Opinion / Letters
Open letter to Mthwakazi
24 Aug 2017 at 07:36hrs | Views

Dear Mthwakazi,
And so it has finally happened, in our lifetime, the rightful heir to the Mthwakazi Monarchy has been identified. Inkatho iwele kumNtwana uBulelani Colin Lobengula Khumalo ophuma endlini yomntwana uNjube Lobengula Khumalo weSilo sakoBulawayo uLobengula weSilo sakoMhlahlandlela uMzilikazi kaMatshobane.
The NATION rejoices, rightfully so, in receipt of this long awaited pronouncement by amaNtungwa. It is with intent that I put emphasis on the word NATION and those who are Mthwakazian by their very fabric will understand why. I will not dwell on the process and reason why inkatho iwele kuye umntwana because that has been explained by the responsible people. All the naysayers and doubting Thomases and those esibabiza ngomapoyila have taken to social media and all other forms of media to express their feelings about this very welcome development but for us indlela isiyakhanya. UMthwakazi usebuyil'emasisweni, bazakhononda abakhonondayo basole abasolayo, bagxeke abagxekayo kodwa eyethu isifikile. Restoration of our cultural identity and dignity as a people has gained impetus and it is now full steam ahead.
My letter to you Mthwakazi is about the now and way forward. We have reached the point of no return and everyone of us has to get on this train, if you are not on it yet, and make sure you are part and parcel when it reaches it's destination. Getting on the train, Mthwakazi kaNdaba, does not mean a free ride? Uthi uzahlala ugoq'izandla thina sifotshol'amalahle ukuzi is'timela siyephambili? Cha wena ndlela zimhlophe induku zibomvu, kusazosetshenzwa. We have to unite as a people behind this project. I call it a project because it has taken a long time & effort and will take money to achieve the final deliverable which is our NATIONHOOD. The nomination of the heir to the throne is, but, a milestone in this project and the next milestone we have to achieve is the coronation of iSilo sabeThwakazi. We have to begin preparations for this monumental event which will be taking place sooner than you think. You are part of a generation that is making history, siqoph'umlando sisonke Mthwakaz'omuhle. Osomlando basazobhal'izincwadi ezithi uMthwakazi ka 2017 wabuvus'ubukhosi obase bule 124 years kuthiwa butshabelele kanti cha, babungatshabalele babuhlehlile kuphela buyethath'amandla njenge nqama esempini. Kumele ukhumbule Mthwakazi ukuthi izizwe zibhekile njalo zonke leziziwe azisifisel'impumelelo, they have begun their own sinister preparations to make sure umsebenzi wethu doesn't succeed. That's why we have to dig deep into ubuThwakazi bethu sibambane sibeyimbumba silungise okungokwethu and bring back that pride and dignity of our NATION.
In a few weeks time we'll be gathered at eMhlahlandlela celebrating the life and times of the founder of this great NATION of ours, iSilo uMzilikazi kaMatshobane and marking the unstoppable rising of isizwe sabeThwakazi. Uzothini nxa abazukulu bakho bethi "mkhulu lawe waukhona yini?" if you don't wake up from your politically and tribalistically induced slumber and be a part of this great annual event? Yes, this event has been taking place yearly in September since 1999 but this year's event will be a turning point in our future. It will separate abeThwakazi begazi from those abokufanisela. Nxa ungathi wena uwuthamele umgubho walonyaka ubon'induna yakini ingalugxobanga, wazi ukuthi akuyona induna kaMthwakazi leyo, ngeyezizwe futhi nxa izalwa liqhawe labeThwakazi kutsh'ukuthi ayibufanele lobobuduna kumele ibuphucwe. Eyakithi eNkayi laph'esakhela khona nguKhumalo uMadliwa kanti laph'engidabuka khona ezintabeni eMatobo ngoka Masuku uMalaki. Asazi kuyozalankomoni nxa bengawuphakamelanga umgubho. Sizabona laph'okuyawela khona induku loxakuxaku mhlazana okaNjube ephatha intonga. Phela Mthwakazi ngosuku iNkosi yabeThwakazi iphatha intonga ifaka lembatha yeskhumba seNgwe, kuzobonakala ukuthi izinduna zesizwe lezabetshabi yiziphi. Azotheleka amaKhosi leZilo zeziny'izinhlanga ezibumba uMthwakazi - abeSwati, abeTswana, abeSotho, amaXhosa, amaNdebele aseNdubazi, amaZulu, amaVenda, amaShangane leziny'izizwe zamaNguni lamaNgoni bezebuka ukunyakaza kwesizwe seNkanyamba emakhandakhanda.
Yiso ke les'iskhathi sokuthi Mthwakazi uzilungiselele ngoba lufikile olwakho usuku. Lungisa imvunulo, lungis'izinduku, lungis'ihawu, lungis'umkhonto uphume ugiye unephuze uzigqaje ngobunguwe bakho. Lufikile usuku lokuthi uthathe eyakho indawo owayitshiyelwa ngokhokho bakho ngemva kokubana bechith'igazi bajuluka abanye bafa befela lelilizwe lethu besala ukubuswa yizizwana ezingazazi imvelaphi yazo. Izinyanya lama thong'abeThwakazi asewenzile owaw'umsebenzi, sekusazandleni zakho ukuthi isizwe siphakame sime mpo! Ngaphandle kwakho wena Mthwakazi ngeke kulunge. INkosi yiNkosi ngabantu njalo isizwe yisizwe ngeNkosi yaso. Uzathini wena Mthwakazi nxa kusasa iNkosi kuthiwa ayidlanga – angikhulumi ngesitshwala lapha, uzathini wena Mthwakazi nxa kusasa kuthiwa iNkosi igwazwe ngomkhonto yizitha ngoba wena ungayivikelanga, uzathini wena Mthwakazi nxa kusasa kuthiwa iNkosi ayinelisanga ukuya enhlanganweni yamazw'omhlaba imenyiwe ukuthi izokhulumela isizwe ngoba imali yendiza beyingekho? Akudlalwa lapha nsizwa lawe nkosazana kuzesetshenzelwa isizwe. Sivumile sathi sizimisele ukuy'empini hayi lamuntu kodwa lobupha lokuhlupheka lokungahlonitshwa kwesizwe samaNdebele kaMzilikazi. Kade sadliswa imbuya ngothi izitha zisidla zikhomba ngophakathi, zisibukela emakhaleni.
I'll say it again, this is the generation that has made history in our lifetime. Our NATION is rising from the ashes that many thought had been consigned to the dustbin of history. No, it was not ashes, it was embers that were smouldering underneath the weight of tribalism. Now those embers have become warm enough to melt the plastic sides of the dustbin and get the much needed oxygen to burn that tribalistic dirt to create a fire. This is the fire that has just begun to burn. Together we'll fan this fire kuze kube lilangabi elizavutha litshise bonk'utshani basebusika obomileyo kuthi ngehlobo nxa selithe lana kuhlume utshani obutsha sidle sincinde sisuthe.
And so it has finally happened, in our lifetime, the rightful heir to the Mthwakazi Monarchy has been identified. Inkatho iwele kumNtwana uBulelani Colin Lobengula Khumalo ophuma endlini yomntwana uNjube Lobengula Khumalo weSilo sakoBulawayo uLobengula weSilo sakoMhlahlandlela uMzilikazi kaMatshobane.
The NATION rejoices, rightfully so, in receipt of this long awaited pronouncement by amaNtungwa. It is with intent that I put emphasis on the word NATION and those who are Mthwakazian by their very fabric will understand why. I will not dwell on the process and reason why inkatho iwele kuye umntwana because that has been explained by the responsible people. All the naysayers and doubting Thomases and those esibabiza ngomapoyila have taken to social media and all other forms of media to express their feelings about this very welcome development but for us indlela isiyakhanya. UMthwakazi usebuyil'emasisweni, bazakhononda abakhonondayo basole abasolayo, bagxeke abagxekayo kodwa eyethu isifikile. Restoration of our cultural identity and dignity as a people has gained impetus and it is now full steam ahead.
My letter to you Mthwakazi is about the now and way forward. We have reached the point of no return and everyone of us has to get on this train, if you are not on it yet, and make sure you are part and parcel when it reaches it's destination. Getting on the train, Mthwakazi kaNdaba, does not mean a free ride? Uthi uzahlala ugoq'izandla thina sifotshol'amalahle ukuzi is'timela siyephambili? Cha wena ndlela zimhlophe induku zibomvu, kusazosetshenzwa. We have to unite as a people behind this project. I call it a project because it has taken a long time & effort and will take money to achieve the final deliverable which is our NATIONHOOD. The nomination of the heir to the throne is, but, a milestone in this project and the next milestone we have to achieve is the coronation of iSilo sabeThwakazi. We have to begin preparations for this monumental event which will be taking place sooner than you think. You are part of a generation that is making history, siqoph'umlando sisonke Mthwakaz'omuhle. Osomlando basazobhal'izincwadi ezithi uMthwakazi ka 2017 wabuvus'ubukhosi obase bule 124 years kuthiwa butshabelele kanti cha, babungatshabalele babuhlehlile kuphela buyethath'amandla njenge nqama esempini. Kumele ukhumbule Mthwakazi ukuthi izizwe zibhekile njalo zonke leziziwe azisifisel'impumelelo, they have begun their own sinister preparations to make sure umsebenzi wethu doesn't succeed. That's why we have to dig deep into ubuThwakazi bethu sibambane sibeyimbumba silungise okungokwethu and bring back that pride and dignity of our NATION.
In a few weeks time we'll be gathered at eMhlahlandlela celebrating the life and times of the founder of this great NATION of ours, iSilo uMzilikazi kaMatshobane and marking the unstoppable rising of isizwe sabeThwakazi. Uzothini nxa abazukulu bakho bethi "mkhulu lawe waukhona yini?" if you don't wake up from your politically and tribalistically induced slumber and be a part of this great annual event? Yes, this event has been taking place yearly in September since 1999 but this year's event will be a turning point in our future. It will separate abeThwakazi begazi from those abokufanisela. Nxa ungathi wena uwuthamele umgubho walonyaka ubon'induna yakini ingalugxobanga, wazi ukuthi akuyona induna kaMthwakazi leyo, ngeyezizwe futhi nxa izalwa liqhawe labeThwakazi kutsh'ukuthi ayibufanele lobobuduna kumele ibuphucwe. Eyakithi eNkayi laph'esakhela khona nguKhumalo uMadliwa kanti laph'engidabuka khona ezintabeni eMatobo ngoka Masuku uMalaki. Asazi kuyozalankomoni nxa bengawuphakamelanga umgubho. Sizabona laph'okuyawela khona induku loxakuxaku mhlazana okaNjube ephatha intonga. Phela Mthwakazi ngosuku iNkosi yabeThwakazi iphatha intonga ifaka lembatha yeskhumba seNgwe, kuzobonakala ukuthi izinduna zesizwe lezabetshabi yiziphi. Azotheleka amaKhosi leZilo zeziny'izinhlanga ezibumba uMthwakazi - abeSwati, abeTswana, abeSotho, amaXhosa, amaNdebele aseNdubazi, amaZulu, amaVenda, amaShangane leziny'izizwe zamaNguni lamaNgoni bezebuka ukunyakaza kwesizwe seNkanyamba emakhandakhanda.
Yiso ke les'iskhathi sokuthi Mthwakazi uzilungiselele ngoba lufikile olwakho usuku. Lungisa imvunulo, lungis'izinduku, lungis'ihawu, lungis'umkhonto uphume ugiye unephuze uzigqaje ngobunguwe bakho. Lufikile usuku lokuthi uthathe eyakho indawo owayitshiyelwa ngokhokho bakho ngemva kokubana bechith'igazi bajuluka abanye bafa befela lelilizwe lethu besala ukubuswa yizizwana ezingazazi imvelaphi yazo. Izinyanya lama thong'abeThwakazi asewenzile owaw'umsebenzi, sekusazandleni zakho ukuthi isizwe siphakame sime mpo! Ngaphandle kwakho wena Mthwakazi ngeke kulunge. INkosi yiNkosi ngabantu njalo isizwe yisizwe ngeNkosi yaso. Uzathini wena Mthwakazi nxa kusasa iNkosi kuthiwa ayidlanga – angikhulumi ngesitshwala lapha, uzathini wena Mthwakazi nxa kusasa kuthiwa iNkosi igwazwe ngomkhonto yizitha ngoba wena ungayivikelanga, uzathini wena Mthwakazi nxa kusasa kuthiwa iNkosi ayinelisanga ukuya enhlanganweni yamazw'omhlaba imenyiwe ukuthi izokhulumela isizwe ngoba imali yendiza beyingekho? Akudlalwa lapha nsizwa lawe nkosazana kuzesetshenzelwa isizwe. Sivumile sathi sizimisele ukuy'empini hayi lamuntu kodwa lobupha lokuhlupheka lokungahlonitshwa kwesizwe samaNdebele kaMzilikazi. Kade sadliswa imbuya ngothi izitha zisidla zikhomba ngophakathi, zisibukela emakhaleni.
I'll say it again, this is the generation that has made history in our lifetime. Our NATION is rising from the ashes that many thought had been consigned to the dustbin of history. No, it was not ashes, it was embers that were smouldering underneath the weight of tribalism. Now those embers have become warm enough to melt the plastic sides of the dustbin and get the much needed oxygen to burn that tribalistic dirt to create a fire. This is the fire that has just begun to burn. Together we'll fan this fire kuze kube lilangabi elizavutha litshise bonk'utshani basebusika obomileyo kuthi ngehlobo nxa selithe lana kuhlume utshani obutsha sidle sincinde sisuthe.
Source - Nkonzo kaMathanda
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