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Police not acting on cabinet lockdown regulations

11 Jan 2022 at 11:26hrs | Views
Dear Editor,

Government efforts to curb the spike in Covid 19 cases is being frustrated by the Zimbabwe Republic police ZRP who are allowing shops and nightclubs to open until 5am the following day.

Revellers are found dancing and drinking beer all night long without proof of vaccination, social distancing, masks and sanitisers.

Sometimes police officers are deployed but are bribed by shop owners and bar attendance on the instruction of the bosses.

Cabinet directives on covid 19 curfew and guidelines have never been followed and I therefore, challenge anyone disputing these facts to go to Kuwadzana, Warren park and Dzivaresekwa at midnight and see how people are disobeying cabinet directives.

To evade arrest and punishment  any nightclub operators are making some donations to local police stations

Cabinet directives have never been followed in most southern districts of Harare if not the whole country because of corrupt law enforcement agents that are frustrating all efforts to curb the spike in covid 19 cases.

The police commissioner and the anti-corruption commission should make a follow up on these allegations that are supported with facts.
Police operations are not taking place and any of those patrols by local stations have been pathetic.

Night spots are opening the whole night despite the existence of a government curfew. These night spots have become a hub of criminals like robbers and muggers who after robbing people and cars go and spend the money at these night clubs.

The people who are spending more time at these night spots are unemployed youths a situation that raises our eyebrows as communities.

President  Mnangagwa and his cabinet are firing blanks by announcing lockdown conditions that are never implemented

I feel pity for Hon Monica Mutsvangwa who is always seen announcing these so called lockdown extensions that have never been followed.

Gugugu Magorira

Source - Gugugu Magorira
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