Opinion / Columnist
Wealthy Knowledge should strengthen Tsvangirai 'Never to Fear Death'
27 Jul 2016 at 15:00hrs | Views

Everyone WILL die at some point. When birth happens, it is ALWAYS preceded by death and this is how God, the Architect Designer of our atoms made all of us and there is a good reason for that. There is a lot of talk about Tsvangirai's health going around and the frightening truth is that more than a thousand healthy people who are busy circulating and ridiculing Tsvangirai's health will be buried before Tsvangirai is buried.
Death is something highly spiritual. You will remember that Science is able to teach us about the smallest imaginable element in an atom. Science will teach us about Gluons which are smaller than Protons and Neutrons. We are taught about electrons which cloud the nucleus in all elements. We are taught that atoms make matter. Atoms make human cells, human cells make human organs, human organs make a collection of 10 trillion cells which make the Morgan Tsvangirai we can point at.
The Gluons which cement Neutrons and Protons are also made of materials which are too small for us to ever know. Those small materials are also made of material which is made of material which is made of material which we can only describe as Fractal.
Smallness is infinite.
If our brains are too small just to imagine the smallest element of Fractal, how clever are we to mock the dying collection of cells which make Tsvangirai?
From the infinitely smallest Fractal unknown elements which make the Tsvangirai we see and can mock, comes the material into which Tsvangirai will become after his death. We are told that the smallest elements which make a small element called an Atom assembly together in their varieties to make the materials we know. We walk on Earth together with Tsvangirai and all of us were not here 150 years ago. We will bury Tsvangirai back to the ground where God said we should bury him.
After 150 years, all of us, including a baby in the womb today,are all guaranteed that will be secured humbly and silenced in our graves. The material we can see in Tsvangirai will become soil just as God prescribed for all of us. There is a material in Tsvangirai which we can never bury. We cant even see that material. It is hidden in the smallest photon which contributes in the formation of gluons which cement his Protons and Neutrons.
The Tsvangirai material which we can see, mock, and ridicule will add to the Earth where we will bury it while the unknown photons take a path we cannot see or mock or just imagine. While the seen and mocked material adds up into the soil, the microscopically unimaginable elements of gluons have no mass. Anything that has no mass floats far from our gravitated Earth into the unknown Multiverse.
Just as the infinitely unimaginable small elements which combine to make small elements which make the Tsvangirai we know, there is an exodus of infinitely large Multiverses far larger than imaginatively large.
We use a Microscope to look at small elements and still we can't see Atoms which are made of all things we can describe. We have never seen gluons using microscopes or any imaginable machinery.
Largeness is infinite.
To the large, we use rulers to measure the distance between Tsvangirai's left eye from his right. We have good instruments to measure his height and we can mock that he is shorter than Phelekezela Mphoko and cheer that he is taller than Robert Mugabe. We are so accurate and clever to measure how many kilometres Tsvangirai travelled to Germany and how long it took him to get there. We can ask Tsvangirai now to show us a far away planet Mars is, and he can point at it and tell us it is red. Tsvangirai will not see Pluto, it is too far to see from Earth.
We are human, we are clever and we can invent instruments to see that which the eye cannot nakedly see. We invented a Telescope long before Tsvangirai was born. We use the Telescope to see Pluto.
In recent years, we have even gone more cleverer, we can now navigate some parts of our Milky way Galaxy whose central point is an unknown Black Hole. Even better, we have invented Telescopes to see five thousand other galaxies in the multiverse.
Just imagine, Earth is our large home which is inside our Solar System which is inside our Spiral which is inside our Galaxy which is inside a Multiverse which is so infinitely large that no instrument will ever measure it.
Each star we see in our Galaxy has planets which orbit around it just as our Earth surrounds our star which we call Sun.
If so many stars in so many Galaxies have each an undiscovered Earthlike Planet, why are we not so afraid that maybe God allocates a whole Galaxy for each soul which did not kill anyone during its vacation on Earth?
If you do and fully understand Theology and Astronomy, you are guaranteed to KNOW that God is there and he is too rich and has plans for those who die without killing anyone on Earth.
Tsvangirai is a good candidate to heaven, he spent his life fighting and humanly failing to create change that would make more Zimbabweans good candidates for allocation of virgin Galaxies in heaven and not old dry and small farms in Chegutu.
What God has for those who do not kill, is greater than the tiny, tiny, tiny,tiny grain we love to call big Earth.
Ryton Dzimiri <rytondzimiri@gmail.com>
Death is something highly spiritual. You will remember that Science is able to teach us about the smallest imaginable element in an atom. Science will teach us about Gluons which are smaller than Protons and Neutrons. We are taught about electrons which cloud the nucleus in all elements. We are taught that atoms make matter. Atoms make human cells, human cells make human organs, human organs make a collection of 10 trillion cells which make the Morgan Tsvangirai we can point at.
The Gluons which cement Neutrons and Protons are also made of materials which are too small for us to ever know. Those small materials are also made of material which is made of material which is made of material which we can only describe as Fractal.
Smallness is infinite.
If our brains are too small just to imagine the smallest element of Fractal, how clever are we to mock the dying collection of cells which make Tsvangirai?
From the infinitely smallest Fractal unknown elements which make the Tsvangirai we see and can mock, comes the material into which Tsvangirai will become after his death. We are told that the smallest elements which make a small element called an Atom assembly together in their varieties to make the materials we know. We walk on Earth together with Tsvangirai and all of us were not here 150 years ago. We will bury Tsvangirai back to the ground where God said we should bury him.
After 150 years, all of us, including a baby in the womb today,are all guaranteed that will be secured humbly and silenced in our graves. The material we can see in Tsvangirai will become soil just as God prescribed for all of us. There is a material in Tsvangirai which we can never bury. We cant even see that material. It is hidden in the smallest photon which contributes in the formation of gluons which cement his Protons and Neutrons.
The Tsvangirai material which we can see, mock, and ridicule will add to the Earth where we will bury it while the unknown photons take a path we cannot see or mock or just imagine. While the seen and mocked material adds up into the soil, the microscopically unimaginable elements of gluons have no mass. Anything that has no mass floats far from our gravitated Earth into the unknown Multiverse.
Just as the infinitely unimaginable small elements which combine to make small elements which make the Tsvangirai we know, there is an exodus of infinitely large Multiverses far larger than imaginatively large.
We use a Microscope to look at small elements and still we can't see Atoms which are made of all things we can describe. We have never seen gluons using microscopes or any imaginable machinery.
To the large, we use rulers to measure the distance between Tsvangirai's left eye from his right. We have good instruments to measure his height and we can mock that he is shorter than Phelekezela Mphoko and cheer that he is taller than Robert Mugabe. We are so accurate and clever to measure how many kilometres Tsvangirai travelled to Germany and how long it took him to get there. We can ask Tsvangirai now to show us a far away planet Mars is, and he can point at it and tell us it is red. Tsvangirai will not see Pluto, it is too far to see from Earth.
We are human, we are clever and we can invent instruments to see that which the eye cannot nakedly see. We invented a Telescope long before Tsvangirai was born. We use the Telescope to see Pluto.
In recent years, we have even gone more cleverer, we can now navigate some parts of our Milky way Galaxy whose central point is an unknown Black Hole. Even better, we have invented Telescopes to see five thousand other galaxies in the multiverse.
Just imagine, Earth is our large home which is inside our Solar System which is inside our Spiral which is inside our Galaxy which is inside a Multiverse which is so infinitely large that no instrument will ever measure it.
Each star we see in our Galaxy has planets which orbit around it just as our Earth surrounds our star which we call Sun.
If so many stars in so many Galaxies have each an undiscovered Earthlike Planet, why are we not so afraid that maybe God allocates a whole Galaxy for each soul which did not kill anyone during its vacation on Earth?
If you do and fully understand Theology and Astronomy, you are guaranteed to KNOW that God is there and he is too rich and has plans for those who die without killing anyone on Earth.
Tsvangirai is a good candidate to heaven, he spent his life fighting and humanly failing to create change that would make more Zimbabweans good candidates for allocation of virgin Galaxies in heaven and not old dry and small farms in Chegutu.
What God has for those who do not kill, is greater than the tiny, tiny, tiny,tiny grain we love to call big Earth.
Ryton Dzimiri <rytondzimiri@gmail.com>
Source - Ryton Dzimiri
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