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Prostitute church must repent!

10 Jan 2018 at 07:53hrs | Views
She has sinned greatly. She has become unclean! She has been most unfaithful, uncovering her nak*d shame and drinking water from muddy cisterns. Cisterns dug by false prophets, who prophesy lies and do not expose her sin. Will she refuse to REPENT?

She has lifted up her skirt to strangers and has drunk the defiled filth of her harlotry. She refuses to drink the FREE and CLEAN WATER OF LIFE from her own husband, the Prince of Peace is his name. Instead, she has run after defilements and became utterly unclean. But now, she must REPENT and return to her maker, her husband, THE LORD JESUS is HIS name.

What benefit has she received from playing the prostitute with false prophets? She enrolled herself at their mystery schools, only to have her breasts fondled and her bosom caressed by the agents of darkness, who masquerade as christians and prophesy vain imaginations of their wicked hearts. She has lusted after them, running after them to be defiled by them. But now, she must REPENT and return to her husband, her maker, THE LORD JESUS is HIS name.

Let her turn back in humility and contrariness. Let her acknowledge her sin and rebellion! Let her turn back from her wicked lusts, for in her wicked harlotry, she has taken up the image of a serpent and is gliding on her belly upon the dust of deception. She must go back to the blood and the cross of calvary. Let her drink from the ancient cup of the LAMB of GOD who was slain from the foundation of the world. Let her REPENT and return to her own husband, her maker, THE LORD JESUS is HIS name.

She has desecrated the holy commands of the LORD. She has loved the idols of the  world. Yet the world she loves and its wicked desires are soon passing away, and the WORD OF THE LORD, her maker, will remain. Let her come out of the world and the LORD JESUS her husband will receive her. Let her touch no unclean thing and return to her own husband, THE LORD JESUS is HIS name.

The false teachings of her lovers have deflowered her purity. Let her come out of the deceptive classrooms of lucifer. Let her unlearn the so called secret teachings she received from the false prophets. Let her reject, renounce and regret her harlotry. Let her turn back from her wicked shame. Let her REPENT and return to her own husband, THE LORD JESUS is HIS name.

Let her choose life and not death. Let her REPENT or Perish! Let her turn from her wickedness. Let her resist the serpent satan, and he will flee! He must flee! Let her be washed with a righteous baptism. Let her receive the HOLY SPIRIT. Let her put on incorruptibility, fine linen, bright and clean. Let her touch no unclean thing and return to her own husband, THE LORD JESUS is HIS name.

Let her rent her garments of prostitution which bare the distinct stains of her shameless unfaithfulness. Like Joshua dressed in filthy garments, the devil is there to accuse her, after defiling her by his sophisticated seductions. But THE LORD Rebuke satan! Let clean garments be given her. Fine linen, bright and clean! Let her be dressed in a clean turban. Let her REPENT and return to her own husband, THE LORD JESUS is HIS name.

Those who want to REPENT and RETURN to JESUS,  here is the way out,


Dear LORD JESUS, MIGHTY GOD, I have wronged you. I have played the harlot with false prophets, occultists. I have loved the world and forgotten the things of THE LORD. Please forgive my harlotry. Create in me a new heart oh LORD, a clean heart that is faithful to you. Clothe me with clean garments of righteousness. Fill me with the Holy Spirit. Please write and keep my name in the book of life of the LAMB OF GOD. Today I reject satan and I receive THE HOLY SPIRIT and I am born again, in KING JESUS MIGHTY NAME. AMEN.

LORD JESUS nothing is hidden from you. You see all that is hidden. LORD Let those who repent return to you. Clothe them with fine linen, bright and clean. Write and keep their names in the book of life. Bless their homes, bless their health, bless their children, bless their families. Provide for them according to your good grace. Renew them oh LORD, that the land of Zimbabwe may have a righteous church, the bride of JESUS. AMEN.

Muranda wa Mwari, Tendai Tagarira

Source - Tendai Tagarira
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