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Husband impregnates entire wedding party

13 Jun 2023 at 05:52hrs | Views
Please hide my ID am woman of 3 aged 32 in a good marital house that has since been shaken. Am devastated to learn that all my former wedding maids have been sleeping with my husband and he has gotten all of them 4 pregnant.

I don't know what to do these have been my friends I considered sisters I would share with them every story of my house. I once told them how a beast my husband is in bed when we went out on a girls date one of them became curious and started sending my husband messages.

At first I did not bother to pay attention because I trusted them as my own sisters who can protect me but when one got pregnant I was interested then it happened that within the same time all my 4 friends became pregnant for my husband.

He has confessed and said he was sorry for they seduced him and that he loves me he doesn't want us to divorce. Please guide me am confused because am also pregnant.

Source - zambian observor
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