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Open Letter to Senator Monica Mutsvangwa

06 Jun 2023 at 16:36hrs | Views
Mr. Kennedy Chokuda
Clerk of Parliament
Parliament of Zimbabwe

Dear Mr. Chokuda,

We kindly request you deliver the attached letter from the Zimbabwe Diaspora Vote Initiative to Senator Monica Mutsvangwa. We could not email her directly as we do not have her email account.

We were very much impressed by the acknowledgment of remittances from the Zimbabweans living in Australia, now number 40,000. We hope that the Government of Zimbabwe will learn from other Commonwealth countries such as Australia, Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, and many other countries in Africa and outside Africa that have embraced the Diaspora Vote and that Comrade Mutsvagwa will be able to champion the Diaspora Vote issue when the Electoral Amendment Bill comes to the Senate.

Please let us know by return email if you successfully delivered the letter to Senator Mutsvangwa.

Best regards

Zimbabwe Diaspora Vote Initiative

Source - Zimbabwe Diaspora Vote Initiative
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