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Grace Mugabe behind 'million man' march

26 May 2016 at 16:17hrs | Views

The much publicised million man march was a strategy that emanated from Robert Mugabe's bedroom initiated by non other than the first family itself as a way of sending signals to the lacoste leader Emmerson Mnangagwa and his team.

The youths are being used and paid by Grace Mugabe and are using the ignorant Zanu-PF followers to get favours from Robert Mugabe himself.

The march was a big flop because they failed to raise five thousand people from all the four corners of Zimbabwe.

Grace Mugabe was on a mission to discredit Emmerson Mnangagwa using the youths and the ignorant crowd.

The proposed United front against Robert Mugabe will cause the required pain on him.

The involvement of some experienced politicians like Professor Welshman Ncube,Tendai Biti,Elton Mangoma and Professor Lovemore Madhuku in the bigger political arrangement will cause a headache for Zan-PF.

It is surprising to read about Tsvangirai and Mujuru flip flopping and dithering overworking with others when it is clear that they will never defeat Mugabe on their own.

We have seen these many crowds at Tsvamgrai rallies in the past but victory has been evasive.

As for Mujuru we will never be surprised by her denial to join the coalition because she is a chameleon and we are not yet sure if she honestly left Zanu-PF.

The fear of losing positions if the coalition wins in 2018 seem to be dragging  Morgan Tsvangirai backwards.

What is certain is that Zanu-PF will not be there after 2018 and Grace and her G40 will be in various foreign countries hiding.

People like Tyson will will die on foreign soil or rot in jail for crimes that we know.
The costly and degrading march did not add value to either Mugabe or Zanu-PF.

They are all heading for the graveyard and none of them will be heard again after 2018.

The recent spate of accidents masterminded by the G40 criminals will soon be history given Ngwena's food poisoning strategy that left most of the G40 in hospitals country wide.

I always laugh my lungs out whenever i see Mugabe and his wife on stage calling for non existing unity and trying to patch up the torn party.

Days for criminals in Zanu-PF are numbered and the reality is near.

The wise thing for Mugabe is to step down with immediate effect.

Source - Gugugu Magorira
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