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Welshman Ncube - a credible leader

22 Sep 2012 at 14:12hrs | Views
EDITOR - The MDC led by professor Welshman Ncube is regarded as the most principled and disciplined political party in Zimbabwe. It has strategically managed to survive several storms sponsored by the other two partners in government.

Since the election of professor Welshman Ncube in January 2011,the MDC has managed to prove to the electorate in Zimbabwe that it is a capacity-based political party with credible leadership that can drive Zimbabwe forward. The MDC is proud of its leadership who have performed extremely well. The performance of the MDC MPs, senators, deputy ministers and ministers in government has been superb.

Those leaders in positions of authority in the current government of national unity are expected to continue from where they left off in 2011. Political change is coming to Zimbabwe and those thinking that President Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai are the godfathers of Zimbabwean politics are wrong.

Ncube has turned on the power in Zimbabwe and is determined to unseat president Robert Mugabe from power through constitutional means. It is saddening to note that Morgan Tsvangirai has decided to team up with President Mugabe to fight and frustrate the high flying team from government through unorthodox means. The two do not seem to see that they are fighting a losing battle. They have decided to protect a party-less person called Arthur Mutambara who was rejected by the people and their definition of principals is different from that of SADC.

Source - Gugugu Magorira in Zvishavane
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More on: #Welshman, #Leader