Opinion / Columnist
Zimbabwe is a Zezuru/Korekore paradise
02 Mar 2016 at 01:58hrs | Views

"Anyone who dreams of partitioning this country along tribal lines or whatever means is possessed by Legion." (Biblical man possessed by many demons)
These words came out of the foul mouthed and arrogant Vice President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa who is a double fool. He was apparently referring to the President of Matabeleland Liberation Organisation, Cde Paul Siwela, who besides being faced with intimidation, persecution by prosecution and assassination attempts by the government of Zimbabwe, remains steadfastly committed to the noble and just cause of the restoration of Matabeleland statehood.
Where is big mouth Emmerson Mnangagwa as the hotbed of tribalism called Zanu-pf is consumed by the fires of its own making? Where is this vocal gate keeper of the so called unitary state, I mean that noisy advocate for "anti-tribal divisions" ?
The godfather of Karanga tribe was too quick to point a dirty tribal finger at Matabeleland restoration cause. His statement denoted failure to differentiate between the politics of restoration and self determination as represented by MLO under the leadership of Cde Paul Siwela, and tribal politics disguised as national politics under the genocidist leadership of President Robert Mugabe. This failure to understand his own party that he joined at the tender age is shocking to say the least.. thus exposing him as a double fool.
We remind him what Zanu-pf is. And this, we do, through the words of none other than Prof Jonathan Moyo when he said "Zimbabweans who worry about Mugabe's tribal nationalism or ethnonationalism know only too well that it is the same Bantustan ideology that bred gukurahundi atrocities between 1980 and 1987." We add that it is the same bantustan ideology which kicked out the witch from Dotito, Joice Mujuru and her gamatox grouping. It is the same bantustan ideology that is about to condemn the genocidaire Emmerson Mnangagwa and his lacoste team into political wilderness. And it is the same Bantustanism that is keeping Matabeles far from high positions including that of the President, in Zimbabwe.
Since 1980, the Zezuru in collaboration with their surrogates, the Korekore, having been ably assisted by the British, have dominated everything and anything that has economic and political power in Zimbabwe and have empowered themselves over the years to dominate Zimbabwe to the total exclusion of other ethnic groups.
The President of Zimbabwe is a Zezuru,the capital city is situated in Zezuru controlled area and carries a Zezuru name, the head of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Constatine Chiwenga formerly Dominic Chinenge is a Zezuru and almost half the top commanders with the rank of Colonel in the Zimbabwe Defence Forces are Zezurus, 60% of the boots are the Karanga. The head of the Central Intelligence Organisation Major-General Happyton Bonyongwe is Zezuru and almost half of the intelligence officers with the rank of Provincial Intelligence Officer are Zezurus, 60% of the boots are Karangas. The head of the Zimbabwe Republic Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri is a Zezuru and half of the police commanders with the rank of Assistant Commissioner are Zezurus, 60% boots are the Karangas.
The head of The Air Force of Zimbabwe, Air Marshall Perence Shiri is the first cousin of President Robert Mugabe. Both are using Karanga surnames to hide their identities. Half of the commanders with the rank of Group Captain are Zezurus, 60% of the boots are Karangas. The head of the Prisons of Zimbabwe, Major-General Paradzai Zimonde is Zezuru and nearly half of the commanders with the rank of Colonel are Zezuru, 60% of the boots are the Karangas.
As if this was not enough, the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe is Godfrey Chidyausiku who is a Zezuru and the Judge President George Chiweshe is a Zezuru and half of the judges are Zezuru / Korekore. Nearly half of the cabinet of Zimbabwe since 1980 has been composed of Zezuru/ Korekore and half of Permanent Secretaries are Zezuru and Korekore.
All Ambassadors in major countries in the world are headed by Zezurus/Korekore. The Registrar-General Tobaiwa Mudede is Zezuru, the Chairlady of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and who is also the Secretary of The Judicial Services Commission Rita Makarau is a Zezuru, while the Chairman of the Zimbabwe Public Service Commission is Mariyawanda Nzuwa is a Zezuru, the Commissioner-General of Taxes Gershom Pasi is a Zezuru, half of Chief Executives of strategic Parastatals and Banks are Zezuru/Korekore.
The Chairman of Zimbabwe Football Association is Philliph Chiyangwa, a Zezuru. All strategic positions in the government and private sector are held by Zezuru or Kore Kore and half of Zanupf Politburo members and strategic positions are held by Zezuru and we are aware that in case a non Zezuru/Kore kore is appointed to hold a strategic position, his deputy will undoubtedly be a Zezuru/ Korekore who would be powerful and would by-pass his boss and report directly to President Robert Mugabe. The Zezuru/Korekore have 4 provinces out of 10. Does the double fool Emmerson Mnangangwa thinks all this happened by coincidence? The ambitions lizard cant see what is happening everyday in front of its eyes and does not know that Zimbabwe is a paradise for Zezuru and Korekore tribes.
Currently there are loud and clear tribal voices from successionists. Team Lacoste, desperately calling for the take over of political power by majority Karanga tribe and the G40, wants to keep power in the hands of the Zezuru at all costs. What is this if it is not tribalism? What is it if it is not Bantustanism? Karangas will never rule Zimbabwe and will be crushed if they try to seize power. They should behave like Obert Mpofu who has a big body like a hippo and small mind like an ant.
Team Lacoste is apparently playing the tribal card in Mnangagwa's name but we do not see him coming out to shout, "not in my name!" Is he still fooling himself that Matabeleland statehood restoration is tribalism and Shona Bantustan ideology is nationalism? Hypocrisy at its worst! The godfather of Karanga tribe will not fool us as he is drowning in the deep end of tribal politics. Those who live in the glass houses should not throw stones, that is the only advice we can give to the double fool ambitious lizard Emmerson Mnangagwa.
We refuse to be ruled by Shona tribesman but want to govern ourselves. We are not Zimbabweans, the West or their puppets, neither are we "dissidents" or rebels who want to effect regime change in Zimbabwe. If anything we are not interested in Zimbabwe. Not an inch of it. We do not give a damn who rules it and for how long. We are Matebeles otherwise known as uMthwakazi and want to be left to our own and we are determined to enforce our ambition and demands.
Our cause and agenda has never been secret, it has been clearly defined right from onset. In case another idiot tries to deceive himself and the world through misinformation and misinterpretation, we reiterate our position; We Are Advocating For The Restoration for an Independent and Sovereign State of Matabeleland Formally Known As The Kingdom Of Matabeleland Whose History And Territory Is Well Documented and shall be resurrected as The Republic of Matebeleland by 2018 or thereabout.
Fighting for one's freedom is not a crime and has never been, and will never be. It is a crime only in the imagination of the cold hearted genocidists and oppressors like Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa and President Robert Mugabe.
MLO is aware that Matabeleland will never be delivered on a silver patter. We have already calculated all the costs and the means justify the end..
This is not a threat because we have no reason to threaten the government of Zimbabwe. It is a true promise. MLO will set Matabeleland free.
Matabelens are a peaceful and respectful nation guided by the principle and spirit of ubuntu. But when we are provoked and treated like sub-humans the lion in us naturally comes out.
We have suffered enough and cant afford to lose the opportunity presenting itself to us.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary For Information and Public Affairs.
Contact: infomlo13@gmail.com
These words came out of the foul mouthed and arrogant Vice President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa who is a double fool. He was apparently referring to the President of Matabeleland Liberation Organisation, Cde Paul Siwela, who besides being faced with intimidation, persecution by prosecution and assassination attempts by the government of Zimbabwe, remains steadfastly committed to the noble and just cause of the restoration of Matabeleland statehood.
Where is big mouth Emmerson Mnangagwa as the hotbed of tribalism called Zanu-pf is consumed by the fires of its own making? Where is this vocal gate keeper of the so called unitary state, I mean that noisy advocate for "anti-tribal divisions" ?
The godfather of Karanga tribe was too quick to point a dirty tribal finger at Matabeleland restoration cause. His statement denoted failure to differentiate between the politics of restoration and self determination as represented by MLO under the leadership of Cde Paul Siwela, and tribal politics disguised as national politics under the genocidist leadership of President Robert Mugabe. This failure to understand his own party that he joined at the tender age is shocking to say the least.. thus exposing him as a double fool.
We remind him what Zanu-pf is. And this, we do, through the words of none other than Prof Jonathan Moyo when he said "Zimbabweans who worry about Mugabe's tribal nationalism or ethnonationalism know only too well that it is the same Bantustan ideology that bred gukurahundi atrocities between 1980 and 1987." We add that it is the same bantustan ideology which kicked out the witch from Dotito, Joice Mujuru and her gamatox grouping. It is the same bantustan ideology that is about to condemn the genocidaire Emmerson Mnangagwa and his lacoste team into political wilderness. And it is the same Bantustanism that is keeping Matabeles far from high positions including that of the President, in Zimbabwe.
Since 1980, the Zezuru in collaboration with their surrogates, the Korekore, having been ably assisted by the British, have dominated everything and anything that has economic and political power in Zimbabwe and have empowered themselves over the years to dominate Zimbabwe to the total exclusion of other ethnic groups.
The President of Zimbabwe is a Zezuru,the capital city is situated in Zezuru controlled area and carries a Zezuru name, the head of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces General Constatine Chiwenga formerly Dominic Chinenge is a Zezuru and almost half the top commanders with the rank of Colonel in the Zimbabwe Defence Forces are Zezurus, 60% of the boots are the Karanga. The head of the Central Intelligence Organisation Major-General Happyton Bonyongwe is Zezuru and almost half of the intelligence officers with the rank of Provincial Intelligence Officer are Zezurus, 60% of the boots are Karangas. The head of the Zimbabwe Republic Police Commissioner-General Augustine Chihuri is a Zezuru and half of the police commanders with the rank of Assistant Commissioner are Zezurus, 60% boots are the Karangas.
The head of The Air Force of Zimbabwe, Air Marshall Perence Shiri is the first cousin of President Robert Mugabe. Both are using Karanga surnames to hide their identities. Half of the commanders with the rank of Group Captain are Zezurus, 60% of the boots are Karangas. The head of the Prisons of Zimbabwe, Major-General Paradzai Zimonde is Zezuru and nearly half of the commanders with the rank of Colonel are Zezuru, 60% of the boots are the Karangas.
As if this was not enough, the Chief Justice of Zimbabwe is Godfrey Chidyausiku who is a Zezuru and the Judge President George Chiweshe is a Zezuru and half of the judges are Zezuru / Korekore. Nearly half of the cabinet of Zimbabwe since 1980 has been composed of Zezuru/ Korekore and half of Permanent Secretaries are Zezuru and Korekore.
All Ambassadors in major countries in the world are headed by Zezurus/Korekore. The Registrar-General Tobaiwa Mudede is Zezuru, the Chairlady of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and who is also the Secretary of The Judicial Services Commission Rita Makarau is a Zezuru, while the Chairman of the Zimbabwe Public Service Commission is Mariyawanda Nzuwa is a Zezuru, the Commissioner-General of Taxes Gershom Pasi is a Zezuru, half of Chief Executives of strategic Parastatals and Banks are Zezuru/Korekore.
The Chairman of Zimbabwe Football Association is Philliph Chiyangwa, a Zezuru. All strategic positions in the government and private sector are held by Zezuru or Kore Kore and half of Zanupf Politburo members and strategic positions are held by Zezuru and we are aware that in case a non Zezuru/Kore kore is appointed to hold a strategic position, his deputy will undoubtedly be a Zezuru/ Korekore who would be powerful and would by-pass his boss and report directly to President Robert Mugabe. The Zezuru/Korekore have 4 provinces out of 10. Does the double fool Emmerson Mnangangwa thinks all this happened by coincidence? The ambitions lizard cant see what is happening everyday in front of its eyes and does not know that Zimbabwe is a paradise for Zezuru and Korekore tribes.
Currently there are loud and clear tribal voices from successionists. Team Lacoste, desperately calling for the take over of political power by majority Karanga tribe and the G40, wants to keep power in the hands of the Zezuru at all costs. What is this if it is not tribalism? What is it if it is not Bantustanism? Karangas will never rule Zimbabwe and will be crushed if they try to seize power. They should behave like Obert Mpofu who has a big body like a hippo and small mind like an ant.
We refuse to be ruled by Shona tribesman but want to govern ourselves. We are not Zimbabweans, the West or their puppets, neither are we "dissidents" or rebels who want to effect regime change in Zimbabwe. If anything we are not interested in Zimbabwe. Not an inch of it. We do not give a damn who rules it and for how long. We are Matebeles otherwise known as uMthwakazi and want to be left to our own and we are determined to enforce our ambition and demands.
Our cause and agenda has never been secret, it has been clearly defined right from onset. In case another idiot tries to deceive himself and the world through misinformation and misinterpretation, we reiterate our position; We Are Advocating For The Restoration for an Independent and Sovereign State of Matabeleland Formally Known As The Kingdom Of Matabeleland Whose History And Territory Is Well Documented and shall be resurrected as The Republic of Matebeleland by 2018 or thereabout.
Fighting for one's freedom is not a crime and has never been, and will never be. It is a crime only in the imagination of the cold hearted genocidists and oppressors like Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa and President Robert Mugabe.
MLO is aware that Matabeleland will never be delivered on a silver patter. We have already calculated all the costs and the means justify the end..
This is not a threat because we have no reason to threaten the government of Zimbabwe. It is a true promise. MLO will set Matabeleland free.
Matabelens are a peaceful and respectful nation guided by the principle and spirit of ubuntu. But when we are provoked and treated like sub-humans the lion in us naturally comes out.
We have suffered enough and cant afford to lose the opportunity presenting itself to us.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary For Information and Public Affairs.
Contact: infomlo13@gmail.com
Source - Israel Dube - MLO Secretary For Information and Public Affairs.
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