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Please leave Chamisa out of bullet-proof vehicle funds

23 Aug 2022 at 01:29hrs | Views
Why does it become an issue for someone who has not contributed anything towards purchasing a bullet proof-proof vehicle for Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa? It is people who haven't contributed a cent who want to spread hogwash and nonsense.

We contributed and we will continue to do it for the struggle which is at hand. Now we will soon raise US$20 000 and $1 000 for 2023 election candidates.

We, in the diaspora play our part, just #RegisterToVote that's all. Let those who speak, speak up. We will not stop assisting the opposition.

People who didn't donate any cent are the ones crying most, give us the names of the people complaining. We want to see if they have donated anything.

Above all Chamisa was not part of the #GoFundMe nor anyone in the CCC leadership. So how can the CCC account for money which they never pocketed?

Instead of talking of Gokwe-Nembudziya legislator Mayor Wadyajena's looting case, you are busy talking of donations.

Some Zanu-PF supporters have tried to silence Chamisa but to no avail.

Say whatever you want, Chamisa is ours and we won't be moved by this rubbish.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe
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More on: #Chamisa, #CCC, #Car