Opinion / Letters
Open Letter to Xoxani Ngxoxo aka Vuli Moyo
19 Aug 2016 at 13:29hrs | Views

Nomazulu Thata
Your article below of yesterday in Bulawayo24 made me really sad and for this reason I wish to reply it http://bulawayo24.com/index-id-opinion-sc-columnist-byo-94489.html I have questions I would like you to clarify to me since your article is mostly directed to me: Nomazulu Thata.
Firstly; may I please know your real name, Xoxani Ngxoxo does not make a real name for me. In your previous article you signed Xoxani Ngxoxo at the top and Vuli Moyo at the bottom of your article. How can you have two names? Who are you, where do you come from, are you a real person or just another computer junk? Why are you hiding behind a false name, what are you scared of, to use your real name so that we know whom we are communicating with? So you are fake from the onset, we cannot take what you are saying seriously, you are playing with the minds of the people of Mthwakazi, does it not surprise you that few reader comments are responding to your article?
You do not even believe in what you are propagating, hence you want to play it smart, by hiding behind the pseudo name. If this "alliance of Mthwakazi and Zanu PF worked in your favour, you will be remunerated handsomely, if it did not work, you will have lost nothing because nobody knows who Xoxani is. You will safely go and campaign in Pelandaba or Makhokhoba MP Constituency.
Secondly; may I know who the author of the Zim-Assets is? Are you one of them; are you the brain child of the document? For argument sake if you authored it, do you realize damage this economic recovery reform CALLED Zim Asset" has done to the economy of our country? Are you making a repeat of failure of economic and political recovery offer to dummy sell the people of Mathebeleland to Zanu PF? Were you handsomely remunerated when you gave that document to Zanu PF? Were the remunerations in cash or kind, if cash how much was it, if kind did they give you farms. (Minda) You sound like a mercenary on a mission, a person who can do anything dirty to get what he/she wants: money or any immovable income.
Thirdly: you seem to be very much informed about the inner happenings of the party and government of Zimbabwe. Are you Baba Jukwa? You know for sure that come end of December 2016, VP Emerson Mnangagwa will be out of office. You know too, it seems that President Mugabe will not be long in the job, by death or otherwise. This brings me to my suspicions that you are indeed working for G40 group. You know your politics well; you know that Mathebeleland is a deciding vote (swing the votes to determine vote win in general elections) all the time in any of the Zimbabwean elections of late.
You are taking the MDC-T Tsvangirai strategy away from them, realizing the leadership intrigues going on in the MDC-T party. It's a smart mind, twisted one to think you can sell the people of Mathebeleland, u Mthwakazi should sell their souls and make an alliance with the murderer; Zanu PF. How low have Mathebeles gone to believe that there is something to hope for, better for them to work together with Zanu PF for the betterment of the region, how gullible? Gullible is not you, but you think the people of Mathebeleland are stupid. You are right here however, it has been the game all the time, come elections; the people of Mathebeleland are targeted, deputies of Ndebele origin are sent to the region to work hard for "their" parties, and when the party is voted, they are discarded like co'ms, ask Ms. Thokozani Khuphe, she will tell you what she is experiencing in the MDC-T at the present moment, nak*d tribalism.
You need to show me tangible developments done in Mathebeleland today; all major projects in Mathebeleland are at a standstill. Road infrastructure, schools, (except in Tsholotsho-North schools) clinics, water projects that can lift the lives of the rural and urban folk are PURPOSELY, purposely left unfinished. Where is the guarantee that "an unholy alliance of Mthwakazi and Zanu PF" will be beneficial to the region, when all signs show to the fact that we are cheated left, right and centre, we are made to be part of decisions that better the few and not the peoples of Mathebeleland? The mere mention of "Mthwakazi Alliance with Zanu PF" turns our stomachs dear Vuli. In Ndebele I would have said usighubhe umtsh'za, manje usun'ka.
I will give a good example of empty promises done to the people of Bulawayo by Colonel Tshinga Dube. He asked the people of Makhokhoba to vote for him so that he will make sure he completes the Mathebeleland-Zambezi-Water-Project, then Bulawayo has water, a requisite to resuscitate industrial development in the City of Queens and Kings. That is the promise we are still waiting to this date to be fulfilled.
Let me come back to your connections with G40. I suspect you are indeed working for the G40. But you should know the damage Dr. Grace Gucci did to the people of Mathebeleland. Did she not go to the southern region, opened up her lower dress and urinated to the people of Mathebeleland? Are you saying we should be kith and kin with her as the new President of the Republic of Zimbabwe? Are we supposed to forget those insults she meted on us, we are gullible anywhere, we should go along with it as if it did not happen or it was never said anywhere. Yes we know all those terms: "temporal friends and permanent interest: I believe in morals when one is dealing with public institution such as politics. Let's not use people to meet our ends whereby you have to justify the means to those ends: remunerations to survive your day with your family. Mathebeleland is left to hang and dry.
Just like all other global tribes and nations, the people of Mathebeleland are a very proud people, you do not remove their pride away from them, we are holding on to our pride so that we do not lose the last "WÜRDE" remaining in us. If you successfully take that one aspect left in us; pride, then you will have destroyed us completely. Are you sure you will be comfortable with the thought that you betrayed the Mthwakazi people?
I should however acknowledge the fact that your Queen's English language proficiency is good. I will need to learn from that. However, it is the content of your two compositions that is nauseating! You can call it "Water Closet" abbreviated "WC," or "Lavatory" or "Bucket system" or "Loo" or "Ladies Powder Room" BUT the content inside these definitions remains the same: "Sh" This "holy alliance of Mthwakazi with Zanu PF is a big "Sh"
Dear Xoxani, please do not cheat the people of Mthwakazi with you none sense proposition. They are smarter than you think; a proud people. How do we make an alliance with a dying horse? We are entering the endgame of Zanu PF era. We shall have a new dispensation, most of us hope that we shall put Zanu PF to rest and we rebuild our ruined country. Indeed we shall work out a peaceful existence with our fellow citizens of Mashonalands who have also realized they got cheated in the same way. Indeed the devolution will work wonders for us, will bring pride to the most disadvantaged, to diverse tribes and societies in Zimbabwe. We shall indeed make sure Zimbabwe does not get a bailout at all this month. That money will be looted, it is their exit strategy, Zanu PF knows the end is near. Okungapheliyo kuyahlola, the wise ones say.
#This Flag! #Tajamuka! #Asisesabi! #Hatichatya! #Asikijiki!
Firstly; may I please know your real name, Xoxani Ngxoxo does not make a real name for me. In your previous article you signed Xoxani Ngxoxo at the top and Vuli Moyo at the bottom of your article. How can you have two names? Who are you, where do you come from, are you a real person or just another computer junk? Why are you hiding behind a false name, what are you scared of, to use your real name so that we know whom we are communicating with? So you are fake from the onset, we cannot take what you are saying seriously, you are playing with the minds of the people of Mthwakazi, does it not surprise you that few reader comments are responding to your article?
You do not even believe in what you are propagating, hence you want to play it smart, by hiding behind the pseudo name. If this "alliance of Mthwakazi and Zanu PF worked in your favour, you will be remunerated handsomely, if it did not work, you will have lost nothing because nobody knows who Xoxani is. You will safely go and campaign in Pelandaba or Makhokhoba MP Constituency.
Secondly; may I know who the author of the Zim-Assets is? Are you one of them; are you the brain child of the document? For argument sake if you authored it, do you realize damage this economic recovery reform CALLED Zim Asset" has done to the economy of our country? Are you making a repeat of failure of economic and political recovery offer to dummy sell the people of Mathebeleland to Zanu PF? Were you handsomely remunerated when you gave that document to Zanu PF? Were the remunerations in cash or kind, if cash how much was it, if kind did they give you farms. (Minda) You sound like a mercenary on a mission, a person who can do anything dirty to get what he/she wants: money or any immovable income.
Thirdly: you seem to be very much informed about the inner happenings of the party and government of Zimbabwe. Are you Baba Jukwa? You know for sure that come end of December 2016, VP Emerson Mnangagwa will be out of office. You know too, it seems that President Mugabe will not be long in the job, by death or otherwise. This brings me to my suspicions that you are indeed working for G40 group. You know your politics well; you know that Mathebeleland is a deciding vote (swing the votes to determine vote win in general elections) all the time in any of the Zimbabwean elections of late.
You need to show me tangible developments done in Mathebeleland today; all major projects in Mathebeleland are at a standstill. Road infrastructure, schools, (except in Tsholotsho-North schools) clinics, water projects that can lift the lives of the rural and urban folk are PURPOSELY, purposely left unfinished. Where is the guarantee that "an unholy alliance of Mthwakazi and Zanu PF" will be beneficial to the region, when all signs show to the fact that we are cheated left, right and centre, we are made to be part of decisions that better the few and not the peoples of Mathebeleland? The mere mention of "Mthwakazi Alliance with Zanu PF" turns our stomachs dear Vuli. In Ndebele I would have said usighubhe umtsh'za, manje usun'ka.
I will give a good example of empty promises done to the people of Bulawayo by Colonel Tshinga Dube. He asked the people of Makhokhoba to vote for him so that he will make sure he completes the Mathebeleland-Zambezi-Water-Project, then Bulawayo has water, a requisite to resuscitate industrial development in the City of Queens and Kings. That is the promise we are still waiting to this date to be fulfilled.
Let me come back to your connections with G40. I suspect you are indeed working for the G40. But you should know the damage Dr. Grace Gucci did to the people of Mathebeleland. Did she not go to the southern region, opened up her lower dress and urinated to the people of Mathebeleland? Are you saying we should be kith and kin with her as the new President of the Republic of Zimbabwe? Are we supposed to forget those insults she meted on us, we are gullible anywhere, we should go along with it as if it did not happen or it was never said anywhere. Yes we know all those terms: "temporal friends and permanent interest: I believe in morals when one is dealing with public institution such as politics. Let's not use people to meet our ends whereby you have to justify the means to those ends: remunerations to survive your day with your family. Mathebeleland is left to hang and dry.
Just like all other global tribes and nations, the people of Mathebeleland are a very proud people, you do not remove their pride away from them, we are holding on to our pride so that we do not lose the last "WÜRDE" remaining in us. If you successfully take that one aspect left in us; pride, then you will have destroyed us completely. Are you sure you will be comfortable with the thought that you betrayed the Mthwakazi people?
I should however acknowledge the fact that your Queen's English language proficiency is good. I will need to learn from that. However, it is the content of your two compositions that is nauseating! You can call it "Water Closet" abbreviated "WC," or "Lavatory" or "Bucket system" or "Loo" or "Ladies Powder Room" BUT the content inside these definitions remains the same: "Sh" This "holy alliance of Mthwakazi with Zanu PF is a big "Sh"
Dear Xoxani, please do not cheat the people of Mthwakazi with you none sense proposition. They are smarter than you think; a proud people. How do we make an alliance with a dying horse? We are entering the endgame of Zanu PF era. We shall have a new dispensation, most of us hope that we shall put Zanu PF to rest and we rebuild our ruined country. Indeed we shall work out a peaceful existence with our fellow citizens of Mashonalands who have also realized they got cheated in the same way. Indeed the devolution will work wonders for us, will bring pride to the most disadvantaged, to diverse tribes and societies in Zimbabwe. We shall indeed make sure Zimbabwe does not get a bailout at all this month. That money will be looted, it is their exit strategy, Zanu PF knows the end is near. Okungapheliyo kuyahlola, the wise ones say.
#This Flag! #Tajamuka! #Asisesabi! #Hatichatya! #Asikijiki!
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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