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Tsvangirai alliance with Zanu-PF shocking

15 Mar 2015 at 07:15hrs | Views
Its now official that MDC-T leader Morgan Richard Tsvangirai is double dipping, a two in one character who is now too confused to understand Zimbabwean politics.
Morgan Tsvangirai is a great admirer and copy cat of Robert Mugabe but riding very high on the ignorance of his supporters.
His party recently announced that they were going to fight for the expulsion of 21 Renewal team legislators from parliament though his party had no interest to contest those seats.
This is not different from a snake that bites what it does not eat.
What is now clear is that Morgan Tsvangirai and his overzealous secretary general Douglas Mwonzora want to donate the seats to Zanu-PF.
The claim to be working on strengthening the party not knowing or seeing that they will be weakening their team ahead of 2018.
Tsvangirai is facing a very serious political crisis because of his selfishness,jealous and greedy behavior.
Tsvangirai is more Zanu-PF than his MDC-T.
Financing of such a project that has been shrinking since 2005 is clearly a waste of time.
The recent MDC-T rally in Highfield shows that Morgan Tsvangirai has lost a number of his supporters.
That was not a huge crowd at all as compared to previous gatherings where thousands used to flock to the same venue for Tsvangirai.
Whoever is or has plans to finance Morgan Tsvangirai projects is a great dreamer.
We cannot continue to support Tsvangirai after failing on several occasions.
The fundraising crowd at Zimbabwe grounds that was addressed by Itai Dzamara was pathetic.
Reunification talks between the Welshman Ncube led MDC and renewal team have reactivated our hopes.
Those outside the fence may not know or see the exciting progress and results ahead.
The project is on track and more dependable than the crumbling MDC-T kindergarten stuff.
Sing,ululate and dance for Morgan Tsvangirai but nothing will come out of him.
The man will never rule Zimbabwe today or later.
People like Thabita Khumalo who undeess in public cannot be trusted anymore.
A serious leadership crisis in MDC-T is now visible.
We are seeing a better Zimbabwe coming as a result of Renewal and mdc alliance which is putting national interests ahead of everything.

Source - Gugugu Magorira i
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More on: #Tsvangirai, #Zanu-PF