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We need each other as Zimbabweans

25 Oct 2021 at 15:14hrs | Views
Dear Zimbabweans,

Greetings my fellow countrymen, guess I find you well despite the simmering October heat and the economic hardships. I'm really sorry to the Chinmasa family on the loss of their property which was gutted by fire but was very impressed by their response that showed maturity. Imagine if this was Biti or Chamisa's house? Britain and USA were going to have a field day and even attack Zimbabwe militarily.

Zimbabweans, we are Zimbabweans first and politicians next. We must embrace each other in our diversity as one family Zimbabwe. None but ourselves can develop our blessed nation but we can't achieve it .through fighting, harassment, choreographed assassination, imagined abductions, hatred and intolerance.

Thank you Cde Chinamasa, we are tired of stage managed drama for political mileage by a few people who worship the white man. It's time as Africans, Zimbabweans tirambe kuitiswa. We want progressive leaders who believe in Africanism. Surely one can't accommodate the world if he can't tolerate his own brother.

The povo is suffering while the politicians are enjoying their madness being propelled by ego, greedy and individualism. Leaders must serve and not enrich themselves. Leaders must deliver not loot our resources. Leaders must be innovative and creative.


True Patriot Munya Shumba

Source - Munya Shumba
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