Opinion / Columnist
Morgan Tsvangirai cannot do it alone: a growing need for a united opposition party
16 Nov 2016 at 05:06hrs | Views

As motherland plunges into a social and political unknown, the outright solution for Zimbabwe remains within the parameters and influence of Morgan Tsvangirai. The leader of the MDC-T has reached his political climax, so is the need for change of government in the Southern African state. The irony and plight of Southern Africa is the need of a new leadership in Pretoria and Harare at large. It is never a coincidence that Jacob Zuma had an appointment with Uncle Bob on the eve of the further-ruffling State Capture report by the former Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela. Under so much pressure, it is reasonable that Jacob Zuma consults with uncle Bob.
It is apparent that many have came with different poli-sophical ideologies for Zimbabwe, but most of them have remained in the terraces. So Alex WaMagaisa doesn't habour presidential dreams, Tendai Biti is living large with donor money, Welshman Ncube didn't have a big dream and his leadership deficiency was exposed. The robotics Arthur Mutambara became a robot himself, Ndabaningi Sithole and Edson Zvobgo came too early, Acie Lumumba is a low mileage; too young to be president. As it stands, Morgan Tsvangirai has just been a thorn in the eye for Zanu Pf. Such is where Zimbabwe finds herself in.
As Zimbabwe plunges into more troubles, time has come to dissect the real issues in Zimbabwe. The problem is neither Zanu Pf nor Robert Mugabe. The problem is neither Morgan Tsvangirai nor the MDC-T. The solution is neither Joseph-Makamba Busha and the Free Zim Congress, nor Brother Strive 'Spiderman' Masiyiwa; it is not even within the ambits of constitutionally under age Acie Lumumba and Viva Zimbabwe.
The major problem of, with and about Zimbabwe is its citizens.
The solution for Zimbabwe is the citizens as well.
If the truth be told, Zimbabweans are not yet ready for change. It would appear as if Zimbabweans are suckers for pain; I included. Zimbabweans have either chosen to be victims of the system inside the country, or left for greener pastures all over the world. Unfortunately the grass just looks greener on the other side.
Zimbabweans in the diaspora have sad stories to tell. If the truth be told, there is a significant number of Zimbabweans who are operating in red zone districts, some do menial jobs for next to nothing and suffer from unfair labour practises, sexual abuses and manipulation. People are suffering whilst Zanu Pf remains in denial of reality, so distant from the people, so impersonal about the whole situation.
Enough is enough! Rise up Zimbabwe!
Seasoned teachers, mechanics, Chartered accountants, judges, attorneys and many other professionals with experience, qualifications and PhDs have left Zimbabwe and are now making a living from selling brooms and feather dusters. Nurses and doctors have also long joined the exodus making a living by cleaning the frail soiled and old people who are Robert Mugabe's age in the diaspora.
It makes no economic sense to stay in the Zimbabwean system where the first family burns gallons of fuel flying to the East for paracetamol. Bona Mugabe desired a water birth, but realised that she couldn't do it with dirty sewage infested Harare borehole water. The first family has made a mockery of the nation.
What have we done as Zimbabweans? We have written about it from diaspora. We have taken videos of the ruthless-unpaid-riot-police tear-gasing innocent civilians. We are quick to snap a photo and press the record button rather than take real action against the unscrupulous regime. What type of generation are we? We have taken the social-media very social. It has become more like social soccer; when one gets hurt, since there is already a shortage of water, one is given a beer, the waters of influence. Instead of educating and mobilising en masse, the majority of the citizens just don't care. There is no fighting spirit.
The government has stolen from us and we voted them in again just to make sure that they indeed are looting. The government has destroyed houses over and over again, but no one stopped such. I mean no guns were used in the process. The citizens just watched. There is a huge cry for real solidarity.
The government reported that ONLY USD$15 Billion is missing and people pretended to strike.
Whilst Cde. Chinos raised a motion in parliament advocating for bond-coin-notes, the naughty-nippy-finger-nutty Professor Jonathan Moyo has been making headlines for corruption over a few hundred thousand dollars! We all know that Professor Jonathan Moyo looted and ran away from Kenya to South Africa after dipping his fingers in the Ford Foundation monies. Whilst at Wits University, monies for a research accidentally found itself in Jonathan Moyo's back pocket. This enraged Moeletsi Mbeki who then took the legal route. Unfortunately Jonathan Moyo got diplomatic immunity.
All of a sudden the citizens were enraged. We all want him investigated and a citizen's arrest was promised on social media; it was just a friendly twitter war. This is just a diversion into the reality of the USD$15 Billion. Those who took the missing loot have shown it in their love for having a Paris Hilton hotel for a house. Such are the likes of Savior Kasukuwere, Obert Mpofu, Ignatius Chombo and many others.
Corruption is bred in Zanu Pf. You can never be in Zanu Pf and be corruption free. Corruption is a culture of Zanu Pf. Institutionalised corruption can be wiped away by a new system or personnel, but the current state of affairs in Zimbabwe has resulted in corruption also breeding from the community.
There is no respect of the law. Bribes are the order of the day. Road blocks are used for a quick buck and the citizens are to blame to some extend as they are readily available to partake in the corruption. This entails that a corruption free Zimbabwe starts with the citizens.
Another critical aspect that needs to be corrected is that the members of the security sector who are aligned to Zanu Pf. The security sector is aligned to the ruling party due to the history of the nation. There has been no transformation thereafter as there was no call to separate the security sector from the core needs of the government. As time went on, there was a need of the doctrine of separation of powers to be operational, but that was not done.
Not to be left out are the members of the security sector who have been used to brutally assault and scare the citizens demonstrating their displeasure with the current regime. They are not paid their salaries but they execute their duties as if they earn based on citizen causalities.
If and when the citizens are ready, they will first of all kick-out all the members of the security sector who are renting in the citizens that they abuse. The citizens should deal with the members of the security sector whom they are housing. The citizens are just not ready for change.
The only feasible solution for Zimbabwe sadly remains in the hands of Morgan Tsvangirai. Morgan Tsvangirai alone is the face of change, he alone can spearhead the campaign. Unfortunately he cannot do it alone. A few might not agree, but he is the tried and tested.
There is a dire need of a united front against the weakened Zanu Pf. A few leaders would come to one's mind, but at the end of the day Morgan Tsvangirai remains the better solution. Cde Madam Joyce Mujuru, the former second in charge in Zanu Pf has the credentials to lead the nation, but her past atrocities and the wounds that she has caused are too deep.
For Madam Joyce, without a truth and reconciliation process where people are criminally pardoned, her political career will not kick-off. She has done it all, and for her to expect people to just forgive and forget is asking for too much.
She has to at least properly address the atrocities of the past and how Zanu Pf has been rigging elections. The people of Zimbabwe are hungry for such information and it would bridge in the missing pieces of the puzzle. Cde Joyce appeals more to those who are aggrieved in Zanu Pf than the ordinary Zimbabweans.
The solutions for Zimbabwe could be vested in the social movements, and #Tajamuka #ThisFlag are social movements which have dramatically curved a new direction for the Zimbabwean politics. Amidst the social inequality and a widening Gini-coeficiency gap, the rampant corruption and looting levels in Zimbabwe have reached sky limit.
This, despite non-cooperation of all citizens, has brought in about shifts in the social policy and structures within the system. The most affected sector in the current Zimbabwean set up is the working class. With this in mind, there is a dire need of real working class driven mobilization for change. This can only be achieved using the trade unions; but once again there is high unemployment rate. Where do we get the workers when Zanu Pf has only employed one person on the 2 million promised jobs! Lucky is the one who is the son in law of Robert Mugabe.
Zanu Pf has thrown everything at the citizens and the citizens have just accepted their fate and move on. A few have revolted.
After losing 6 – 1 to the Kaitano Tembo influenced Supersport Mushin Etrugal of Orlando Pirates tendered his resignation on live television. He accepted responsibility and didn't wait for the supporters to bay for his blood. That is true leadership, and the truth of the matter is that was he has principles. We all hope that Jacob Zuma and his ANC cadres and Robert Mugabe could do same.
The situation in Zimbabwe is unsustainable. We appreciate the input of Robert Mugabe in the history of Zimbabwe.
The Zimbabwean situation demands that we take real action and use the social media correctly. Are we ready for action? I am ready for action. Are we ready to do our part?
We must be the change that we desire.
We are agents of change.
Change begins with Us.
Change begins right now.
Create equal opportunities for all!
Advocate Tapiwa Diamond Chadya is a rooted cosmopolitan, a Trade Unionist for MIWUSA (Migrant Workers Union of South Africa), a GLU-Engage2016 Alumni, Labour and Legal Practitioner, a Researcher, and a Political Analyst-cum-Activist. He read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and is Researching towards SOLID ALTERNATIVES TO CAPITAL. He concomitantly lives in the Natal Midlands and Pretoria. He can be contacted on 27 (0)84 566 2756 or email him at diamondtapiwa@gmail.com, or twitter @mantronieqscie. He writes in his own personal capacity.
#TheEndGame #Tajamuka #FreeZimbabwe #NoToBondNotes #MugabeMustGo #ThisFlag
It is apparent that many have came with different poli-sophical ideologies for Zimbabwe, but most of them have remained in the terraces. So Alex WaMagaisa doesn't habour presidential dreams, Tendai Biti is living large with donor money, Welshman Ncube didn't have a big dream and his leadership deficiency was exposed. The robotics Arthur Mutambara became a robot himself, Ndabaningi Sithole and Edson Zvobgo came too early, Acie Lumumba is a low mileage; too young to be president. As it stands, Morgan Tsvangirai has just been a thorn in the eye for Zanu Pf. Such is where Zimbabwe finds herself in.
As Zimbabwe plunges into more troubles, time has come to dissect the real issues in Zimbabwe. The problem is neither Zanu Pf nor Robert Mugabe. The problem is neither Morgan Tsvangirai nor the MDC-T. The solution is neither Joseph-Makamba Busha and the Free Zim Congress, nor Brother Strive 'Spiderman' Masiyiwa; it is not even within the ambits of constitutionally under age Acie Lumumba and Viva Zimbabwe.
The major problem of, with and about Zimbabwe is its citizens.
The solution for Zimbabwe is the citizens as well.
If the truth be told, Zimbabweans are not yet ready for change. It would appear as if Zimbabweans are suckers for pain; I included. Zimbabweans have either chosen to be victims of the system inside the country, or left for greener pastures all over the world. Unfortunately the grass just looks greener on the other side.
Zimbabweans in the diaspora have sad stories to tell. If the truth be told, there is a significant number of Zimbabweans who are operating in red zone districts, some do menial jobs for next to nothing and suffer from unfair labour practises, sexual abuses and manipulation. People are suffering whilst Zanu Pf remains in denial of reality, so distant from the people, so impersonal about the whole situation.
Enough is enough! Rise up Zimbabwe!
Seasoned teachers, mechanics, Chartered accountants, judges, attorneys and many other professionals with experience, qualifications and PhDs have left Zimbabwe and are now making a living from selling brooms and feather dusters. Nurses and doctors have also long joined the exodus making a living by cleaning the frail soiled and old people who are Robert Mugabe's age in the diaspora.
It makes no economic sense to stay in the Zimbabwean system where the first family burns gallons of fuel flying to the East for paracetamol. Bona Mugabe desired a water birth, but realised that she couldn't do it with dirty sewage infested Harare borehole water. The first family has made a mockery of the nation.
What have we done as Zimbabweans? We have written about it from diaspora. We have taken videos of the ruthless-unpaid-riot-police tear-gasing innocent civilians. We are quick to snap a photo and press the record button rather than take real action against the unscrupulous regime. What type of generation are we? We have taken the social-media very social. It has become more like social soccer; when one gets hurt, since there is already a shortage of water, one is given a beer, the waters of influence. Instead of educating and mobilising en masse, the majority of the citizens just don't care. There is no fighting spirit.
The government has stolen from us and we voted them in again just to make sure that they indeed are looting. The government has destroyed houses over and over again, but no one stopped such. I mean no guns were used in the process. The citizens just watched. There is a huge cry for real solidarity.
The government reported that ONLY USD$15 Billion is missing and people pretended to strike.
Whilst Cde. Chinos raised a motion in parliament advocating for bond-coin-notes, the naughty-nippy-finger-nutty Professor Jonathan Moyo has been making headlines for corruption over a few hundred thousand dollars! We all know that Professor Jonathan Moyo looted and ran away from Kenya to South Africa after dipping his fingers in the Ford Foundation monies. Whilst at Wits University, monies for a research accidentally found itself in Jonathan Moyo's back pocket. This enraged Moeletsi Mbeki who then took the legal route. Unfortunately Jonathan Moyo got diplomatic immunity.
All of a sudden the citizens were enraged. We all want him investigated and a citizen's arrest was promised on social media; it was just a friendly twitter war. This is just a diversion into the reality of the USD$15 Billion. Those who took the missing loot have shown it in their love for having a Paris Hilton hotel for a house. Such are the likes of Savior Kasukuwere, Obert Mpofu, Ignatius Chombo and many others.
Corruption is bred in Zanu Pf. You can never be in Zanu Pf and be corruption free. Corruption is a culture of Zanu Pf. Institutionalised corruption can be wiped away by a new system or personnel, but the current state of affairs in Zimbabwe has resulted in corruption also breeding from the community.
There is no respect of the law. Bribes are the order of the day. Road blocks are used for a quick buck and the citizens are to blame to some extend as they are readily available to partake in the corruption. This entails that a corruption free Zimbabwe starts with the citizens.
Another critical aspect that needs to be corrected is that the members of the security sector who are aligned to Zanu Pf. The security sector is aligned to the ruling party due to the history of the nation. There has been no transformation thereafter as there was no call to separate the security sector from the core needs of the government. As time went on, there was a need of the doctrine of separation of powers to be operational, but that was not done.
Not to be left out are the members of the security sector who have been used to brutally assault and scare the citizens demonstrating their displeasure with the current regime. They are not paid their salaries but they execute their duties as if they earn based on citizen causalities.
If and when the citizens are ready, they will first of all kick-out all the members of the security sector who are renting in the citizens that they abuse. The citizens should deal with the members of the security sector whom they are housing. The citizens are just not ready for change.
The only feasible solution for Zimbabwe sadly remains in the hands of Morgan Tsvangirai. Morgan Tsvangirai alone is the face of change, he alone can spearhead the campaign. Unfortunately he cannot do it alone. A few might not agree, but he is the tried and tested.
There is a dire need of a united front against the weakened Zanu Pf. A few leaders would come to one's mind, but at the end of the day Morgan Tsvangirai remains the better solution. Cde Madam Joyce Mujuru, the former second in charge in Zanu Pf has the credentials to lead the nation, but her past atrocities and the wounds that she has caused are too deep.
For Madam Joyce, without a truth and reconciliation process where people are criminally pardoned, her political career will not kick-off. She has done it all, and for her to expect people to just forgive and forget is asking for too much.
She has to at least properly address the atrocities of the past and how Zanu Pf has been rigging elections. The people of Zimbabwe are hungry for such information and it would bridge in the missing pieces of the puzzle. Cde Joyce appeals more to those who are aggrieved in Zanu Pf than the ordinary Zimbabweans.
The solutions for Zimbabwe could be vested in the social movements, and #Tajamuka #ThisFlag are social movements which have dramatically curved a new direction for the Zimbabwean politics. Amidst the social inequality and a widening Gini-coeficiency gap, the rampant corruption and looting levels in Zimbabwe have reached sky limit.
This, despite non-cooperation of all citizens, has brought in about shifts in the social policy and structures within the system. The most affected sector in the current Zimbabwean set up is the working class. With this in mind, there is a dire need of real working class driven mobilization for change. This can only be achieved using the trade unions; but once again there is high unemployment rate. Where do we get the workers when Zanu Pf has only employed one person on the 2 million promised jobs! Lucky is the one who is the son in law of Robert Mugabe.
Zanu Pf has thrown everything at the citizens and the citizens have just accepted their fate and move on. A few have revolted.
After losing 6 – 1 to the Kaitano Tembo influenced Supersport Mushin Etrugal of Orlando Pirates tendered his resignation on live television. He accepted responsibility and didn't wait for the supporters to bay for his blood. That is true leadership, and the truth of the matter is that was he has principles. We all hope that Jacob Zuma and his ANC cadres and Robert Mugabe could do same.
The situation in Zimbabwe is unsustainable. We appreciate the input of Robert Mugabe in the history of Zimbabwe.
The Zimbabwean situation demands that we take real action and use the social media correctly. Are we ready for action? I am ready for action. Are we ready to do our part?
We must be the change that we desire.
We are agents of change.
Change begins with Us.
Change begins right now.
Create equal opportunities for all!
Advocate Tapiwa Diamond Chadya is a rooted cosmopolitan, a Trade Unionist for MIWUSA (Migrant Workers Union of South Africa), a GLU-Engage2016 Alumni, Labour and Legal Practitioner, a Researcher, and a Political Analyst-cum-Activist. He read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and is Researching towards SOLID ALTERNATIVES TO CAPITAL. He concomitantly lives in the Natal Midlands and Pretoria. He can be contacted on 27 (0)84 566 2756 or email him at diamondtapiwa@gmail.com, or twitter @mantronieqscie. He writes in his own personal capacity.
#TheEndGame #Tajamuka #FreeZimbabwe #NoToBondNotes #MugabeMustGo #ThisFlag
Source - Tapiwa Diamond Chadya
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