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Some churches may soon get listed on Stock Exchanges

17 Dec 2021 at 07:20hrs | Views
The practice and tradition of assembling for worship and fellowshipping in furtherance and spreading of the Gospel is an act every believer must do. Hebrews 10 verses 23-25 is very loud and clear on that. It gives us the opportunity to strengthen one another and lift each other spiritually. It's not holy to make your brother or neighbour weak in spirit and before God by making unholy manouvres and discouraging utterances.

Today some churches are in turmoil as those in positions of authority try to outdo and outshine fellow worshipers.

A church is on record where leaders became physical and manhandled one another as they jostled for church assets and ringside positions. Children of God, is it still about worship and holiness? Why are some churches splitting? Today we have more believers leaving the church than turning to Christ.

Call it religious flotsam and jotsam. The Word is slowly being abandoned as Churches go commercial. Very soon churches may open banks and get listed on the Stock Exchange. The devil must be laughing gleefully with a glint like one trying to harness an unwilling incoming sneeze.

Do not give the devil a foothold, squabbles and friction are not for churches. Charity work has been pushed aside in pursuit of material. Orphans, widows and the homeless are still out there, let's have big hearts and remember the less fortunate. As the clock sounds monotonously towards Christmas spare a thought and an alm for the needy, bring back the cheer on their dried and cracked lips.

Children's homes, old people's homes and hospices are in dire need of assistance. Churches must once more become places of refuge and encouragement,  not spite, divisions and factions. Churches must foster unity in families and help groom role model future leaders.

Time is not on our side, the world is awake to signs of the end times unfolding before us. Pestilences like never seen before are ravaging humanity. Sound of the last trumpet may not be too distant. The time is now. Keep watching.

Thomas Tondo Murisa. Ruya Dam Shores.

Source - Thomas Tondo Murisa
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