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Open letter to Strive Masiyiwa

29 Jun 2022 at 03:27hrs | Views
Hello Econet boss Mr Strive Masiyiwa I hope I find you well.

I would like to express  my disgust over day light  robbery by your organisation  on the ecosure platform.

Having been subscribing to your ecosure for over five years I find it very disturbing to note that it is there to milk the poor.

I got sick for 5 days on May 20 and was hospitalised  for 5 days at local medical centre in Mvurwi.

I paid my bills to the sum of US$940  and I called one Fungisai on 0777222477 who told me to send all the requirements  for my medical bills.

To my surprize it is now over a month now and she continues to say we are paying you today which day is that?

Having been subscribing to your ecosure with my line 0772737512  I feel your organisation  is stealing from the poor you should just close that facility  because it does not help the poor as you suggest.

It is my wish that more people will be saved from this dangerous ecosure.

Yours faithfully 

MacDonald Sithole. 

Source - MacDonald Sithole
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