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#OpenLetterToMyPresident: I'm sure you can do better

by N Phiri
19 Sep 2022 at 13:08hrs | Views
Dear Mr President, 

Can you put us the people of Zimbabwe first. Can you work hard to make Zimbabwe a better place?

Can you put yourself in the shoes of the Citizens just for a day. It's always us who are at the recieving end.

Mr President, do you know what it's like to send a child to school but the teachers are on strike?

To pay fees but no education?

Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up everyday and go to work but be paid almost nothing?

Mr President, we are living in oppression. 

People are tired. We are scared we don't see any future at all in our country. 

Things are getting worse. We are the talk and laughing stock by other countries. 
Is this the kind of leadership you want to be known?

Is this the kind of way you other people to know our country by?

I'm sure you can do better, together we can all do better. 

Let's unite and put everything aside, and work on rebuilding our country. 

Together we can


Source - N Phiri
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