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Open letter to Martin Rushwaya : Urgent Concern Regarding Corruption and Mismanagement at the Ministry of Environment

08 Jun 2024 at 08:37hrs | Views
The alarming state of affairs at the Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Wildlife under the leadership of Permanent Secretary Prof. Prosper Matondi deserves your urgent attention and investigation. As a whistleblower I bring to your attention the persistent corruption, favoritism, and mismanagement that are tarnishing the reputation of this once esteemed ministry.

Despite being entrusted with the responsibility of leading a vital government institution, Prof. Matondi's actions have raised serious doubts about his commitment to upholding governance principles and ethical standards. It is disheartening to witness the blatant display of favoritism towards inexperienced staff members who offer personal and at times sexual favors in exchange for unwarranted privileges, such as excessive foreign trips and promotions.

Of particular concern is the case of certain individuals, including Prof. Patience Mutopo and Courage Mbiriyawanda, who seem to have gained undue advantages through inappropriate means. The abuse of power for personal gain and the neglect of qualified and principled officers have resulted in a toxic work environment where competence and integrity take a back seat to nepotism and unethical behavior.

Furthermore, the misuse of resources through unnecessary office renovations, procurement violations, and the bypassing of tender procedures reflects a disturbing pattern of corruption within the ministry. The unchecked arrogance and perceived impunity exhibited by Prof. Matondi only serve to exacerbate the sense of injustice and inequality among hard-working civil servants who strive to uphold the values of public service.

I urge the law enforcement and anti corruption agencies to conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations raised against Prof. Matondi and take immediate action to address these grave issues. Upholding transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct is paramount to restoring the integrity of the Ministry of Environment and ensuring that it fulfills its mandate to protect our natural resources and promote sustainable development.

The size of his office , the cost of renovating it and the rationale behind it need to be examined.

The allocation of Foreign trips , recommendation for promotion among other internal governance issues also need close scrutiny.

The PS alleges that he is related to the First Lady and the Chairman of the Public Service Commission which forces other senior staff to keep quiet as they witness flagrant and blatant abuse of Ministry protocols and resources by the all powerful PS Matondi.

These matters are not hearsay these are existing matters that can be investigated,  verified and proven by security or law enforcement agents.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing matter. I trust that decisive steps will be taken to rectify the situation and hold those responsible for malpractice accountable.

Yours sincerely,


Source - Byo24News
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