Opinion / Speeches
ZPRA Veterans 'undress' Mugabe, and blames Zanu-PF
22 Mar 2017 at 06:52hrs | Views

ZPRA Veterans Association Speech Johannesburg Wednesday 21st March 2017
Salaam Alaykum brothers and sisters / Mabuyani/ Salibonani
Thank you for your kind remarks and thank you for hosting us.
It is both an honour and privilege for us to join this gathering in South Africa and narrate about our painful history and to take part in this event, jointly in South Africa.
Fellow South Africans and Zimbabweans
May I also take this opportunity to thank the other organisations which have been involved in organising of these commemorative events to mark 35 years after genocide in our country.
I understand Youth from Zimbabwe and their South African counterparts are engaged in a dialogue on this topic with the aim of bringing those responsible for the Gukurahundi genocide crusade to justice.
Distinguished Fellow Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It will be difficult to understand this genocide crusade unless we understand the context that helped shape the demographic in Zimbabwe over many centuries. We cannot begin to understand genocide and its aftermath in Zimbabwe, unless we understand the context and the facts that have shaped us Zimbabweans for over many centuries.
Allow me, therefore, to give you a little bit of background information which I hope will highlight the salient aspects of the major events that have had a tremendous impact on Zimbabwe society today.
Let me say at the outset that the two groups constituting Zimbabwe society were not distinct tribes as has been suggested by some scholars.
Our ancestors Mambo and Mzilikazi lived on the same terrain, they have always intermarried, and they shared common cultural heritage and languages.
This cohesion was disrupted by the colonial policy of divide and rule.
Subsequent ZANU governments in the post-colonial era chose not to address this. Instead a culture of impunity and human rights violations took root.
You will recall that this policy of divide and rule as typical of colonial administration, a method that was used to weaken and subjugate the colonised African people. I would like to point out at this juncture, that although we blame the colonialists for sowing the seeds of hate and for spreading the ideology that entrenched division and differences among Africans, we cannot blame them for all the ills that continue to afflict the African continent.
In other words, although genocide in our country was, in many ways, a culmination of the hatred initiated during the colonial period, it was also due to the failure of post-colonial rulers in Zimbabwe to reverse the legacy of that colonial past.
So, why did the ZANU government fail in their most fundamental obligation to protect the citizens?
Simply, the ruling party ZANU lack the will and they have no vision for our country.
In reality, they became tools of what seemed like perpetual colonial type of policies, they benefited and continue to benefit from a dispensation where there is no rule of law.
Whenever things went wrong, which they often did, ZPRA became the scapegoats and, hence, the recurrent massacres from and continuing until this very day. It was even from the 1979 Grand Plan of ZANU which is the blue print of their genocidal policies. Cdes All ZANU speeches in 1980s served as both warning signs and catalyst of genocide and mass atrocities against ZAPU supporters in Midlands and Matabeleland.
Firstly, for a long time ZANU leaders planned mass killings in Zimbabwe by disseminating an ideology of hatred to spur their followers to act to cow bystanders in passivity and justify their crimes. As a result a policy of marginalisation started to penetrate all levels of government and the civil society.
Secondly, there is a culture of impunity to the extent that the criminals who killed were rewarded.
Thirdly, all the institutions in our country at this time are ethicised and are only intent on maintaining the status quo.
Fourthly, ZANU has promoted a culture of intolerance against most minority groups, a policy that deserves nothing but condemnation.
Lastly, strangely the world powers have remained largely quite about the gross human rights violations in our country.
All these were a recipe for a catastrophe that was waiting to happen. It is no surprise; therefore, that genocide happened when it did in our ancestors land.
And that is why, ZANU, must take primary responsibility for the loss of over 20 000 people lives.
Needless to say, there is a wider responsibility for the genocide. Besides the poisoned colonial legacy I mentioned a few moments ago, there was the failure of the international community to prevent the Gukurahundi genocide and to stop it once it was underway.
You will agree with me that the world had the means and the resources to act but lacked the will to do so, despite the solemn refrain, "Never again" after the Gukurahundi genocide.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Neither can we erase the geopolitical interests of powerful nations, willing to sacrifice the lives of over 20 000 people as though they were a mere statistic.
What is more pertinent for us is where we go from here, and whether the world would act differently if a similar catastrophe erupted.
In view of that, the commemoration of the 21st March (Human Rights Day) the Gukurahundi genocide presents us with an occasion to reflect, and to take stock of the modest achievements we have collectively made as a people.
It is also an appropriate moment to assess whether we have put in place barriers against a repeat of that terrible crime. I think we have not put them in place.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen;
Allow me to describe to you the challenges that we faced in the immediate aftermath of Gukurahundi genocide, and the kinds of measures we are putting in place to prevent a possible repeat of our own holocaust.
Immediately after Gukurahundi genocide there were no policies put in place to remedy the situation.
The ZANU Government has failed to rebuild the country and continues to pursue a policy of eliminating opponents.
You recall the horrible images of dead bodies scattered everywhere in the country, total destruction of the infrastructure, countless numbers of orphans, traumatised survivors, and most of them displaced and in total destitution.
This bleak situation was compounded by the danger of a useless and unprofessional 5th Brigade unit which had no military discipline to protect its citizens instead it camped right across Southern and Midlands region of Zimbabwe to commit genocide.
These forces of evil, were materially supported by the Asian community of North Korea and the likes of prime evil Mr Kenny Flower who Headed the CIO and was given thumbs up by the Harare administration who assigned these 2 units to continue their dirty work and complete their campaign of genocide, which they regarded as their unfinished business until today as we speak. It is painful to note some of our fellow MKMVA comrades who were on mission intending to cross the border to South Africa were executed by the same 5th Brigade.
The leadership of these militia and criminal soldiers still pose a threat, if not dealt with appropriately during this day of age. SADC youth you have a task to make sure none of our neighbouring countries falls under this heinous unforgivable crimes against humanity.
So far these criminals have been integrated in various state institutions as a reward for their heinous crimes while others continue to live a normal life.
Most extremists, who continue to harbour the ideology of genocide, still remain in all influential government ministries.
Unless there is a concerted effort by the international community to deal with these genocidaires, they will remain a potential threat to peace and stability in Zimbabwe and in the whole region of Southern Africa.
As for the survivors of genocide, some of whom were victims of multiple rapes and contracted the AIDS virus, they continue to suffer and to live in abject poverty.
On our part as ZPRA VA we found it difficult to associate ourselves with such devils. All victims of Gukurahundi genocide should have been compensated in early eighties. But the Harare government opted to make it as a joke and call it a moment of madness, what a silly statement by the head of state. Since the genocide, law and order had completely broken down in our country.
A year ago he insulted the Kalanga nation when he said Kalangas are notorious criminals and they are uneducated really. What a shame I am one of the Kalangas nationalities speaking in front you what do you see here brothers and sisters a criminal and uneducated person I don't think so.
As ZPRA VA we have tried by all means to have our colleagues from ZANLA to allow reforms on our legal system so that those responsible for this evil non forgettable act are prosecuted but all went on deaf ears. We now appeal to the young SADC generation to publicly engage all their country's leaders to make sure these Satanists are brought into justice for the future generation to enjoy their fundamental rights.
Harare government has failed also put in place institutions which promote transparency and accountability. During the 1987 Unity Accord we were expecting that they will be measures put in place to banish the culture of impunity but that did not happen.
We then as concerned ZPRA Veterans of ZAPU took a stand to convene several extra ordinary meetings which led to our official pulling out of this useless Unity Accord.
Cdes Gukurahundi genocide caused over 4 million people to seek refuge in neighbouring countries and overseas leaving these monsters alone as you can see now dogs are eating other dogs in government. The country no longer has currency of its own what a shame.
Now schools, hospitals, the civil service, as well as the Private Sector are not functioning as expected everything is standstill except religious organisations that have turned those schools and factories as places of worship. We appeal to our youths to guard and expose some religious & tribal fanatics who will like create genocide indirectly in our country.
Furthermore, we need to embark on what we consider to be an irreversible course towards unity and reconciliation, while at the same time we seek to bring to justice the perpetrators of genocide in our country.
In 2013 the people of Zimbabwe made it officially valid by drafting a new constitution which was endorsed by more than 95% after broad based countrywide consultations.
This constitution enshrines a culture of inclusive and democratic politics, and entitles every Zimbabwean to have a stake in how the country is governed.
But we still see these genocide forces ignoring our constitution I wonder which Holy Bible and The Noble Holy Quran they are reading.
Distinguished Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,
My account may sound like a litany of accusations but immense challenges remain, although our record is one that we can be proud of (Yikho saphuma ku Unity Accord yamanyala)
Genocide was, in all honesty, a defining moment in the history of our country.
And in the eyes of many observers, Zimbabwe is a failed state.
But given the huge sacrifices our people had made, we do not have a choice.
We refuse to be a failed state because of individual tribal gangsters.
When we took a decision as ZPRA Veterans to lead a pull out on the Unity Accord of 1987 we gave a far-reaching call to action and the majority people heard and rallied behind our mother party ZAPU. Only those who are traitors remained behind as we all hear them claiming that they represent ZAPU which is false and a lie.
I hope our gathering today resolves to uplift ourselves from the sinking country and to strive to build a new Zimbabwe, peaceful and stable, and fit for all of us in SADC.
So, in the last ten years, ZPRA have tried to be creative, we have taken the right decisions, against incredible odds against us.
We understood from the start that our strategy had to be locally driven if we were going to solve the problems tarnished by the scourge of Gukurahundi genocide. That is not to say that we can go it alone, without the support of our friends and our erstwhile comrades in arms especial uMkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans and its affiliate organisations.
Cdes HIV/AIDS still remains a very serious problem in Zimbabwe, especially for many of our mothers and sisters who were raped during Gukurahundi genocide.
Cdes the psychological trauma suffered by rape victims and fatherless children as a result of the Gukurahundi genocide remains very intense.
In my humble view, Zimbabwe is a special case, and deserves special consideration within SADC states.
One wonders why Zimbabwe is allowed to continue ignoring its national and international obligations of protecting its citizens.
A case in point is the Dumbutshena Report which was commissioned by the Unity Accord. It was never revealed till today by this twisted minded Harare regime.
In conclusion, let me say, as is often said, that the world has become a global village, sharing common threats of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and genocide.
Conventional wisdom dictates that we work together in the search for solutions to these global problems, and in the interest of posterity and all humanity.
Indeed, for South Africans with the memory of apartheid still vivid in our minds, in the spirit of solidarity we will appreciate the need to act together, and act resolutely so that we create a new SADC and world order.
A new SADC and world order with a more just international system that has the will to act to stop deadly crises such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and genocide.
It is time for a new world order of global partners working together to solve transnational problems such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, narcotics and environmental degradation.
A new world order that looks beyond national borders to maximise the benefits from what we have in common.
A new world order that allows the poor nations access to markets and removes distortionary effects of subsidies in rich countries.
In short, a new world order that works towards shared prosperity and global sustainable peace.
If we have the will, we can work and act together to ensure that the 21st March and indeed 21st century heralds the start of that durable peace and prosperity. The stakes are high; but the rewards are higher.
We as ZPRA VA in Zimbabwe we have a task to play our modest part.
On behalf Zimbabwe Peoples Revolutionary Army Veterans Association in South Africa.
Siyabonga /Re a lebuga/ Ndoboka /Allah Akbar/God bless you All).
Salaam Alaykum brothers and sisters / Mabuyani/ Salibonani
Thank you for your kind remarks and thank you for hosting us.
It is both an honour and privilege for us to join this gathering in South Africa and narrate about our painful history and to take part in this event, jointly in South Africa.
Fellow South Africans and Zimbabweans
May I also take this opportunity to thank the other organisations which have been involved in organising of these commemorative events to mark 35 years after genocide in our country.
I understand Youth from Zimbabwe and their South African counterparts are engaged in a dialogue on this topic with the aim of bringing those responsible for the Gukurahundi genocide crusade to justice.
Distinguished Fellow Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It will be difficult to understand this genocide crusade unless we understand the context that helped shape the demographic in Zimbabwe over many centuries. We cannot begin to understand genocide and its aftermath in Zimbabwe, unless we understand the context and the facts that have shaped us Zimbabweans for over many centuries.
Allow me, therefore, to give you a little bit of background information which I hope will highlight the salient aspects of the major events that have had a tremendous impact on Zimbabwe society today.
Let me say at the outset that the two groups constituting Zimbabwe society were not distinct tribes as has been suggested by some scholars.
Our ancestors Mambo and Mzilikazi lived on the same terrain, they have always intermarried, and they shared common cultural heritage and languages.
This cohesion was disrupted by the colonial policy of divide and rule.
Subsequent ZANU governments in the post-colonial era chose not to address this. Instead a culture of impunity and human rights violations took root.
You will recall that this policy of divide and rule as typical of colonial administration, a method that was used to weaken and subjugate the colonised African people. I would like to point out at this juncture, that although we blame the colonialists for sowing the seeds of hate and for spreading the ideology that entrenched division and differences among Africans, we cannot blame them for all the ills that continue to afflict the African continent.
In other words, although genocide in our country was, in many ways, a culmination of the hatred initiated during the colonial period, it was also due to the failure of post-colonial rulers in Zimbabwe to reverse the legacy of that colonial past.
So, why did the ZANU government fail in their most fundamental obligation to protect the citizens?
Simply, the ruling party ZANU lack the will and they have no vision for our country.
In reality, they became tools of what seemed like perpetual colonial type of policies, they benefited and continue to benefit from a dispensation where there is no rule of law.
Whenever things went wrong, which they often did, ZPRA became the scapegoats and, hence, the recurrent massacres from and continuing until this very day. It was even from the 1979 Grand Plan of ZANU which is the blue print of their genocidal policies. Cdes All ZANU speeches in 1980s served as both warning signs and catalyst of genocide and mass atrocities against ZAPU supporters in Midlands and Matabeleland.
Firstly, for a long time ZANU leaders planned mass killings in Zimbabwe by disseminating an ideology of hatred to spur their followers to act to cow bystanders in passivity and justify their crimes. As a result a policy of marginalisation started to penetrate all levels of government and the civil society.
Secondly, there is a culture of impunity to the extent that the criminals who killed were rewarded.
Thirdly, all the institutions in our country at this time are ethicised and are only intent on maintaining the status quo.
Fourthly, ZANU has promoted a culture of intolerance against most minority groups, a policy that deserves nothing but condemnation.
Lastly, strangely the world powers have remained largely quite about the gross human rights violations in our country.
All these were a recipe for a catastrophe that was waiting to happen. It is no surprise; therefore, that genocide happened when it did in our ancestors land.
And that is why, ZANU, must take primary responsibility for the loss of over 20 000 people lives.
Needless to say, there is a wider responsibility for the genocide. Besides the poisoned colonial legacy I mentioned a few moments ago, there was the failure of the international community to prevent the Gukurahundi genocide and to stop it once it was underway.
You will agree with me that the world had the means and the resources to act but lacked the will to do so, despite the solemn refrain, "Never again" after the Gukurahundi genocide.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Neither can we erase the geopolitical interests of powerful nations, willing to sacrifice the lives of over 20 000 people as though they were a mere statistic.
What is more pertinent for us is where we go from here, and whether the world would act differently if a similar catastrophe erupted.
In view of that, the commemoration of the 21st March (Human Rights Day) the Gukurahundi genocide presents us with an occasion to reflect, and to take stock of the modest achievements we have collectively made as a people.
It is also an appropriate moment to assess whether we have put in place barriers against a repeat of that terrible crime. I think we have not put them in place.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen;
Allow me to describe to you the challenges that we faced in the immediate aftermath of Gukurahundi genocide, and the kinds of measures we are putting in place to prevent a possible repeat of our own holocaust.
Immediately after Gukurahundi genocide there were no policies put in place to remedy the situation.
The ZANU Government has failed to rebuild the country and continues to pursue a policy of eliminating opponents.
You recall the horrible images of dead bodies scattered everywhere in the country, total destruction of the infrastructure, countless numbers of orphans, traumatised survivors, and most of them displaced and in total destitution.
This bleak situation was compounded by the danger of a useless and unprofessional 5th Brigade unit which had no military discipline to protect its citizens instead it camped right across Southern and Midlands region of Zimbabwe to commit genocide.
These forces of evil, were materially supported by the Asian community of North Korea and the likes of prime evil Mr Kenny Flower who Headed the CIO and was given thumbs up by the Harare administration who assigned these 2 units to continue their dirty work and complete their campaign of genocide, which they regarded as their unfinished business until today as we speak. It is painful to note some of our fellow MKMVA comrades who were on mission intending to cross the border to South Africa were executed by the same 5th Brigade.
The leadership of these militia and criminal soldiers still pose a threat, if not dealt with appropriately during this day of age. SADC youth you have a task to make sure none of our neighbouring countries falls under this heinous unforgivable crimes against humanity.
So far these criminals have been integrated in various state institutions as a reward for their heinous crimes while others continue to live a normal life.
Most extremists, who continue to harbour the ideology of genocide, still remain in all influential government ministries.
Unless there is a concerted effort by the international community to deal with these genocidaires, they will remain a potential threat to peace and stability in Zimbabwe and in the whole region of Southern Africa.
As for the survivors of genocide, some of whom were victims of multiple rapes and contracted the AIDS virus, they continue to suffer and to live in abject poverty.
On our part as ZPRA VA we found it difficult to associate ourselves with such devils. All victims of Gukurahundi genocide should have been compensated in early eighties. But the Harare government opted to make it as a joke and call it a moment of madness, what a silly statement by the head of state. Since the genocide, law and order had completely broken down in our country.
A year ago he insulted the Kalanga nation when he said Kalangas are notorious criminals and they are uneducated really. What a shame I am one of the Kalangas nationalities speaking in front you what do you see here brothers and sisters a criminal and uneducated person I don't think so.
As ZPRA VA we have tried by all means to have our colleagues from ZANLA to allow reforms on our legal system so that those responsible for this evil non forgettable act are prosecuted but all went on deaf ears. We now appeal to the young SADC generation to publicly engage all their country's leaders to make sure these Satanists are brought into justice for the future generation to enjoy their fundamental rights.
Harare government has failed also put in place institutions which promote transparency and accountability. During the 1987 Unity Accord we were expecting that they will be measures put in place to banish the culture of impunity but that did not happen.
We then as concerned ZPRA Veterans of ZAPU took a stand to convene several extra ordinary meetings which led to our official pulling out of this useless Unity Accord.
Cdes Gukurahundi genocide caused over 4 million people to seek refuge in neighbouring countries and overseas leaving these monsters alone as you can see now dogs are eating other dogs in government. The country no longer has currency of its own what a shame.
Now schools, hospitals, the civil service, as well as the Private Sector are not functioning as expected everything is standstill except religious organisations that have turned those schools and factories as places of worship. We appeal to our youths to guard and expose some religious & tribal fanatics who will like create genocide indirectly in our country.
Furthermore, we need to embark on what we consider to be an irreversible course towards unity and reconciliation, while at the same time we seek to bring to justice the perpetrators of genocide in our country.
In 2013 the people of Zimbabwe made it officially valid by drafting a new constitution which was endorsed by more than 95% after broad based countrywide consultations.
This constitution enshrines a culture of inclusive and democratic politics, and entitles every Zimbabwean to have a stake in how the country is governed.
But we still see these genocide forces ignoring our constitution I wonder which Holy Bible and The Noble Holy Quran they are reading.
Distinguished Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen,
My account may sound like a litany of accusations but immense challenges remain, although our record is one that we can be proud of (Yikho saphuma ku Unity Accord yamanyala)
Genocide was, in all honesty, a defining moment in the history of our country.
And in the eyes of many observers, Zimbabwe is a failed state.
But given the huge sacrifices our people had made, we do not have a choice.
We refuse to be a failed state because of individual tribal gangsters.
When we took a decision as ZPRA Veterans to lead a pull out on the Unity Accord of 1987 we gave a far-reaching call to action and the majority people heard and rallied behind our mother party ZAPU. Only those who are traitors remained behind as we all hear them claiming that they represent ZAPU which is false and a lie.
I hope our gathering today resolves to uplift ourselves from the sinking country and to strive to build a new Zimbabwe, peaceful and stable, and fit for all of us in SADC.
So, in the last ten years, ZPRA have tried to be creative, we have taken the right decisions, against incredible odds against us.
We understood from the start that our strategy had to be locally driven if we were going to solve the problems tarnished by the scourge of Gukurahundi genocide. That is not to say that we can go it alone, without the support of our friends and our erstwhile comrades in arms especial uMkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans and its affiliate organisations.
Cdes HIV/AIDS still remains a very serious problem in Zimbabwe, especially for many of our mothers and sisters who were raped during Gukurahundi genocide.
Cdes the psychological trauma suffered by rape victims and fatherless children as a result of the Gukurahundi genocide remains very intense.
In my humble view, Zimbabwe is a special case, and deserves special consideration within SADC states.
One wonders why Zimbabwe is allowed to continue ignoring its national and international obligations of protecting its citizens.
A case in point is the Dumbutshena Report which was commissioned by the Unity Accord. It was never revealed till today by this twisted minded Harare regime.
In conclusion, let me say, as is often said, that the world has become a global village, sharing common threats of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and genocide.
Conventional wisdom dictates that we work together in the search for solutions to these global problems, and in the interest of posterity and all humanity.
Indeed, for South Africans with the memory of apartheid still vivid in our minds, in the spirit of solidarity we will appreciate the need to act together, and act resolutely so that we create a new SADC and world order.
A new SADC and world order with a more just international system that has the will to act to stop deadly crises such as terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and genocide.
It is time for a new world order of global partners working together to solve transnational problems such as poverty, HIV/AIDS, narcotics and environmental degradation.
A new world order that looks beyond national borders to maximise the benefits from what we have in common.
A new world order that allows the poor nations access to markets and removes distortionary effects of subsidies in rich countries.
In short, a new world order that works towards shared prosperity and global sustainable peace.
If we have the will, we can work and act together to ensure that the 21st March and indeed 21st century heralds the start of that durable peace and prosperity. The stakes are high; but the rewards are higher.
We as ZPRA VA in Zimbabwe we have a task to play our modest part.
On behalf Zimbabwe Peoples Revolutionary Army Veterans Association in South Africa.
Siyabonga /Re a lebuga/ Ndoboka /Allah Akbar/God bless you All).
Source - ZPRA Veterans Association
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