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ZAPU to Stop Mashingaidze from occupying Maleme farm

08 Mar 2015 at 09:13hrs | Views
A top CIO operative known as Rodrick Mashingaidze is not turning back in his quest to illegally invade Maleme ranch regardless of the intervention of the traditional leadership and the deafening outcry from villagers whose livelihoods greatly depends on  the farm, not just their livelihoods but also that of their children.  

When ZAPU went to war it was about land, but not about illegal invasion of farms and illegal redistribution of those farms.  Where is the logic in invading a farm which seeks to develop locals by giving them the necessary farming training? It does not make sense to just invade the farm just because it is owned by a white person. The villagers of Matobo and Matabeleland in general including their political and traditional leaders have spoken out loud and clear, they say leave the Cunninghams alone, racism is a destructive policy whether against blacks or whites.

Mr Bongani Halimana the new Chairperson of ZAPU South Provincial Committee sent out a very strong statement against Mr Mashingaidze. He said in his statement "today all roads lead to Nathisa and I implore all who still believe in democracy, good governance, human rights, human dignity, equality, fairness, justice and respect for humanity, and those with conscience and can distinguish between right and wrong to come along to the meeting with Vice President Mphoko to express unequivocally our support for the people of Matobo"

The traditional leadership and Matobo villagers have asked to have a meeting with Mr Mphoko to express their anger against Mr Mashingaidze who is in the process of ejecting the Cunninghams from their farm.
Mr Halimana furiously continued as follows "The people of Zimbabwe are brave, we are the descendants of the brave warriors who fought against colonialism, we are the descendants of gallant warriors who opted to die than to live under oppression. We today refuse to be oppressed in the land of our forefathers.  We refuse to be manipulated by unscrupulous ZANU PF elements.  We fought for liberty, we fought for justice and equality premised on the basis that God created us equal in His own image and likeness. We did not fight to change the skin colour of our oppressor neither the language of the oppressor, we did not fight to create neither a super tribe nor a super party, and we fought for multi-party democracy, freedom to choose. This madness of Maleme farm invasion by Mashingaidze must come to an end; this insanity must be stopped once and for all".

Mr Halimana is echoing the sentiments of many people in Matobo and Matebeleland  as a whole who feel that the government of Mr Robert Mugabe does not care about their needs. Many have questioned the motive behind Mr Mashingaidze seeking to invade a farm which is being utilised to the benefit of the locals. About 200 school children will be affected by the invasion and their futures will be blighted for ever.

"ZAPU will organise the people against this illegal farm invasion, it does not matter how long it will take to repel Mr Mashingaidze, but what remains is that he will eventually be repelled, people have suffered enough humiliation and as ZAPU we cannot sit and watch people being humiliated like this" said Mr Halimana.

ZAPU is now increasingly seen as the only Party which can stop the rot in the country perpetrated by ZANU PF. ZAPU as a community based political Party lives within the masses, suffers with them and ruthlessly defends their interests and aspirations.

Source - Thulani Nkala
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