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Open letter to Minister Barbara Rwodzi

16 Dec 2023 at 05:57hrs | Views
Dear Minister Rwodzi and esteemed CEO of the Zimbabwe Tourism Association,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I write to you today with a deep concern regarding the exorbitant prices and inconsistent rating standards of hotel accommodations within our beloved nation. As stakeholders and advocates for the growth of Zimbabwe's tourism industry, we believe it is crucial to address this matter in order to enhance the experience of both domestic and international tourists.

Specifically, I would like to draw your attention to the pricing discrepancies observed in prominent hotels across the country. While it is understandable that various factors contribute to pricing, the examples I am about to bring to your attention are unjustifiably high and warrant immediate attention.

Take, for instance, Cresta Jameson Hotel, which is classified as a 3-star hotel or below. Astonishingly, they charge a staggering $170 per night for room-only accommodation. On the other hand, establishments such as Holiday Inn, which boast better infrastructure and higher ratings, charge $150 per night for the same room-only experience. This disparity in pricing raises questions about the criteria used by hotels to determine their rates and whether there is any oversight or monitoring of these standards.

Moreover, it is disheartening to witness the current state of hotels that carry undeserved star ratings. In Mutare, for example, Eastgate Hotel charges $50 per night, claiming to be a 3-star establishment. However, a closer look at the hotel reveals filthy carpets, bathrooms with distressing stains and molds, and an overall lack of cleanliness and maintenance. It is distressing to think that tourists are being charged for substandard accommodation that does not reflect its supposed star rating.

As a nation, we must address this issue promptly. It is essential to ensure that the pricing of hotel rooms is transparent, justifiable, and in line with the quality of service provided. Additionally, it is imperative to have a robust and reliable system for rating hotels that accurately reflects their overall standards.

I humbly request your immediate intervention and thorough review of the current pricing and rating structures of hotels in Zimbabwe. By doing so, we can not only safeguard the interests of tourists but also elevate the reputation of our nation's tourism industry. Let us work together to ensure that all tourists have an exceptional experience while visiting Zimbabwe.

Thank you for your attention to this matter of national importance. Your commitment and dedication to the growth of our tourism industry are deeply appreciated. I eagerly await your constructive response and hope for positive change in the near future.

Yours sincerely,

Aldrin Ncube

Source - Aldrin Ncube
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