Opinion / Columnist
Scarecrows within, a thorn amongst the roses
10 Oct 2015 at 18:59hrs | Views

CAPTAIN MORGAN: Has had death deafening encounters with the real demonic Robert Mugabe and his Zanu Pf and so Scare-Crows never scare him anymore.
In Response: Tsvangirai unrelenting as Mnangagwa demands his MDC-T share from Mwonzora
After a series of back stabbing from Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube and other not-so-important-to-mention particles in the political fraternity, President Morgan Tsvangirai has never been bothered by scarecrows and those who benefit from derailing the people's movement. Factional battles came and went away and they are always a thorn amongst the roses. Those who have been scoring own goals and instigating time-wasting and employing stop-starts and importing foreign intrusions within the party, punctuated by a litany of false stalemates caused by the self-evident political immaturity and inexperience of some of our not-so-key-gladiators who do not know the difference between politicking and politics: Let this be a public secret, the Morgan Tsvangirai moment of reckoning has finally come.
Going down the memory lane, in the beginning, the LORD bestowed upon man the spirit of direction, prosperity, authority, dominion and the power to put the devil and demonic beings in their place. Man was given authority to dominate the air, land and underworld, but no scripture reads that man should dominate one another. Why then does Zanu Pf dominate the poor Zimbabwean people? And on whose authority and mandate does Zanu Pf dominate the people of Zimbabwe? Such powers show that the demonic kingdom has taken over Zanu Pf.
For every demonic system there is a kingdom and an apostolic model driven by a prophetic process to counter the demonic system. The social, economic and political problems of Zimbabwe from Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe are from a demonic system as they are repudiating the people from prospering. Let it be known that there is a model that will replace the demonic system of governance, and there is a system that has been raised to defeat this demonic system.
Equipped with Honourable Advocate Nelson Chamisa and Douglas Mwonzora accompanied by Brian Dube, the MDC-T has filed an urgent application into the High Court for an Urgent Eviction Order of the demonic system of Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe. Such mystery has been unlocked and the nation has to be freed from such system.
This Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe system is a demonic machine that has been put in place by a Lucifarian ideology and philosophical thinking which has been strewn into demonic saintly beings which then propagate it into human beings in less intellectual blocks. This ideological thinking has led those in Zanu Pf into a domineering and despotic demonic way of thinking in a certain way that is not for the benefit of Zimbabwe. The MDC-T and Zanu Pf function in totally different ways because the former has different cultures and behaviors entrenched in building a system that will have EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL whilst the latter has failed dismally.
The problem with Zanu Pf is not money, or that it lacks good leaders, it is a problem entrenched in a lack of foresight and understanding that they are a demonic machine, a cult. It is time to replace that system.
I stumbled across the abovementioned soiled article with soiled facts from a son of the soil, and the stench of the article is borne from the fact that no verity contained in it herein can be proved even on a balance of probabilities. By grace the exponent made it to the last sentence of his hilarious article, but it is beyond reasonable doubt that he was three sheets to the wind. Any attempt to apply any other test like the reasonable man's test or any effort to scrutinize if the facts herein are true on a balance of probabilities will be a waste of time.
It is beyond reasonable doubt that the scribe of the above-mentioned had other intentions and influences. Indiscipline begets expulsion. In every action, there is a consequence. In a place of order, there is no disorder and the exponent of the article was a casualty of such processes.
The message in the article is of course, a misleading notion which can only be supposed by dunderheads because the proposition is illogical and ludicrous. That notion can only be understood by those whose cranium has given to indolent, malingering and misdemeanor in organized houses.
After having recently described himself effectively as a political scholar and a citizen of Zimbabwe, it is of paramount importance to take note that the scribe plays a pivotal role in the story. How authentic are the reckless allegations thrown into the article? The article is an example of a Zanu Pf's cult tradition practiced by Robert Mugabe during the initiation of The Herald, Sunday Mail, ZBC and ZTV.
It is common knowledge that any public attack and belittling of party leaders is tantamount to a more serious offence of insubordination which is punishable by expulsion. In any political and or corporate institution, whether in Zanu Pf, MDC-T or ANC, insubordination is an offence that is so serious as it divides and derails the movement. MDC-T and President Morgan Tsvangirai are brands which are entrenched in people's lives and emotions hence they are jealously guarded and protected.
It is an open secret that whenever there is a congress, some wins and some lose and Douglas Chamisa and Nelson Mwonzora were not exceptions. The spirit of the congress came and it is gone. As we speak, in MDC-T those who contested against one another have already put it behind them. After the congress there was a birth of Nelson Mwonzora and Douglas Chamisa and any other information emanating from outside-within is nothing but false allegations which are baseless and unfounded.
For what profit is attained from personal attacks on the party's General Secretary? Douglas Mwonzora has fought against Zanu Pf in courts and in the media day in day out and such attacks on him leaves a lot to be desired. Assumptions are a mother of all misdeeds.
Any sound and sober school of thought will come to a sound conclusion that any investigative techniques employed in the piece are all a myth, twice more than a misleading notion. Out of the blue, the scholar has intelligency capacities. Douglas Mwonzora does not make decisions in the party alone. MDC-T is not a spaza-shop and the NEC of the party plays a decision role making in the administrative duties of the party and everyone is vicariously liable. The party made a decision not to contest in the re-run of the legislative seats left by Tendai Biti and the entourage. The reasoning is that the electoral laws are not aligned with the new Constitution. It was not an NEC decision alone, but the people were consulted before the decision was made. MDC-T is a brand and there is a clear hierarchical system entrenched with a strict doctrine of the separation of powers spiced up by clear duties, roles and responsibilities.
As a doctorate holder, the exponent in the article is not privy to the well kept secret that Zanu Pf led government has refused to align, panel beat and synchronize the national laws in accordance with the new Constitutional dispensation. This is an absolute travesty of justice. What also is not known to the writer is the fact that Douglas Mwonzora was part and parcel of the COPAC which was fundamental in pushing for changes within Zimbabwe in the electoral and media law, just to name a few.
In the suggestions that Mwonzora should convince Tsvangirai to halt the coalition dialogue with Joyce Mujuru; and explore an arrangement with Thokozani Khupe deputizing Mnangagwa and Mwonzora getting the justice Ministry: is nothing but just ideas born out of idle minds. The party position has been clear. The president publicly welcomed the former deputy president Joyce Mujuru in the opposition fraternity. In his remarks, political spin doctors deduced the fact that even those who are and were in Zanu Pf have now seen the light that Mugabe and Zanu Pf are the enemies of Zimbabwe.
Let it be on record that any actions within the MDC-T are there to flush Mugabe and the Zanu Pf system out: If ever it so happens that Joyce Mujuru comes for discussions to join forces against Mugabe and Zanu Pf that will be an added advantage in the opposition camp. The MDC-T gave a word to fulfill the mandate of the people of Zimbabwe and it will watch over its word to see to it that the needs of Zimbabwe are pushed and fulfilled. The MDC-T has will power and word power. The party has been pressed down many times, but it bounces up again because there is too much power from the people to keep it down. Such allegations are now a norm and nothing outside the ordinary.
The allegations that the loose-cannon-commical-twitter-addicted Prof Jonathan Moyo, Mnangagwa and China-masa assisted Douglas Mwonzora in getting the funds allocated to MDC-T in accordance with the Political Parties Fundies Act is nothing but a mere disparage to the MDC-T party. The Act is clear and straight forward and the MDC-T got its share after a heavy bout with Zanu Pf and its government. Those in Zanu Pf with a DNA of corrupt mentality and corrupt tendancies had already budgeted for long shopping trips to the Middle East and Paris, but the MDC-T had other plans. These allegations together with suggestions that Thokozani Khupe has been long doing business with Mnangagwa are mere seeds born out of brokenness being sowed into the public to breed divisions.
God forbid!
The cheap essence of the article is found in what is termed to be the test given to Douglas Mwonzora to determine his loyalty to Mnangagwa. The writer had us fooled for a moment, only to lose with own goals when it matters the most. Douglas Mwonzora has fought long battles with Zanu Pf and he has won. The MDC-T has fought many battles and won, and so as Morgan Tsvangirai.
With all due respect, but in this case with lack of it thereof: Who is Boaz Mangamiso? Who is Dr. Wangu Mazodze? Who is Pafungei Gore? Who is Swithern Chiroodza? Surely the sane and sober are meant to believe that the Mnangagwa described as the feared merciless crocodile would go this low to prove a point? Using the words of the writer, why would Mnangagwa focus on these quart nonentities? Like really now writer? This got me in stitches and Trevor Noah could learn one or two things here. The writer alleges that he is part and parcel of those who have been ear marked for expulsion without a hearing and for no reasons, and for the purposes of Mwonzora to prove his loyalty to Mnangagwa. What a low blow. Talk about making your bed and sleeping in it: having you cake and eating it.
The MDC-T is a party which is entrenched with democratic principles and when it comes to disciplinary procedures, the procedural and substantival regularities are fulfilled. It is a privilege that the general secretary is a legal practitioner whose record against Zanu Pf and Mugabe government speaks volumes. In addition to this, the NEC of the party boasts of Honourable Advocate Nelson Chamisa and the youthful Brian Dube whose record is unquestionable. With all these legal experts allover the show in the party, the party has a pot to piss in and is not dry of legal experts to advise on procedures if need be. Let the writer be open and tell the world of his transgressions that has led him being out in the doldrums. It is not my place to disclose why the writer is in the crapper.
The Movement for Democratic Change is there to make emends where Zanu Pf has gone wrong. There are no basic amenities in the country and the people are suffering. Zanu Pf is so heartless and does not care for the people. Under Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf Zimbabwe has been reduced into an impoverished nation without its own foreign currency, a nation without direction, a nation that has world records in all wrong areas, a nation that is making inroads to make electric-geyser use a criminal act, a nation whose president is almost a century year old and repeats speeches.
In the MDC-T we share a common vision, we share ideas and strong ethical values, we share a collective goal that has an entrenched strategy to divulge into the epicenter of Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe's corrupt power.
With the guidance of President Tsvangirai and the creative NEC that surrounds him, the MDC-T is aimed at greater heights. There are workable programmes that have largely proved to be connected to people issues which are value-centered and principled. With President Morgan Tsvangirai MDC-T is destined for glory and we have –EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL.
Irrespective of color, age, sex, tribe, race, weight, length, width, height, gender, political and social ideology, there will be – EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL.
President Morgan Tsvangirai is the ultimate solution to the problems of Zimbabwe that emanated from the incapacity of Zanu Pf.
Vote MDC-T where there are Equal Opportunities for All!
Morgan Tsvangirai the President in waiting!
After a series of back stabbing from Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube and other not-so-important-to-mention particles in the political fraternity, President Morgan Tsvangirai has never been bothered by scarecrows and those who benefit from derailing the people's movement. Factional battles came and went away and they are always a thorn amongst the roses. Those who have been scoring own goals and instigating time-wasting and employing stop-starts and importing foreign intrusions within the party, punctuated by a litany of false stalemates caused by the self-evident political immaturity and inexperience of some of our not-so-key-gladiators who do not know the difference between politicking and politics: Let this be a public secret, the Morgan Tsvangirai moment of reckoning has finally come.
Going down the memory lane, in the beginning, the LORD bestowed upon man the spirit of direction, prosperity, authority, dominion and the power to put the devil and demonic beings in their place. Man was given authority to dominate the air, land and underworld, but no scripture reads that man should dominate one another. Why then does Zanu Pf dominate the poor Zimbabwean people? And on whose authority and mandate does Zanu Pf dominate the people of Zimbabwe? Such powers show that the demonic kingdom has taken over Zanu Pf.
For every demonic system there is a kingdom and an apostolic model driven by a prophetic process to counter the demonic system. The social, economic and political problems of Zimbabwe from Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe are from a demonic system as they are repudiating the people from prospering. Let it be known that there is a model that will replace the demonic system of governance, and there is a system that has been raised to defeat this demonic system.
Equipped with Honourable Advocate Nelson Chamisa and Douglas Mwonzora accompanied by Brian Dube, the MDC-T has filed an urgent application into the High Court for an Urgent Eviction Order of the demonic system of Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe. Such mystery has been unlocked and the nation has to be freed from such system.
This Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe system is a demonic machine that has been put in place by a Lucifarian ideology and philosophical thinking which has been strewn into demonic saintly beings which then propagate it into human beings in less intellectual blocks. This ideological thinking has led those in Zanu Pf into a domineering and despotic demonic way of thinking in a certain way that is not for the benefit of Zimbabwe. The MDC-T and Zanu Pf function in totally different ways because the former has different cultures and behaviors entrenched in building a system that will have EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL whilst the latter has failed dismally.
The problem with Zanu Pf is not money, or that it lacks good leaders, it is a problem entrenched in a lack of foresight and understanding that they are a demonic machine, a cult. It is time to replace that system.
I stumbled across the abovementioned soiled article with soiled facts from a son of the soil, and the stench of the article is borne from the fact that no verity contained in it herein can be proved even on a balance of probabilities. By grace the exponent made it to the last sentence of his hilarious article, but it is beyond reasonable doubt that he was three sheets to the wind. Any attempt to apply any other test like the reasonable man's test or any effort to scrutinize if the facts herein are true on a balance of probabilities will be a waste of time.
It is beyond reasonable doubt that the scribe of the above-mentioned had other intentions and influences. Indiscipline begets expulsion. In every action, there is a consequence. In a place of order, there is no disorder and the exponent of the article was a casualty of such processes.
The message in the article is of course, a misleading notion which can only be supposed by dunderheads because the proposition is illogical and ludicrous. That notion can only be understood by those whose cranium has given to indolent, malingering and misdemeanor in organized houses.
After having recently described himself effectively as a political scholar and a citizen of Zimbabwe, it is of paramount importance to take note that the scribe plays a pivotal role in the story. How authentic are the reckless allegations thrown into the article? The article is an example of a Zanu Pf's cult tradition practiced by Robert Mugabe during the initiation of The Herald, Sunday Mail, ZBC and ZTV.
It is common knowledge that any public attack and belittling of party leaders is tantamount to a more serious offence of insubordination which is punishable by expulsion. In any political and or corporate institution, whether in Zanu Pf, MDC-T or ANC, insubordination is an offence that is so serious as it divides and derails the movement. MDC-T and President Morgan Tsvangirai are brands which are entrenched in people's lives and emotions hence they are jealously guarded and protected.
It is an open secret that whenever there is a congress, some wins and some lose and Douglas Chamisa and Nelson Mwonzora were not exceptions. The spirit of the congress came and it is gone. As we speak, in MDC-T those who contested against one another have already put it behind them. After the congress there was a birth of Nelson Mwonzora and Douglas Chamisa and any other information emanating from outside-within is nothing but false allegations which are baseless and unfounded.
For what profit is attained from personal attacks on the party's General Secretary? Douglas Mwonzora has fought against Zanu Pf in courts and in the media day in day out and such attacks on him leaves a lot to be desired. Assumptions are a mother of all misdeeds.
Any sound and sober school of thought will come to a sound conclusion that any investigative techniques employed in the piece are all a myth, twice more than a misleading notion. Out of the blue, the scholar has intelligency capacities. Douglas Mwonzora does not make decisions in the party alone. MDC-T is not a spaza-shop and the NEC of the party plays a decision role making in the administrative duties of the party and everyone is vicariously liable. The party made a decision not to contest in the re-run of the legislative seats left by Tendai Biti and the entourage. The reasoning is that the electoral laws are not aligned with the new Constitution. It was not an NEC decision alone, but the people were consulted before the decision was made. MDC-T is a brand and there is a clear hierarchical system entrenched with a strict doctrine of the separation of powers spiced up by clear duties, roles and responsibilities.
As a doctorate holder, the exponent in the article is not privy to the well kept secret that Zanu Pf led government has refused to align, panel beat and synchronize the national laws in accordance with the new Constitutional dispensation. This is an absolute travesty of justice. What also is not known to the writer is the fact that Douglas Mwonzora was part and parcel of the COPAC which was fundamental in pushing for changes within Zimbabwe in the electoral and media law, just to name a few.
Let it be on record that any actions within the MDC-T are there to flush Mugabe and the Zanu Pf system out: If ever it so happens that Joyce Mujuru comes for discussions to join forces against Mugabe and Zanu Pf that will be an added advantage in the opposition camp. The MDC-T gave a word to fulfill the mandate of the people of Zimbabwe and it will watch over its word to see to it that the needs of Zimbabwe are pushed and fulfilled. The MDC-T has will power and word power. The party has been pressed down many times, but it bounces up again because there is too much power from the people to keep it down. Such allegations are now a norm and nothing outside the ordinary.
The allegations that the loose-cannon-commical-twitter-addicted Prof Jonathan Moyo, Mnangagwa and China-masa assisted Douglas Mwonzora in getting the funds allocated to MDC-T in accordance with the Political Parties Fundies Act is nothing but a mere disparage to the MDC-T party. The Act is clear and straight forward and the MDC-T got its share after a heavy bout with Zanu Pf and its government. Those in Zanu Pf with a DNA of corrupt mentality and corrupt tendancies had already budgeted for long shopping trips to the Middle East and Paris, but the MDC-T had other plans. These allegations together with suggestions that Thokozani Khupe has been long doing business with Mnangagwa are mere seeds born out of brokenness being sowed into the public to breed divisions.
God forbid!
The cheap essence of the article is found in what is termed to be the test given to Douglas Mwonzora to determine his loyalty to Mnangagwa. The writer had us fooled for a moment, only to lose with own goals when it matters the most. Douglas Mwonzora has fought long battles with Zanu Pf and he has won. The MDC-T has fought many battles and won, and so as Morgan Tsvangirai.
With all due respect, but in this case with lack of it thereof: Who is Boaz Mangamiso? Who is Dr. Wangu Mazodze? Who is Pafungei Gore? Who is Swithern Chiroodza? Surely the sane and sober are meant to believe that the Mnangagwa described as the feared merciless crocodile would go this low to prove a point? Using the words of the writer, why would Mnangagwa focus on these quart nonentities? Like really now writer? This got me in stitches and Trevor Noah could learn one or two things here. The writer alleges that he is part and parcel of those who have been ear marked for expulsion without a hearing and for no reasons, and for the purposes of Mwonzora to prove his loyalty to Mnangagwa. What a low blow. Talk about making your bed and sleeping in it: having you cake and eating it.
The MDC-T is a party which is entrenched with democratic principles and when it comes to disciplinary procedures, the procedural and substantival regularities are fulfilled. It is a privilege that the general secretary is a legal practitioner whose record against Zanu Pf and Mugabe government speaks volumes. In addition to this, the NEC of the party boasts of Honourable Advocate Nelson Chamisa and the youthful Brian Dube whose record is unquestionable. With all these legal experts allover the show in the party, the party has a pot to piss in and is not dry of legal experts to advise on procedures if need be. Let the writer be open and tell the world of his transgressions that has led him being out in the doldrums. It is not my place to disclose why the writer is in the crapper.
The Movement for Democratic Change is there to make emends where Zanu Pf has gone wrong. There are no basic amenities in the country and the people are suffering. Zanu Pf is so heartless and does not care for the people. Under Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf Zimbabwe has been reduced into an impoverished nation without its own foreign currency, a nation without direction, a nation that has world records in all wrong areas, a nation that is making inroads to make electric-geyser use a criminal act, a nation whose president is almost a century year old and repeats speeches.
In the MDC-T we share a common vision, we share ideas and strong ethical values, we share a collective goal that has an entrenched strategy to divulge into the epicenter of Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe's corrupt power.
With the guidance of President Tsvangirai and the creative NEC that surrounds him, the MDC-T is aimed at greater heights. There are workable programmes that have largely proved to be connected to people issues which are value-centered and principled. With President Morgan Tsvangirai MDC-T is destined for glory and we have –EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL.
Irrespective of color, age, sex, tribe, race, weight, length, width, height, gender, political and social ideology, there will be – EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL.
President Morgan Tsvangirai is the ultimate solution to the problems of Zimbabwe that emanated from the incapacity of Zanu Pf.
Vote MDC-T where there are Equal Opportunities for All!
Morgan Tsvangirai the President in waiting!
Ntate Moruti Chadya Tapiwa Diamond is a Legal Practitioner, a Lecturer, a Researcher, a Political Analyst-cum-Activist and is also the Director of Information and Publicity in the South African Youth Assembly of the Morgan Tsvangirai led Movement for Democratic Change. Diamond is a man after God's heart like King David and serves as a resident Jnr. Pastor in the House of the Lord at Light House Ministries in Gauteng. He read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and is Researching towards an LLM. He concomitantly lives in the Natal Midlands and Johannesburg. He can be contacted on 27 (0)84 566 2756 or email him at diamondtapiwa@gmail.com,or twitter @mantronieqscie or like Tapiwa Diamond Chadya on facebook. He writes in his own personal capacity.
Source - Ntate Moruti Chadya Tapiwa Diamond
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