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The Prophet who foretold Magufuli's death

18 Mar 2021 at 03:34hrs | Views
International Preacher and Prophet Dr Isaiah Brian Sovi gave a chilling prophecy on the 12th of March 2019, this prophecy was posted on his Facebook page.

The Prophecy read "Prophecy Alert Let's pray..I saw an African leader suffering a cardiac arrest. It was BREAKING NEWS. This later led to INTERNAL FIGHTING for the seat. I will give you signs I saw THURSDAY I saw 3...9 #Isaiah Sawlt2019."

Speculation over Magufuli's deteriorating health started on March 9th 2021, which is 3 /9.

The world woke up to Breaking News headlines of Magufuli's death on Thursday 18 March after Magufuli's death was announced on Wednesday by Vice President Samia Suluhu.

Suluhu confirmed that the president died of heart failure, as prophesied by Sovi.

Magufuli had not been seen in public since the end of February and top government officials had denied that he was in ill health even as rumors swirled online that he was sick and possibly incapacitated from illness.

Tanzanian political analyst Jamil Mohammed said "The prediction by Isaiah Brian Sovi was very accurate. We might differ in faith and belief but his prophecy was 100% correct it is beyond coincidence. The people of Tanzania now need to stand united, remain peaceful and maintain stability in Tanzania for the good of the nation."

Tanzanian politicians and influential persons are now seeking audience with Prophet Isaiah Brian Sovi as they try to position and also find out who will emerge as the next President of Tanzania.

Source - Nicholas Ncube
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