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I know I am not worthy!

05 Jun 2018 at 04:42hrs | Views
After all this years, in all my imperfections I am still God's choice. And this has brought mixed emotions to people who see themselves being perfect and better than me. Little did they know that once one thinks he's perfect, from that moment on he joins the fake people club because no one is perfect. So since no one is perfect then pretedence & pride will take over.

All this years I have been serving God, I have defeated the strong. Not because I am stronger but because I am favoured. God doesn't care about deeds, God looks at the heart.

"The LORD does not look at the things people look at, people look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7.

The Lord mainly looks at the heart because he knows that fake people like to use good deeds to buy time, until they expose their true colors. So many times people look at deeds, as a results they are deceived by pretenders. But God looks at the heart and thoughts from day one, thats why he can't be deceived.

Outside church I have been a sinner that lived with other sinners. But inside church I became a sinner amongst evil people. Believe me or not, but I tell you now that many fake people are in church. Atleast outside church, what you see is what you get. I then understood this bible verse: "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21.

Many people come to church, but they want to do things in their own way. Because they have their own hidden agendas. And I have enjoyed to see them fail severly, because they forget that God is watching. And when they fail, they never accept their failures. Instead they make excuses and accusations then they leave the church. Let them leave because they are not worth your time and attention.

"I do not sit with the deceitful, nor do I associate with hypocrites." Psalm 24:6.

I will never regret the day I embraced Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. But I have learned that it's not religion that makes you a better people, but our hearts do. It's high time we accept that there are good and bad people both outside and inside the church. So love them all, but know who you are and what you stand for. "Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Psalm 62:6.

As others think they are perfect and worthy. May God continue to help me to keep in mind that I can't be perfect, so that I may always know that I am not worthy to be called his servant. And I may not trade sincerity with pretendence, it is better for people to know my faults it makes me human after all, rather than to be a pretender. May the good Lord also help me to keep on understanding that  good hearted people who don't attend church are a perfect symbol of God's mystery, being good by nature. "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8.

You can invite me as a guest preacher/speaker in your church/event. Call or whataspp: 078 169 7968 or Email:

I love you all, Stay blessed!

Source - Eric Shikobela
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