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Nothing 'first' in People First

16 Jun 2015 at 13:54hrs | Views
I have been wondering about what is really first in this group of political rejects which calls itself ‘People First'. To begin with, this group is a mixture of political cowards who differ in their ideologies. Yes, analysts may comment here and there trying to set an agenda for this group, but the truth is the future of this cabal is indeed a political misfortune.

By taking a closer look at the characters in this cabal, it can be conclusively noted that nothing positive will ever come from the group if ever they thought of regrouping. Firstly, the former Vice President, Joyce Mujuru, who was expelled from the revolutionary party and Government on allegations of attempting to oust President Mugabe from power, serious corrupt activities, factionalism and colluding with the party's enemies, the Americans.

Greedy politician will never form a political party. Dr Mujuru is one of them. Because of her covetousness, Amai Mujuru planned to illegal unseat President Mugabe from power so that she could take over. To add on, the axed VP, was accused of doctoring her late husband, General Mujuru's will so that she could benefit more from it and prevent other beneficiaries from getting the exact share they are supposed to get.

Can such a gluttonous, selfish person form a viable political party? I believe politicians should have a generous heart. However, this is quite different from the personality of Dr Mujuru.

Secondly, Rugare Gumbo, the former Zanu-PF spokesperson, has always been a sellout from the word go. His political life history narrates it all.  History has it that during the liberation struggle, Gumbo sold out. Further to that, it was said that Gumbo rebelled against the party leaders while he was in Mozambique. This led to his detention.  This self inclined spokesperson of the ‘People First' cabal is a real declared political coward. Surely, his political behavior can be equated to that of Morrison Nyathi, who sold out the Nyadzonia and Chimoio bases to the Ian Smith regime.

Gumbo should actually thank President Mugabe for the time he served in Government and the revolutionary party. Gumbo was slammed with a five year suspension in Zanu-PF for strongly working together with Mujuru, who was plotting to unlawfully oust President Mugabe from Government.

Former Zanu-PF Secretary for Administration, Didymus Mutasa, was expelled from the ruling party for strongly working with the Mujuru cabal to unconstitutionally unseat President Mugabe.  Mutasa, who was once Minister of State for National Security failed to realize that he was being crooked by the dubious n'anga that identified a fake diesel dripping mountain in Chinhoyi. Saddening though, Mutasa admitted that he could spend time with Nomatter Tagarira, the alleged spirit medium. As the Minister of State for National Security, Mutasa was supposed to make correct decisions on this issue of the Chinhoyi diesel. The man misled the country by taking the n'anga's claims seriously instead of using his common sense to dismiss them. Honestly, it would be very difficult for a man of fewer brains like Mutasa to form a political party.

As arrogant and violent as he is, Temba Mliswa is also linked to the ‘People First' outfit that works hand in glove with Westerners. Previous reports stated that Mliswa enjoyed working with an American spy,  Eric Little who used to fund him. It is known that Westerners in general and Americans in particular have an agenda in Zimbabwe, which is regime change. However, it quite interesting to hear that Mliswa, who failed to get back the Hurungwe West seat decided to quit from future elections. Forming a political party with Mliswa will never bear any fruits. The People First project should consider including this man at its own peril.

Peacemaker Zano <

Source - Peacemaker Zano
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