleged that Robert Mugabe marked her script, if ever it was there and her dissertation correctly concluded that ‘girls are at a more risk of getting pregnant than boys'!
I will end here, the list is endless.
If Rev Wutawunashe has been exposed to this facts and still sing praises for Zanu Pf, probably the question should focus on what he tends to gain from such utterances. Maybe a farm!
All Zimbabweans including politicians need to turn to God for salvation is personal. Praying for them is not all, and I addressed such in my belowmentioned article with the heading:
Zimbabwe - A case for a Supernatural Transformation at all costs.
Praying for the nation and its leaders is important, but the truth has to be told especially in the Zimbabwe instance where it is difficult to hide it. Zimbabwe is at a time where the truth, and nothing else but the truth will set the nation free.
This is the time where the church has to stand up right and denounce those abusing their positions acting in bad faith.
The church has a duty to make sure that those in need are well taken care of, and this extends to a duty of denouncing those abusing people.
As we speak, there is an uncertainty on the future of more than 500 the Zimbabweans living at the Central Methodist Church in Johannesburg which has been a refugee home to more than 30 000 Zimbabweans over the years. The Methodist church has done its part, they played their role and gave accommodation to political, social and economic refugees from Zimbabwe. Amidst all this, one has the audacity to sing the praises of one Robert Mugabe! Oh Jesus Mary Joseph! Thank you Robert Mugabe, you indeed are God-given!
Probably Arch Desmond Tutu should be transferred to Zimbabwe and deal with Robert Mugabe head on. Probably the church has been compromised for some of them have benefited heavily – no names mentioned.
We have come to a time where Zimbabwe needs more people like Morgan Tsvangirai, Douglas Mwonzora, Pastor Komichi, Abedinico Bhebhe and less of Rev Wutawunashe, Robert and disgrace Mugabe, Zanu Pf, Jonathan Moyo and ZBC Radio and Tv!
Anyways what did we expect from a scandalous Rev leading the special prayer session that was attended by Zanu-PF Politburo and Central Committee members, lawmakers, senior party officials? Asking the Rev to tell as it is, is like asking disGrace Mugabe how many times she mate with the Reserve Bank governor or to produce her dissertation; more or less the same as asking the nutty Professor Jonathan Moyo to grow hair in his head.
Free Zimbabwe, the truth shall be told.
Let the real church come and say the truth.
Let Zimbabwe be delivered.
Equal opportunities for all is what Zimbabwe needs.
May God richly Bless you.
Be safe in this festive season.
Don't drink and drive, or smoke and fly!
Stay away from ZTV and ZBC Radio Stations!
Refuse coins as well
The only change Zimbabwe needs is the government regime change!
President Morgan Tsvangirai, the time is now!

Source - Tapiwa Diamond Chadya
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