Opinion / Columnist
A Nation off the radar: #ZanuPFMustFall
05 Nov 2015 at 10:15hrs | Views

Selfie time after the cross over rally at Copa-Cabana @2013. Pic by Archives 2013
The nauseating and stomach-churning duplicity is that when it comes to Robert Mugabe and Zanu-PF what is good for the goose is not high-quality for the gander - is always tellingly displayed by the two-faced reaction of Zanu-PF imperialists and their Chester-Missing-puppet-attitude to President Mugabe's down spiral state of the affairs in Zimbabwe.
In spite of what business mogul Mutumwa Mawere or Manyowa might think and write about, or do given their articulating abilities, Zimbabwe is in dire straits of a financial and mental muscle from within.
The nation has been steered into a state of emergency by Robert Mugabe and unsurprisingly we all have resorted into using cyber space to vent out. The internet is so far the safest environment anyway, except of course for those who have been unfortunately nabbed for either calling Robert Mugabe 'an old limping donkey' or that 'he is an old retard fart'. I totally share the same sentiments, but I also would incorporate and join all Zanu-PF loyalists. There is a need to take introspection on our judicial system as no reasonable presiding judicial officer would prosecute in such matters when he is in his sound and sober senses.
Robert Mugabe is itching for a rest and it is common knowledge that his mental faculties have slid into a permanent repose and there is no turning back. One of these days his soul will depart his suit without him having had the time to wind up and write a book! All such history and knowledge will go down with him into the grave.
The today generation has transformed into cyber warfare without any experience on the ground at all. Ever since the emergency of Professor Jonathan Moyo, our ubuntu-padare-tendancies have been manipulated since we can no longer sit 'padare' and discuss without informing the government police. In some instances the police has either sat in, or disrupted the opposition party's private meetings by invoking the unconstitutional POSA.
Talking of Professor Jonathan Moyo, I would like to extend my condolences to the family for the loss and sudden departure of their daughter in Cape Town. May the family be comforted at this sad and emotionally draining moment. It was emotional to see the Professor in tears, but what hurts more is that he is the same man who spoke ill pertaining Itai Dzamara.
The nation was dumb found when he reiterated that everyday people die and go missing. He was very insensitive. The government is vicariously liable for death of Zanele Moyo. Had those in Zanu-PF pushed for better implementation of policies, our education system would still have been in good standing and Zanele would not have been in South Africa, not only in South Africa, but would not have had a bag of 'mbanje' and a 'few' bottles of alcohol in her apartment. For how long will we endure Zanu-PF? One day is one day!
Even though the draconian laws are still active and kicking, the record needs to be put straight. The POSA act is clear in its mandatory provision which states that before a large group of people meet, they should undertake to notify the police. Instead of sticking to the basics, the government has sodomized the provision and impregnated it with misleading annotations. As it stands, the police have interpreted the Act in a manipulative manner that one would assume there is a provision which reads that a gathering has to be cleared by the police first. This is utter rubbish! Once the republic police are notified timeously, then that's it!
Cry my beloved Zimbabwe. Whilst the government ministers can no longer afford to put on belts and the people of Zimbabwe can no longer afford to purchase belts. We can never watch Zanu-PF and Robert Mugabe tear the nation apart. What do I mean? We have watched for far too long. Enough is enough.
Besides the fat pay cheaque, many times I have wondered what happened to Honorable Psychology Maziwisa; My Learned Colleague. Honorable member what good thing is Uncle Robert Mugabe and Grace together with Zanu-PF doing for the people? Should we praise him for the unemployment percentages? Should we celebrate how the nation has turned into a dark city? Should we celebrate the dry water taps and the pot hole ridden roads? Maybe the nation should celebrate the fact that there are Zimbabwean ambassadors in every town in all countries in all continents!
To my dear Honorable member; My Learned Colleague Maziwisa, I put it to you that with Zanu-PF playing dirty politics on and offline; I further put it to you that with these Zanu-PF tendencies of indicating left and turning right, the people have suffered long and hard. I wonder how those in Zanu-PF repose at night; today the people are given land, and tomorrow the houses are destroyed by a grader. Bear in mind that these houses were built when all chips were down.
The poor Zimbabweans built houses using not just blood and sweat, but they gave it all. In a click of a finger Zanu-PF exercises its powers and prowess by sending graders and caterpillars to destroy houses. Such cruel actions will never be justified at all costs. It is not even consoling that structures of both Zanu-PF and MDC-T members have both been destroyed.
The government let loose of land grabbers for political reasons and now that it no longer needs them, it goes ransacking and demolishing structures and rendering people homeless and destitute. There will never be a reasonable explanation in all this. At the end of the day it shows that those in power have no love for the people. That has been the norm with Zanu-PF anyway.
It is through Zanu-PF's inability to distinguish between utter nonsense and diplomacy driven by their misguided belief that they can can Zimbabweans who say or write things in defiance of the Zanu-PF's misgivings. Zimbabwe's sovereignty has been muddled by Robert Mugabe. The nation is no longer a state at all. We used to laugh at many African nations like Mozambique, Ghana, Nigeria and Sudan for their appalling state of affairs, but we bettered them and joined the fray. We have raised the poverty bar too high! No one else compares. Thank you Zanu-PF!
Zanu-PF and Robert Mugabe cry foul when citizens remonstrate online whilst forgetting that they imposed impossible laws for the citizens to express themselves freely. The government finds this uncomfortably true, and there's something very sinister and totally unacceptable which must be said about media propaganda in Zimbabwe including on ZBC which never gets the official tweak that it deserves. For how long will the citizens suffer?
Robert Mugabe should first think about that and do something about the suffering citizens before letting loose his underlings to incessantly plant insane stories in some reckless media circles run by some pathetic high school drop-outs incredulously claiming that Zanu-PF is doing well or on the road to recover Zimbabwe's financial and social woes.
The ruling party is always up to something. Recently the government has been bankrolling the violence and is behind the political unrest in the country dramatized by horrific scenes where the opposition members' rallies are being disrupted, ambushed, attacked and tortured by Zanu-PF hooligans. That is nonsense and Zimbabweans are tired of it.
This trend has to stop. For how long will the masses watch and suffer?
The dearth of political ideologies in Zanu-PF has forced to the surface a lot of unprecedented events into the country. Zimbabwe has reached it's time for genuine democrats to stand up. With all due respect, this does of exclusively exclude personalities like Tendai Biti, Elton Mangoma and Welshman Ncube for it is a travesty of justice to mention them in a sentence that has to do with the leadership of Zimbabwe. They have faceless organisations masquerading on social sites as political parties. What a shame and what a waste! For now, these three musketeers should focus on acquiring a hundred people collectively about the politics of Zimbabwe.
The question that lingers on is that when we fought for independence, did we fight for this? Did we fight for the killing of moderate voices, disappearance of government critics, the fixing of elections, starvation, economic collapse and the poor feeding the rich elites? Is that the Zimbabwe we imagined in 1980?
We are a nation off the radar in dire need of making an offshore appearance. The people have the last say. The winds of change are here.
To Zimbabwe, we say to you, where to from here?
To Itai Dzamara, our hearts are bleeding!
To Itai Dzamara we remain dumb found!
Till we meet again…
To Professor Jonathan Moyo, may you be consoled, BUT…
Free Zimbabwe, Mugabe and Zanu-PF Must Go!
To the real Zimbabweans, President Morgan Tsvangirai is the ultimate solution to the problems of Zimbabwe that emanated from the incapacity of Zanu-PF.
Vote MDC-T where there are Equal Opportunities for All!
Morgan Tsvangirai the President in waiting!
Free Zimbabwe

Ntate Moruti Chadya Tapiwa Diamond is a Father, a Legal Practitioner, a Lecturer, a Researcher, a Political Analyst-cum-Activist and is also the director of Information and Publicity in the South African Youth Assembly of the Morgan Tsvangirai led Movement for Democratic Change. Diamond is a man after God's heart like King David and serves as a resident Jnr. Pastor in the House of the Lord at Light House Ministries in Gauteng. He read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and is Researching towards an LLM. He concomitantly lives in the Natal Midlands and Johannesburg. He can be contacted on 27 (0)84 566 2756 or email him at diamondtapiwa@gmail.com, or twitter @mantronieqscie or like Tapiwa Diamond Chadya on facebook. He writes in his own personal capacity.
In spite of what business mogul Mutumwa Mawere or Manyowa might think and write about, or do given their articulating abilities, Zimbabwe is in dire straits of a financial and mental muscle from within.
The nation has been steered into a state of emergency by Robert Mugabe and unsurprisingly we all have resorted into using cyber space to vent out. The internet is so far the safest environment anyway, except of course for those who have been unfortunately nabbed for either calling Robert Mugabe 'an old limping donkey' or that 'he is an old retard fart'. I totally share the same sentiments, but I also would incorporate and join all Zanu-PF loyalists. There is a need to take introspection on our judicial system as no reasonable presiding judicial officer would prosecute in such matters when he is in his sound and sober senses.
Robert Mugabe is itching for a rest and it is common knowledge that his mental faculties have slid into a permanent repose and there is no turning back. One of these days his soul will depart his suit without him having had the time to wind up and write a book! All such history and knowledge will go down with him into the grave.
The today generation has transformed into cyber warfare without any experience on the ground at all. Ever since the emergency of Professor Jonathan Moyo, our ubuntu-padare-tendancies have been manipulated since we can no longer sit 'padare' and discuss without informing the government police. In some instances the police has either sat in, or disrupted the opposition party's private meetings by invoking the unconstitutional POSA.
Talking of Professor Jonathan Moyo, I would like to extend my condolences to the family for the loss and sudden departure of their daughter in Cape Town. May the family be comforted at this sad and emotionally draining moment. It was emotional to see the Professor in tears, but what hurts more is that he is the same man who spoke ill pertaining Itai Dzamara.
The nation was dumb found when he reiterated that everyday people die and go missing. He was very insensitive. The government is vicariously liable for death of Zanele Moyo. Had those in Zanu-PF pushed for better implementation of policies, our education system would still have been in good standing and Zanele would not have been in South Africa, not only in South Africa, but would not have had a bag of 'mbanje' and a 'few' bottles of alcohol in her apartment. For how long will we endure Zanu-PF? One day is one day!
Even though the draconian laws are still active and kicking, the record needs to be put straight. The POSA act is clear in its mandatory provision which states that before a large group of people meet, they should undertake to notify the police. Instead of sticking to the basics, the government has sodomized the provision and impregnated it with misleading annotations. As it stands, the police have interpreted the Act in a manipulative manner that one would assume there is a provision which reads that a gathering has to be cleared by the police first. This is utter rubbish! Once the republic police are notified timeously, then that's it!
Cry my beloved Zimbabwe. Whilst the government ministers can no longer afford to put on belts and the people of Zimbabwe can no longer afford to purchase belts. We can never watch Zanu-PF and Robert Mugabe tear the nation apart. What do I mean? We have watched for far too long. Enough is enough.
Besides the fat pay cheaque, many times I have wondered what happened to Honorable Psychology Maziwisa; My Learned Colleague. Honorable member what good thing is Uncle Robert Mugabe and Grace together with Zanu-PF doing for the people? Should we praise him for the unemployment percentages? Should we celebrate how the nation has turned into a dark city? Should we celebrate the dry water taps and the pot hole ridden roads? Maybe the nation should celebrate the fact that there are Zimbabwean ambassadors in every town in all countries in all continents!
To my dear Honorable member; My Learned Colleague Maziwisa, I put it to you that with Zanu-PF playing dirty politics on and offline; I further put it to you that with these Zanu-PF tendencies of indicating left and turning right, the people have suffered long and hard. I wonder how those in Zanu-PF repose at night; today the people are given land, and tomorrow the houses are destroyed by a grader. Bear in mind that these houses were built when all chips were down.
The poor Zimbabweans built houses using not just blood and sweat, but they gave it all. In a click of a finger Zanu-PF exercises its powers and prowess by sending graders and caterpillars to destroy houses. Such cruel actions will never be justified at all costs. It is not even consoling that structures of both Zanu-PF and MDC-T members have both been destroyed.
The government let loose of land grabbers for political reasons and now that it no longer needs them, it goes ransacking and demolishing structures and rendering people homeless and destitute. There will never be a reasonable explanation in all this. At the end of the day it shows that those in power have no love for the people. That has been the norm with Zanu-PF anyway.
It is through Zanu-PF's inability to distinguish between utter nonsense and diplomacy driven by their misguided belief that they can can Zimbabweans who say or write things in defiance of the Zanu-PF's misgivings. Zimbabwe's sovereignty has been muddled by Robert Mugabe. The nation is no longer a state at all. We used to laugh at many African nations like Mozambique, Ghana, Nigeria and Sudan for their appalling state of affairs, but we bettered them and joined the fray. We have raised the poverty bar too high! No one else compares. Thank you Zanu-PF!
Zanu-PF and Robert Mugabe cry foul when citizens remonstrate online whilst forgetting that they imposed impossible laws for the citizens to express themselves freely. The government finds this uncomfortably true, and there's something very sinister and totally unacceptable which must be said about media propaganda in Zimbabwe including on ZBC which never gets the official tweak that it deserves. For how long will the citizens suffer?
Robert Mugabe should first think about that and do something about the suffering citizens before letting loose his underlings to incessantly plant insane stories in some reckless media circles run by some pathetic high school drop-outs incredulously claiming that Zanu-PF is doing well or on the road to recover Zimbabwe's financial and social woes.
The ruling party is always up to something. Recently the government has been bankrolling the violence and is behind the political unrest in the country dramatized by horrific scenes where the opposition members' rallies are being disrupted, ambushed, attacked and tortured by Zanu-PF hooligans. That is nonsense and Zimbabweans are tired of it.
This trend has to stop. For how long will the masses watch and suffer?
The dearth of political ideologies in Zanu-PF has forced to the surface a lot of unprecedented events into the country. Zimbabwe has reached it's time for genuine democrats to stand up. With all due respect, this does of exclusively exclude personalities like Tendai Biti, Elton Mangoma and Welshman Ncube for it is a travesty of justice to mention them in a sentence that has to do with the leadership of Zimbabwe. They have faceless organisations masquerading on social sites as political parties. What a shame and what a waste! For now, these three musketeers should focus on acquiring a hundred people collectively about the politics of Zimbabwe.
The question that lingers on is that when we fought for independence, did we fight for this? Did we fight for the killing of moderate voices, disappearance of government critics, the fixing of elections, starvation, economic collapse and the poor feeding the rich elites? Is that the Zimbabwe we imagined in 1980?
We are a nation off the radar in dire need of making an offshore appearance. The people have the last say. The winds of change are here.
To Zimbabwe, we say to you, where to from here?
To Itai Dzamara, our hearts are bleeding!
To Itai Dzamara we remain dumb found!
Till we meet again…
To Professor Jonathan Moyo, may you be consoled, BUT…
Free Zimbabwe, Mugabe and Zanu-PF Must Go!
To the real Zimbabweans, President Morgan Tsvangirai is the ultimate solution to the problems of Zimbabwe that emanated from the incapacity of Zanu-PF.
Vote MDC-T where there are Equal Opportunities for All!
Morgan Tsvangirai the President in waiting!
Free Zimbabwe

Ntate Moruti Chadya Tapiwa Diamond is a Father, a Legal Practitioner, a Lecturer, a Researcher, a Political Analyst-cum-Activist and is also the director of Information and Publicity in the South African Youth Assembly of the Morgan Tsvangirai led Movement for Democratic Change. Diamond is a man after God's heart like King David and serves as a resident Jnr. Pastor in the House of the Lord at Light House Ministries in Gauteng. He read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and is Researching towards an LLM. He concomitantly lives in the Natal Midlands and Johannesburg. He can be contacted on 27 (0)84 566 2756 or email him at diamondtapiwa@gmail.com, or twitter @mantronieqscie or like Tapiwa Diamond Chadya on facebook. He writes in his own personal capacity.
Source - Tapiwa Diamond Chadya
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