Opinion / Columnist
Suitable line of thinking: Well done Robbery Mugabe!
02 Jan 2015 at 23:52hrs | Views

Karoi-Kazangarare road: it's a matter of time before the dust eats up the tarmac! (Photographs courteous of Tendai Khaliphile Bandezi.)
What an unsuitable line of thinking from Suitable: Well-done President Mugabe on Harare-Masvingo Road by Suitable Kajau 31 December 2014

Charity begins at home: Karoi Town Council fixes pot holes by mixing clay and water. Let us fix our internal roads first before we talk about the Harare-Beit-Bridge road.
SUIT-ABLE is a combination of two words suit and able. 'Suit' means 'going-well-with'; whilst 'able' cries out loud for 'competent, bright and capable'. Even though I stand to be corrected, it is thus correct to assume that a suitable comment goes hand in glove with appropriate, well fitting, decent and good for health reading material. The setback comes when a Suitable anyone makes an unsuitable comment.
Suitable for eyes and consumption was a supposition I tacitly assumed would suit reading Suitable Kajau's article. Suitable assumedly found it suitable to congratulate Uncle Bob on his suspensive-cum-conditional executive orders to commence the refurbishment of the Harare-Beit-Bridge thoroughfare. It is unfortunately not suitable Suitable!
It saddens me day in day out that there are some of us who still make out the positive capabilities of Robert Mugabe and the Zanu PF government, unless of course they are exercising their bootlicking rights. You will never know.
The order by Robert Mugabe, to kick-start refurbishment of Harare-Masvingo-Beit-bridge Highway will never benefit Zimbabwe by miles. Wake up and smell the coffee. I have not bothered myself to find out about the construction of the highway, but I have it me to rectify your averments. Such applause to Robert Mugabe will transfuse the incorrect word into the community.
Question: Before I forget, how long did it take the Robert Mugabe led Zanu PF to construct Simon Mazorodze (Harare-Beit-Bridge) and Harare-Bulawayo roads? Mind you we are talking of 20km for both roads.
Answer: I put it to you that the construction started mid-90s, and as we speak the roads are not finished yet, and the good news is that there are pot holes already! You do the maths. When we expose such open secrets and these misdeeds of Zanu PF we are accused of negative publicity. Should I celebrate such poor governance? 20 years to construct less than 20km of tar? My foot!
First and foremost there is no transformation of Zimbabwe that will come in 2015 or 2040 as long as Zanu PF is in power. In every Zimbabwean's sound and sober sagacity it is impossible to benefit and transform the nation with a mere road upgrade. This is so because the nation has or had the biggest diamond field in the whole world, BUT there has been no transformation.
Assuming that common business logic is common; If having a precious valuable asset results in more liabilities and corruption, what more will we yield when we are faced with a liability in our own hands. We had diamonds and Dr. Obese Mpofu, the then minister of mines and his Zanu PF friends benefited ONLY. These are times when we have to call a spade a spade.
It correct that the highway is paramount to Zanu PF for it loots minerals using a convoy of Sabot trucks into South Africa and other nations. The SADC region does obviously benefit, but did it had to take Zanu PF 35 years to realize such? Spare us some bull and let the truth be told. Telling it like it is.
Shocking as it may sound but the nation under Zanu PF and Uncle Mugabe has been worse than even the imperialist. Never thought I could compare Rhodesia and Zimbabwe. The motherland has gone to the dogs because its new rulers spent not on roads and rails but on themselves. It is an absolute betrayal of the citizens who fought for better social, economic and social conditions.
This is an act of first degree treason punishable by hanging. Does not the corrupt leader commit treason?
The condition of the roads is pathetic as it only caters for Dakar Rally 4x4 type of vehicles and scotch carts. Is this the Zimbabwe the daughters and sons of the soil fought and died for? The colonialists enslaved us to make roads and build infrastructure. At least it was done. That is not to say Zimbabwe ought to go backwards, only that it needs to go forwards a great deal better.
The Zimbabwean illegal government has been unable to complete even its pet project, a carriage ways of 20 kilometers long and ten meters wide! It has taken Mugabe and his ageing cabinet more than just 10 years to give an illusion that there might be a road construction taking place. Then another 10 plus more years were enough for us to see pot holes first before whatever looked like a road was demarcated using white or yellow lines; if ever such happens in Zimbabwe.
Instead, under Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF's dictatorship, the potholes have less road left to travel on. The traffic police feast of those who drive in a straight line and leave those who snake their way across lanes for a sober driver will not drive straight and the opposite is true for one whose mental faculties are under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Sad but true. It sounds too debasing, undignified and unbecoming about Zimbabwe and its illegal government, but so should such remarks to congratulate Roberry Mugabe on ruining the nation.
Funds have been poured into the project ages ago, but they have all gone into overseas bank accounts and back pockets of fatties in Zanu PF. Well done Zanu PF! Nice work if you can get it. Whoever has caused a world record delay of finishing the road construction deserves a noble medal. The ministry responsible for the roads has left them to dilapidate. The roads in the locations are a sad story. There are thin strips of the road less than a tyre wide and we call ourselves sovereign?
Zanu PF's days are numbered and it is an open secret, but is there a rightful candidate with character to take over and lead the nation?
OF COURSE YES! We have the nation's answers in Morgan Tsvangirai. If Rev Andrew Wutawunashe calls Mugabe God given after such absurd results, then we might as well declare that Morgan Tsvangirai is the 'Jesus' that will set Zimbabwe free. But surely such comparisons are careless for no man is comparable to GOD, and it only takes one with wisdom and discernment direct from God to declare such.
As if this damage to service delivery is not enough, water has become a rare commodity in the urban areas. Taps have run dry. All of a sudden people are buying water in Zimbabwe and stocking it in huge quantities. Hopefully water is not going to end up being on the black market.
Suitable, is this is the meaning of a suitable and good governance. A lot has gone wrong in the country, but the people have been patient; it cannot last forever. Indeed the imperialist did not last into this century, and Mugabe will not last either for he is nearing his end of times. I wish him many more years to come. It is just that Zanu PF kept losing elections and kept cooking the books right in the face of MDC-T which just rolled and played dead despite being well aware. Thumps up to Morgan Tsvangirai resisting any attempts to resort to any other inviting means to rectify the stolen election outside and rather than the ballot.
The MDC-T might have failed the nation in terms of decision making with this soft approach. This soft approach will not get Zimbabwe anywhere, and besides we are slowly losing confidence from the majority of our supporters. The Zanu PF 'think tanks' and strategists who were planted in the MDC-T drove the party nowhere and failed to walk the talk and they left. Thank you Tendai Biti and company, we can now properly focus and strategize.
Their election endeavors have been unfruitful due to their slackness in throwing in the sucker punch. Zanu PF has been brain dead for too long and those inside it still wants to summon a doctor to declare and certify Zanu PF alive. This is not what the Zimbabweans expect from them. Free Zimbabwe Mugabe must go!
To drift a bit, every person that I have met has been a manifestation of their name. Here is the proof mentioned hereinunder:
I know an Integrity M; a white-sheep in the family who happens to be a man of integrity; I have met a very Pride M, who is very pride and proud; a Denis, who is the menace; a Gringo who stripped in the library; a Todd who was always tadpole drunk; and a Savior K who was not saved!
*Rob(ert) 'Garamundege' Mugabe - Robbing Zimbabwe of its mineral resources, land, money! We have been robbed of our peace, tranquility and harmony. We have been robbed of our vote, our voice and our mandate to Morgan Tsvangirai to rule. Rob has robbed us of our right to political, social and economic rights.
In Zimbabwe we live like third class citizens, yet it's our motherland. We have been robbed of our hope for a better Zimbabwe and we live in constant fear. We have been robbed of our pride and prestige! As we speak, separately in England and in South Africa alone there are enough people to create two Zimbabwes. Why wander? Why are Zimbabweans running away from home? The obvious reasons are employment, food, security and peace: the lack of it all thereof. We are scattered for we are sheep without a shepherd!
*Dr. disGrace Marufu-Gorereza-Pamire-Gono-Mugabe - Oh what a disGrace! Unfortunately as a nation we gave up on her shopping sprees in Europe and Dubai for she showed no signs of remorse. After failing dismally at an English university in England, she went to study further at a Chinese University. She currently holds the Bolt-record, of the fastest doctorate pass.
She took ONLY two thirds of a pregnancy trimester to complete! Anyways her sugar daddy owns the University of Zimbabwe and the news is that he marked it. Dr. disGrace Mugabe's dissertation concluded that 'Girls are at a risk of getting pregnant than boys'. To perceive a First Lady in Mrs Mugabe is just a disgrace to the nation. I rest my case.
*Jonathan 'Manyepo' Weevil Moyo - we all have met that person called Jonso in and out of our communities. Jonso is that cunning brother, the story and auto-biography of this individual is self explanatory to the sane in Zimbabwe. An individual who is a double headed snake and bites himself and his own for self glory. When he was an 'informal' minister he ushered out AIPPA and POSSA Acts of the dictatorship regime as opposed to Acts of Parliament by the legislature.
The new Constitution of Zimbabwe renders these Acts unconstitutional in all degrees possible, but they are still being unleashed by the government. Will Jonso ever say the truth? He is a mere motor-mouth who is obsessed by President Morgan Tsvangirai. I still wait for the day that Jonso will say the truth. Jonso is handicapped at all costs; he is another case of an open-mouth-shut-mind individual bootlicking Robbery Mugabe just for the purposes of staying in circulation!
*Dr. Obese Mpofu - whilst many Zimbabweans can't afford to buy a belt, Zanu PF ministers can't even afford to tighten their belts anymore. I have no kind words for Dr. Obert Obese Mpofu. After stealing and heavily benefiting in the Chiadzwa diamonds, the former minister of mines is now the minister of roads and transportation. What did he benefit Zimbabwe besides having an obese bank account from the nation's diamonds. The first thing that he implemented on his first day as a transport minister was to increase the toll fees by a 100% percent. For whose benefit? Zanu PF is really taking us for granted.
*Zanu Pf Broadcasting Corporation (TV and radio) - The best broadcast by the state media as the Zanu Pf 2014 congress where Robbery Mugabe said 'pasi neZanu Pf/phansi ngeZanu PF/To hell with Zanu PF. The radio and television systems in Zimbabwe are government controlled and nothing constructive comes out from such Zanu PF radio and television stations. After the introduction of the weevil Jonathan Moyo, ZBC radio and TV transformed for they had a motto which read that 'when it happens we will be there, but if it doesn't happen, we will make it happen'! With this in mind the broadcasting house would create, and still create and manipulate and concoct stories about the MDC-T and President Morgan Tsvangirai.
I could say more, but it will just be a waste of suitable energy!
As it is suitable for me to conclude, I suitably come to a conclusion. With this in mind it is suiting suitable to suitably declare that Suitable's unsuitable remarks are just another unsuitable bootlicking suiting remarks suiting those suitable to benefit from an unsuitable government! It is suitable to then suitably point out that Suitable's unsuitable remarks are an unsuitable insult to the majority of suitable Zimbabweans.
Suitable, the suitable person to suitably lead Zimbabwe is President Morgan Tsvangirai and the MDC-T.
Morgan Tsvangirai is the suitable president!

Source - Tapiwa Diamond Chadya
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