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Chief Ndiweni's incarceration is political

16 Aug 2019 at 15:40hrs | Views
Today Bulawayo Magistrate courts found Chief Khayisa guilty and was immediately sent to prison pending judgement tomorrow.

This happens on the eve of the opposition's scheduled demo which Chief Khayisa is on record supporting it. The Zimbabwean constitution in Chapter 15 is clear on the Chief's functions and principles, and clearly the Chief acted well within his powers together with the 23 villagers he is currently incarcerated with.

We view the court's decision with suspicion.  The fact that the entire government of Zimbabwe have publicly fought against the chief in addition to the well recorded assassination attempt on the Chief in Bulawayo two months ago by Zanu-PF Youths and members of CIO makes the whole court process against the chief a mockery of the constitution and the country's justice system.

We stand with the Chief and are fully behind him in all this.

We kindly call upon all peace loving people of Matabeleland to throng the Bulawayo Tredgold courts tomorrow morning in solidarity with our chief. We demand justice for our chief and our people.

An injury to one is an injury to all of us.

Mbonisi Solomon Gumbo is a member of MRP writing in his personal capacity.

Source - Mbonisi Solomon Gumbo
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