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An open letter to Chamisa and the CCC

02 Oct 2023 at 02:57hrs | Views
This letter serves to advise you sir and your party to choose the candidates who represent your party in councils and parliament diligently, failure to do so will cost you in the future.

In just a month into office some of your elected cadres have proved that they are not ready/willing to serve the people who put them into offices thereby compromising service delivery and the welfare of the people.
I am a resident of Emakhandeni A, Bulawayo (Emakhandeni-Luveve constituency) where Susan Sithole and Vinicent Bajila are councillor and M.P respectively.

Just soon after elections our transformer bursted due to a fault caused by Zesa employees who were working on the lines leaving us without electricity for weeks. Now Zesa wants the residents to pay for the repairs of the transformer which was damaged by their employers. AS If that is not enough our sewer system is in shambles leaving raw sewer exposed, flowing everywhere living us exposed to cholera, diarrhoea and other related diseases.

In a bid to solve these problems we tried to engage our beloved Councillor Miss Sithole. We gave her a call and she promised to visit the area the following day which she never did. We tried to call her for several times and our calls were never answered. We then decided to pay her visit at the Municipality offices. We were ushered by a council employee who told us to wait whilst she goes to fetch her. (Which indicates she was around). A few minutes later she came back telling us that the councillor     wasn't around. It was clear that she was there but was avoiding us.

Tired and dejected we went back to our homes. We were later told that she was seen at Crystal bar drinking like hell. It seems like she likes drinking even during the week.

We then tried to get hold of the MP Bajila, it was a Friday.  He told us that we came late he had plans already for that Friday and the next day was a Saturday which is a Sabbath day and he won't be able to assist us, he will only be able to help us Monday the following week. From there we never got a feedback from the M.P and we are still in the dark.
 These people never campaigned. Bajila won the elections against Brian Samuriwo who had a vigorous campaign. He was assisting people to get driver's license for free. He did football tournaments and paid school fees for disadvantaged children. On the other hand Bajila just poped out on whatsapp groups a week prior to elections saying "ngicela ivote yenu bazali". As for Sithole she hardly had a poster. Despite the little efforts the 2 put in campaigning for the2023 harmonised elections the 2 came out victorious because they were representing the CCC brand led by Nelson Chamisa the people s president. It is a shame that they are now putting the name of the party into disrepute.


Source - Thandolwenkosi Mnyukhi
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