Opinion / Columnist
What a Helpless Government in Zimbabwe!
23 Apr 2015 at 18:07hrs | Views

The Zanu PF is totally clueless and is unable to run the country but only using the Youth butcher MDC-T supporters like what happened yesterday to our Gogos who were to attend the No Reforms - No Election Rally in Glen View which was address by His Excellent President Dr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. They can't even run a simple cabinet. Seriously, how hard is it for a party full of educated and rich people to fail to do a 2015 budget in time and Chinamasa and Robbery Garbage Mugabe are contradicting themselves on Civil Servants' annual bonuses????
Any form of political freedom which does not touch on the proper distribution of wealth will be meaningless, they own the minerals, they own the farms but the country and its citizens are starving, begging from Zambia and neighboring countries..
That is what we/our brothers and sisters fought for. That is what our brothers and sisters died for. They were not fighting a racial system alone but an economic system that oppressed us and used us for cheap labour and stole our resources to enrich themselves, now its Mugabe and his corrupt team enriching themselves, together with their Chinese cousins and aliens from North Africa on their look East Policy. We are hoping the new ministers, will change things, on conditions they dont kill him, they have a tendency of killing anyone investigating their corruption and plugs their form of making money at the cost of a nation....
Brutality,abduction of innocent Zimbabweans like what they did to Itai Dzamara and our MDC-T Zaka North Chairman yesterday and arrests and AIPA/POSA is still operative today and operating under the banner of Zim-Assets and Indiginisation and Empowerment!!!!, (modern names and kind one isnt??)
The land, clean water, electricity, schools, land is what the bush war of the 70s was all about, maybe someone with all 5 working senses must remind them...
Things are not what they should be at this juncture. Somebody has to speak if you choose not to and think that burying your head in the sand is going to change anything in a failed Zanu-Pf. Government........., think again. Sorry if offended you, i dont have to be apologetic in any way though, i am speaking out through my anger and expressing myself without fear if Zimbabwe its a Democratic Country and its my duty and right to air out my concerns as a citizen...
It never rains but pours for the Zanu pf, we need what was promised us before 31st July, if Zimbabweans voted for you so you can deliver, not puuu on their faces!!
Yesterday at Glen View Rally,President Dr Morgan Richard Tsvangirai elaborated why we don't participant is these By-Elections and he said the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC),should undertake a biometric/electronic national voter registration exercise that will give rise to the creation of a clean and accurate voters' roll. The voters' roll that was inherited from the Registrar - General's office by ZEC is littered with gross irregularities that include, but are not limited to, the inclusion of thousands of names of deceased people The secretarial of ZEC is largely composed of military and State security agents. This secretarial has to be completely dismantled in order to come up with a professional and unbiased secretarial that is capable of conducting a free and fair election at any given moment in time
All political parties and players should be accorded equal and unfettered access to the State - controlled print and electronic media in accordance with the provisions of the new Constitution of Zimbabwe that was adopted in May,2013. All the provisions of the new Constitution of Zimbabwe should be implemented to enable Zimbabweans to enjoy their rights as clearly espoused in the Bill of Rights e.g. there should be genuine opening up of the airwaves instead of giving radio and television licenses only to Zanu-PF - affiliated companies and individuals
Traditional leaders should be completely apolitical in accordance with the dictates of the new Constitution of Zimbabwe. The Zanu-PF regime should not commandeer and intimidate traditional leaders to partake in partisan political activities. Put alternatively, all traditional leaders should not engage, directly or indirectly, in any political activities. All political parties and players should have free and unrestricted access to all corners of the country. No political party should be prevented from holding meetings, rallies etc in any part of Zimbabwe. In other words, the Zanu-PF regime shouldn't create virtual no go areas for other competing political players
All elections to be held in Zimbabwe should be in strict accordance with the SADC norms and conditions for the holding of free and fair elections. Election observers from SADC, the AU, the EU, the UN etc should be free to come and observe any elections that are held in Zimbabwe
Let's all Zimbabweans boycott the incoming By-Elections as a way of revealing our anger towards Mugabe regime
God bless everyone Zimbabweans,Africans and the World, thank God its Friday
Source - Prof Richard M Simango
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