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Sexual slavery Christian epidemic

12 Jan 2018 at 08:43hrs | Views
Muranda wa Mwari, Tendai Tagarira
Many christians today are sex slaves. She (the christian church) does not know that her body is supposed to be the TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! If she genuinely FEARED THE LORD, then how dare she defile the TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD and hand it over to demons! How dare she bring filth into the ALTAR and TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD! How dare she defile the HOUSE OF MY FATHER, MY LORD JESUS, THE HOLY SPIRIT !

They are lusting at one another. They are watching pornography, particularly on the internet. Their cell phones and computers are stained with the filth. Even some pastors and so called men of God are busy in sexual sin and how dare they stand on the pulpit and preach ! No wonder they can only preach about money and comedy. No wonder there are so many sex scandals in the history of the church!

Even mai mufundisi will be decked in immoral garments, exposing her breasts and legs to the congregation. Both pastor, mai mufundisi and congregants are all sex slaves, addicted to sexual sin and doing the will of satan. They have become a harlot temple, a spiritual brothel and that is why GOD has left them. The HOLY SPIRIT can not and will not stay in a defiled temple! Never Ever! HE IS ABSOLUTELY HOLY!

It is written and remains written in 1 Corinthians 6:15, "Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! "

Even the bible says NEVER! Yet many so called christians have ignored this instruction and united themselves to a spirit of prostitution through of sexual sin. They are effectively now the body of a harlot. They have become a temple of demonic filth!

The bible says also in 1 Corinthians 6:15, "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, "The two will become one flesh."

So when pastor, mai mufundisi and congregants are busy lusting at one another or busy watching porn, they are effectively marrying and spiritually binding themselves to the harlot demon.


That is the tragedy today. Many christians are now married to that harlot demonic spirit and they are become her flesh.

That harlot demon demands they consume more porn, that they go into fornication, adultery and idolatry. That demon has the church on a leash like a hungry and desperate dog! Just like a dog, the church is sexually unfaithful and immoral. She is the most scandalous harlot on planet earth! And she still calls herself a christian!

It is clearly written in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

THE LORD JESUS also said just to look with lust in your heart equals adultery! Todays church has gone beyond looking to actual physical adultery. Some have now even gone beyond adultery into idolatry and they EVEN REFUSE TO REPENT!

Many christian hearts are now the seat of defiling demonic activity! It is written in Matthew 5:27-28,  "You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

You who is reading this, if this does not disturb you then where are you headed? Where will you end up? Will you also REFUSE to REPENT? The LORD JESUS does not delight in the death of anyone! Please, I beg you to REPENT and LIVE! REPENT or PERISH. You choose!

Those who want to REPENT, let us RETURN TO JESUS right away.


"Dear JESUS. I am a great and terrible sinner. I have lusted after the flesh. I have lusted in my heart and fallen to sexual sin. I have watched p*rn. I have muster-bated to the filth. I have thought immoral thoughts. I am addicted to sexual sin. Please release me from the harlot spirit. Release me from the marriage to the harlot of Babylon. Release me from the spirit of Jezebel. Release me from all demonic activity. Release me from all the traps of satan. Set me free today LORD JESUS. I plead your precious blood over my life. Redeem me, a sinner. Wash me clean in your blood. Fill me with your HOLY SPIRIT and help me to never ever go back to sexual sin. Protect me LORD JESUS! Please write and keep my name, in the BOOK OF LIFE. Remember me when you establish your KINGDOM. Today, I am born again and I repent of all sin. AMEN.

LORD JESUS, bless all who have REPENTED here. Bless them LORD JESUS with the HOLY SPIRIT. Disconnect them from the spirit of the harlot. Disconnect them from the spirit of jezebel. Disconnect them from the pit of Hell where they were going. Disconnect them from Mystery Babylon. Help them to come out of her. Make them your people and save them from the Doom of Babylon and her plagues. Remember us JESUS when you establish your kingdom. May we be found worthy. Help us to overcome satan. AMEN. So be it.

Those who have not been baptised, may the LORD LEAD YOU TO A HOLY BAPTISM. Its very important to renew your baptism if you have soiled your garments through sexual sin. Now is the hour for a fresh beginning. Be ready always for our LORD JESUS will come when we least expect him. Let us always be ready.

"Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done." Revelation 22:22


Muranda wa Mwari.

Source - Tendai Tagarira, Muranda wa Mwari
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