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Welshman Ncube is better than Tsvangirai, Biti

12 Oct 2015 at 09:38hrs | Views
Professor Welshman Ncube is the most credible and most capable leader if fairness and justice is to be used whenever elections are conducted in Zimbabwe.

It sounds rather foolish for any Zimbabwean to think that Tendai Biti,Robert Mugabe,Morgan Tsvangirai and Joice Mujuru can be compared with Professor Welshman Ncube in terms of capacity.

The Mdc led by Professor Welshman Ncube is now reportedly in driving gear as evidenced by the number of programmes that they hold every week.

It is now clear that the mdc led by Professor Welshman Ncube is made up of more shona people than Ndebeles given the statistics in the previous elections.

The party got the majority of its votes in Manicaland contrary to beliefs and perceptions by some stone age thinkers.

The party is holding programmes from grassroots level to the top and everything is collectivelly done and implemented.

Welshman Ncube is a distinguished leader in a class of his own with credentials of a state president.

The people of Zimbabwe are now behind Professor Welshman Ncube not Morgan Tsvangirai,Tendai Biti or Robert Mugabe.

Source - Gugugu Magorira Zvishavane
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