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Xenophobia and Animalismus: the worst equation ever, an open insult to animals!
09 Apr 2015 at 22:57hrs | Views

Animalistic behavior associated with animals and not human beings - Video
It is very insulting to equate the animal life and the xenophobic activities happening in South Africa today. Animal lives in their habitations follow certain rules and regulations given to it by Mother Nature. A lion, for instance, a predator that belongs to the cat family hunts its prey, kills it and eats it. But it always will eat as much as it can take and it will leave the rest of the feed to all other animal species dependent on the lion to do the slaughter first, the hyenas, jackals and vulture will have their diner later when the lion has had its feed. When the lion (cat) has had enough, according to Tsitsi Dangaremdga, it stops eating; it knows it has had enough because the digestive mechanism in its body tells it to stop. Sure one cannot possibly make a comparison between animal life and the life human beings live today. Human beings are greedy species, they want more. Some human beings are not animalistic but barbaric! An animal lives by hunting its preys so that it survives. A human being does not need kill another human being to survive. Even if human kill other humans they do not eat them at all. A lion lives on hunting kudus and antelopes so that it survives. Kudus and antelopes will have eaten grass to survive. It is the way of life in their habitat. But again it is indeed the survival of the fittest in the jungle. It is therefore their habitat, the way nature created it to be like. It is very insulting to equate the animal life and the xenophobic activities happening in South Africa today. To say the reactions of the police in Cape Town, whereby they chased demonstrating foreigners in their streets, using water cannons, the subsequent beatings and burning of a boy, beatings and chasing of men women and children in the streets of Cape Town and Durban by groups of residents, the organized lynching of boys in the streets is tatamount to animal life is an open insult to the decent life cycles of animals. How do you kill a human being you are not going to eat after that? Animals kill for a good purpose, but human beings kill out of hate!
The beatings and looting of shops belonging to foreigners and subsequently killing them are crimes against humanity. The South Africans should know this better than many other Africans in the continent. South African freedom fighters and refugees spent almost half a century in black African states and other foreign countries as freedom fighters fighting for their independence. These South African freedom fighters were treated decently in host countries and were given all the assistance they needed to cope with the hardships of being refugees in foreign lands. It was noble to say you were from South Africa before independence in 1994 in these foreign lands. There was a collective sympathy for South Africans all over the world. Some of the very South Africans have a very short memory, they have forgotten. It was Apartheid South African regime that meted such atrocities on them blacks, shooting at the black population randomly, chasing the black population with water cannons, beating them to death sometimes, settings dogs to bite and collecting them to prisons without trial. It is indeed the irony of time, the very black South Africans treating other Africans, because they are foreigners, as criminals. Did they learn all these brutalities from Apartheid South Africa? Is this now "human-animalism" ingrained in their way of treating other human beings as less? Did white South African burn them the way some black Africans in townships burn helpless foreigners? Where is this hate coming from? Why is this hate projected on the vulnerable women, men and children? Where did South Africans get it that they can set fire on a child as old as 10 to 14, not for any other reason either than the fact that he is not South African but from the north of them?
Animalistic behavior associated with animals and not human beings - Video - Bulawayo 24
Can we deny it now when "they" tell us that African are primitive people and barbaric in their behavior and nature. This Youtube of the 9th of April 2015 in media news: Bulawayo 24 will confirm that indeed Africans are primitive and barbaric in their behavior and nature. The nature of their barbarism should never be equaled to animals by any account as it is to insult very innocent species that still live the way it was created to live its life in its habitat. It is out of the realms of civilization to pour paraffin on a ten year old child light the marches and throw on him and the child burns. While the child burns people are watching the live movie cheering at the helpless child burning! Is this normal in 2015? If a human being cannot think about the horrific nature of dying by burning done intentionally to quench hate emotions, no empathy at all, then we still have a long way to go in terms of civilized standards. We still have a long way of developing our feelings and nurture them to feel like those of a human being that can empathize. Other nations will continue to look down at us and they will talk in their verandas, how primitive are these "Affs" killing each other like that? "Othe" nations do have a very low opinion of Africans and Africa as a whole, and to avoid insults they will have to talk on "their" own, with "their own" in their verandas, how backward still. This low opinion of "them" against us comes from the fact that we Africans are still not able to empathize with other human beings. For goodness sake how do you burn a human being to death and the rest, the onlookers start laughing, entertaining themselves at the act? It's not animalistic it's barbaric. Period!
There is a fundamental and genuine reason why most of these foreigners went to South Africa. It was because they were running away from poverty and hunger from their countries of birth. They thought they could give their all in South Africa take the next job offered, then work hard to alleviate hunger and poverty in their family lives at their home countries. They are again chased, hunted and killed in most brutal circumstances by the very black people. This Youtube was put on the media on the 9th of April 2015. On the 8th of April 2015, there was a "state diner" in honor of Robert Gabriel Mugabe and his young wife Grace. President Jacob Zuma was dancing with Grace and his third wife. It is the nature if their insensitivity that is galling. There was no mention of xenophobia against foreigners who are mostly Zimbabweans between the two Presidents both of which are very corrupt. Mugabe a criminal with serious human rights atrocities meted on all tribes and races of Zimbabwe. I am not surprised Mugabe never raised the issue of Zimbabweans dying in most horrific circumstances right now with Jacob Zuma. There is an estimate of 3 million Zimbabweans in South Africa today. They ran away from the failures of Zanu and Mugabe administration. Zimbabwe is a pariah state from Zambezi escarpment to Limpopo valleys.
To say some South Africans are apolitical could be very legitimate in many ways. To think that President Zuma is giving Robert Mugabe the best treatment a Head of State can get is historically misleading. When Zimbabwe got its independence, Mugabe frustrated the processes leading to the independence of South Africa and Mugabe worked hand in glove with Apartheid South Africa to frustrate the activities of the ANC in Zimbabwe. The former President Thabo Mbeki was thrown into prison by Robert Mugabe one time in the 1980s. It could be that there are so many truths that we shall never know. So many things happened behind our backs. We shall never know why ANC chooses to dine with Zanu now despite the fact that Mugabe never wanted Nelson Mandela out of prison as he wanted to shine alone in the southern African continent. The burning and lynching of young foreigners in South Africa should be condemned by all civilized citizens of this earth. The perpetrators of these crimes should be brought before the court of justice to answer crimes against humanity. Each life is precious, it does not matter how foreign you are. The government of South Africa should do enough to protect the most vulnerable citizens of this earth. We are all one people at the end of the day regardless of tribe, race, color, religion and creed.
South African should be challenged to look for the "Freedom Charter" they lost long back. In that charter there is a lot of UBUNTU enshrined in the document. When South Africa decided to adopt these neo-liberal policies force-fed by the Money-Institutions, in their economic transfer-development, the majority of population lost it altogether. The independence of South Africa did not improve the lives of most black South Africans. Few black South Africans gained from the independence and not the majority of the blacks. How do you explain it that in Apartheid South Africa there was just one oligarch, Oppenheimer? Come independence there are several oligarchs (about ten of them) of black origin too. The good question is how and where did they get the loot? Instead of venting their anger on Zimbabweans and other foreigners they should visits their steps leading to the independence of South Africa. They will be wholly surprised how many fatal mistakes regarding economic transformations from white administration to the black one, were made. They embraced political independence more than carefully negotiating the economic independence enshrined in the freedom charter. It is for this reason why many black are still suffering, no proper housing but shacks, no jobs, education still out of reach to some of them. South Africa is divided into two, the rich and the poor, abject poor. It is these very poor black youths, without jobs and neglected by their "good" government who are a problem to the vulnerable foreigners seeking some semblance of life in a country they wholly hoped for to turn their lives around. Dear South Africans, we people of this world looked after you well, decently, before you got your independence, have you forgotten? You were in black African countries, Europe, America, Asia and you were millions in number. You were allowed to work in those countries and you established yourselves well with your families. Those South Africans who actually perpetrated those heinous crimes, those who looked and got the laugh out of it, those who looked on and did nothing, below the pale, shame on you.
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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