Opinion / Speeches
MRP president's speech at the occasion of the launch of the union of Mthwakazi Parliament
28 Jul 2018 at 13:50hrs | Views

It has been a torrid, bumpy and painful journey from 2013 to this momentous occasion today. As I speak before you now, I'm holding back floods of tears of both joy and pain.
2013, the birth of Mthwakazi Republic Party wiĺl always remain the most unforgettable of all the years in the calendar of my life. It was a year when an idea, a precious one, was born.
It is this idea, that has made us to gather in this historic event of the official launch of the Union of Mthwakazi Parliament.
Before I continue, let me start by observing protocol and welcome all of you who are here to make and witness history today.
I would start by welcoming the NEC and all the leadership and membership of Mthwakazi Republic Party.
I observe the presence our traditional leaders, notably Chief Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni and the spokesperson of the crown council, Mr Effie Ncube.
I note with great joy, the presence of the leadership and members of different Bulawayo residents and civic organisations.
I welcome all of you who are here in your personal capacities and those representing different Bulawayo progressive forces.
Indeed, your presence in this gathering will leave a foot print in the history of this nation.
When we conceived our constitution in 2014, we had a clear vision of this day. The vision of a Mthwakazi parliament.
It is an idea that seeks to give birth to a parliament that is functional to the political, economic, cultural and social contexts of the people of Mthwakazi.
It is an idea that seeks to consolidate unity and centralisation of the abundant human resource that defines ubukhosi lobukhosazana bethu njengabantu bakoMthwakazi.
It is an idea that seeks to create systematic national order, societal identity and an attitude of true change. It is an idea that will bring together the old, the young, the privileged, the disadvantaged, the wise, the lost and the exiled.
It is an idea that presents a platform for revolutionary change.
This is, and shall always be a parliament of the people of Mthwakazi.
I salute all those men and women who were instrumental in the formation of Mthwakazi Republic Party.
I'm humbled by the sacrifice of those who have pulled it to where it is today. It has not been easy, and it was never meant to be.
If the Union of Mthwakazi parliament is to find permanent resonance with the people of Mthwakazi, it is obligatory for me today that I surrender this party to it's rightful owners, the people of Mthwakazi.
The fact that you have chosen to join it and vote for it, gives you the right to lead, to guide, to protect, to criticise and to hold its leadership to account.
What used to be Mqondisi Moyo's party, is officially your party today. Own it, build it and love it. I would not rejoice being the president of a political party, but it will give me joy to be the president of the people through this political party.
Without our collective leadership Mthwakazi Republic Party will be lifeless. I will cherish the support, guidance and ideas of each and every man and woman of Mthwakazi during my reign as the president of Mthwakazi.
Kulesitsho esithi Inkosi yinkosi ngabantu, nami ke ngithi umongameli ngumongameli ngabantu.
I mentioned as I started my speech that Mthwakazi Union of Parliament was an idea that was conceived during the formative stages of our party, and is enshrined in our party constitution.
We find ourselves compelled to launch it now, because of the uncertainty of the response of the coup government, pre and post elections.
We are also convinced that the elections of the 30th of July have nothing to do with the people of Mthwakazi, but the International community.
The legitimacy of the coup government is at the centre of the prime objectives of this election.
The hunger for business is evidently a catalyst of the interest and support of the Coup by the international community, particularly the British.
We are greatly concerned with the sudden infatuation to stability, by the international community particularly the British, at the expense of democracy and human rights issues.
We are witnessing a replica of the early 80s when Britain and her allies prioritised their skewed foreign policy on Zanu PF government, while they were butchering, raping and displacing hundreds of thousands of the people of Matabeland and the Midlands.
The quest for human rights and Justice has always been the greatest need for the people of Mthwakazi.
As I speak to you today, thousands of our people still need closure on the whereabouts of their relatives who were swallowed by the jaws of Gukurahundi.
An estimate of three million Mthwakazi people are dotted in foreign lands as a result of systemic marginalization and economic genocide.
The land of Mthwakazi people has been taken over by people from other regions.
Local companies and government departments use a nepotistic culture of employment that prefers a certain ethnic group above another.
These are just, but a few examples of gross human rights violations on the people of Mthwakazi.
Since the attainment of independence in 1980, the people of Mthwakazi have never experienced freedom and representation in the parliament of Zimbabwe.
Those who have been mandated by our people to represent them in parliament have often prioritised party politics over the will of the people.
This has propelled and prolonged the execution of the 1979 Grand plan, that was crafted by the likes of Robert Mugabe, Sidney Sekeramai, Mnangagwa and others.
The grand plan is a secret document that places the Shona ethnicity as supreme to other ethnic groups in Zimbabwe.
The inauguration of this parliament is a remedial effort that seeks to restore servant leadership, that has been eroded by tribal, individualistic and self enriching leadership.
This parliament will be of service to the people of Mthwakazi.
It will be a place of convergence of all intellect, wisdom and the energies of the people of Mthwakazi.
It shall be a college of true and intelligent leadership that will reverse the toxic and clumsy leadership of conniving, hatred, greed and deception, that has characterized our political space for four decades.
It shall be a structure that promotes an attitude of togetherness, common interest and sacrifice.
These man and women you see before you today, have chosen to serve this nation outside of the ordinary.
They will attend to issues of the development of our nation with a radical approach, as you heard them avail and position themselves to you as conduits of your great ideas needed for the prosperity of our people.
Let me emphasize to you that we are not introducing life members of parliament to you. We urge the people of different Mthwakazi constituencies to evaluate them according to their performance, within this five year term, as that will inform their continuation as your MRP candidates for 2023 elections.
As we remain resolute towards self determination and the prospect of an independent Mthwakazi state, we are alive to the urgency of the need for devolution of power to the people.
Our concept of devolution of power to the people is contrary to the political devolution of power to the provinces, that the government of Zimbabwe seeks to implement to deceive our people.
We demand maximum devolution that retains the bulk of revenue to the people, while a little goes to the national treasury.
We demand employment of locals and use of local resources to benefit and develop the lives of the local people.
We demand the respect and empowerment of traditional leadership as a development structure.
Devolution of power to the people, will not be sufficient without the administration of traditional leadership in our Mthwakazi towns and cities.
We reject this cosmetic devolution of power to the provinces that is customized to the taste and political programs of this hegemonic government.
Mthwakazi Republic Party has grown tremendously to the point of attracting the interest of international organizations and nations.
Part of our programs, soon after elections, is to position the party and create its relevance in the geo political space and the international arena.
We have constituted an inclusive International Lobby Committee, led by our party's Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Hon Njabulo Ngwenya, to engage with nations of this world on issues of the people of Mthwakazi.
This committee comprises of party leadership, Mthwakazi traditional leaders, religious leaders, academics, business, youth and women.
The committee will commence it's duties by the 1st of September 2018.
We will keep our people posted on the progress of the work of this committee.
The people of Mthwakazi have approached the party with the idea of registering a Mthwakazi Residents Association.
This association will cover the whole of Mthwakazi including the rural areas.
This association will champion the development of communities in both urban and rural areas.
We have, in principle, pledged our unwavering political support to this nobble idea. We plead with bonke Abantu bakoMthwakazi to support this initiative and participate in the development of there communities.
Corporate discipline and governance is one of the issues that Mthwakazi Republic Party has set itself to engage in.
Recently, we had a disagreement and confrontation with PicknPay Hyper, which led to the arrest of ten of our members, who are currently out on bail pending the finalization of their case.
PicknPay is one of the companies in our city and region that employs people on tribal and nepotistic basis.
We wrote a petition to this retail giant's management in South Africa and gave them 14 days to respond to the demands of removing the segregationist management at TM Hyper and to reinstate the dismissed workers.
That time frame has lapsed and we will be engaging with Pickn Pay tomorrow for feedback.
We urge all of you to be on stand by and be ready to fill the streets of Bulawayo as we demand good corporate governance from PicknPay.
We would rather have Pickn Pay closing shop than continue oppressing our people.
We are currently brainstorming around the imminent formation of an MRP aligned Trade Union, upon the PicknPay saga.
Lastly I would like to encourage all the people of Mthwakazi to join MRP and be part of it's structures.
Sekuseduze lapho esiya Khona, sekukude lapho esivela khona.
Once more I thank you all for being a part of this historic moment.
2013, the birth of Mthwakazi Republic Party wiĺl always remain the most unforgettable of all the years in the calendar of my life. It was a year when an idea, a precious one, was born.
It is this idea, that has made us to gather in this historic event of the official launch of the Union of Mthwakazi Parliament.
Before I continue, let me start by observing protocol and welcome all of you who are here to make and witness history today.
I would start by welcoming the NEC and all the leadership and membership of Mthwakazi Republic Party.
I observe the presence our traditional leaders, notably Chief Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni and the spokesperson of the crown council, Mr Effie Ncube.
I note with great joy, the presence of the leadership and members of different Bulawayo residents and civic organisations.
I welcome all of you who are here in your personal capacities and those representing different Bulawayo progressive forces.
Indeed, your presence in this gathering will leave a foot print in the history of this nation.
When we conceived our constitution in 2014, we had a clear vision of this day. The vision of a Mthwakazi parliament.
It is an idea that seeks to give birth to a parliament that is functional to the political, economic, cultural and social contexts of the people of Mthwakazi.
It is an idea that seeks to consolidate unity and centralisation of the abundant human resource that defines ubukhosi lobukhosazana bethu njengabantu bakoMthwakazi.
It is an idea that seeks to create systematic national order, societal identity and an attitude of true change. It is an idea that will bring together the old, the young, the privileged, the disadvantaged, the wise, the lost and the exiled.
It is an idea that presents a platform for revolutionary change.
This is, and shall always be a parliament of the people of Mthwakazi.
I salute all those men and women who were instrumental in the formation of Mthwakazi Republic Party.
I'm humbled by the sacrifice of those who have pulled it to where it is today. It has not been easy, and it was never meant to be.
If the Union of Mthwakazi parliament is to find permanent resonance with the people of Mthwakazi, it is obligatory for me today that I surrender this party to it's rightful owners, the people of Mthwakazi.
The fact that you have chosen to join it and vote for it, gives you the right to lead, to guide, to protect, to criticise and to hold its leadership to account.
What used to be Mqondisi Moyo's party, is officially your party today. Own it, build it and love it. I would not rejoice being the president of a political party, but it will give me joy to be the president of the people through this political party.
Without our collective leadership Mthwakazi Republic Party will be lifeless. I will cherish the support, guidance and ideas of each and every man and woman of Mthwakazi during my reign as the president of Mthwakazi.
Kulesitsho esithi Inkosi yinkosi ngabantu, nami ke ngithi umongameli ngumongameli ngabantu.
I mentioned as I started my speech that Mthwakazi Union of Parliament was an idea that was conceived during the formative stages of our party, and is enshrined in our party constitution.
We find ourselves compelled to launch it now, because of the uncertainty of the response of the coup government, pre and post elections.
We are also convinced that the elections of the 30th of July have nothing to do with the people of Mthwakazi, but the International community.
The legitimacy of the coup government is at the centre of the prime objectives of this election.
The hunger for business is evidently a catalyst of the interest and support of the Coup by the international community, particularly the British.
We are greatly concerned with the sudden infatuation to stability, by the international community particularly the British, at the expense of democracy and human rights issues.
We are witnessing a replica of the early 80s when Britain and her allies prioritised their skewed foreign policy on Zanu PF government, while they were butchering, raping and displacing hundreds of thousands of the people of Matabeland and the Midlands.
The quest for human rights and Justice has always been the greatest need for the people of Mthwakazi.
As I speak to you today, thousands of our people still need closure on the whereabouts of their relatives who were swallowed by the jaws of Gukurahundi.
An estimate of three million Mthwakazi people are dotted in foreign lands as a result of systemic marginalization and economic genocide.
The land of Mthwakazi people has been taken over by people from other regions.
Local companies and government departments use a nepotistic culture of employment that prefers a certain ethnic group above another.
These are just, but a few examples of gross human rights violations on the people of Mthwakazi.
Since the attainment of independence in 1980, the people of Mthwakazi have never experienced freedom and representation in the parliament of Zimbabwe.
Those who have been mandated by our people to represent them in parliament have often prioritised party politics over the will of the people.
This has propelled and prolonged the execution of the 1979 Grand plan, that was crafted by the likes of Robert Mugabe, Sidney Sekeramai, Mnangagwa and others.
The grand plan is a secret document that places the Shona ethnicity as supreme to other ethnic groups in Zimbabwe.
This parliament will be of service to the people of Mthwakazi.
It will be a place of convergence of all intellect, wisdom and the energies of the people of Mthwakazi.
It shall be a college of true and intelligent leadership that will reverse the toxic and clumsy leadership of conniving, hatred, greed and deception, that has characterized our political space for four decades.
It shall be a structure that promotes an attitude of togetherness, common interest and sacrifice.
These man and women you see before you today, have chosen to serve this nation outside of the ordinary.
They will attend to issues of the development of our nation with a radical approach, as you heard them avail and position themselves to you as conduits of your great ideas needed for the prosperity of our people.
Let me emphasize to you that we are not introducing life members of parliament to you. We urge the people of different Mthwakazi constituencies to evaluate them according to their performance, within this five year term, as that will inform their continuation as your MRP candidates for 2023 elections.
As we remain resolute towards self determination and the prospect of an independent Mthwakazi state, we are alive to the urgency of the need for devolution of power to the people.
Our concept of devolution of power to the people is contrary to the political devolution of power to the provinces, that the government of Zimbabwe seeks to implement to deceive our people.
We demand maximum devolution that retains the bulk of revenue to the people, while a little goes to the national treasury.
We demand employment of locals and use of local resources to benefit and develop the lives of the local people.
We demand the respect and empowerment of traditional leadership as a development structure.
Devolution of power to the people, will not be sufficient without the administration of traditional leadership in our Mthwakazi towns and cities.
We reject this cosmetic devolution of power to the provinces that is customized to the taste and political programs of this hegemonic government.
Mthwakazi Republic Party has grown tremendously to the point of attracting the interest of international organizations and nations.
Part of our programs, soon after elections, is to position the party and create its relevance in the geo political space and the international arena.
We have constituted an inclusive International Lobby Committee, led by our party's Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Hon Njabulo Ngwenya, to engage with nations of this world on issues of the people of Mthwakazi.
This committee comprises of party leadership, Mthwakazi traditional leaders, religious leaders, academics, business, youth and women.
The committee will commence it's duties by the 1st of September 2018.
We will keep our people posted on the progress of the work of this committee.
The people of Mthwakazi have approached the party with the idea of registering a Mthwakazi Residents Association.
This association will cover the whole of Mthwakazi including the rural areas.
This association will champion the development of communities in both urban and rural areas.
We have, in principle, pledged our unwavering political support to this nobble idea. We plead with bonke Abantu bakoMthwakazi to support this initiative and participate in the development of there communities.
Corporate discipline and governance is one of the issues that Mthwakazi Republic Party has set itself to engage in.
Recently, we had a disagreement and confrontation with PicknPay Hyper, which led to the arrest of ten of our members, who are currently out on bail pending the finalization of their case.
PicknPay is one of the companies in our city and region that employs people on tribal and nepotistic basis.
We wrote a petition to this retail giant's management in South Africa and gave them 14 days to respond to the demands of removing the segregationist management at TM Hyper and to reinstate the dismissed workers.
That time frame has lapsed and we will be engaging with Pickn Pay tomorrow for feedback.
We urge all of you to be on stand by and be ready to fill the streets of Bulawayo as we demand good corporate governance from PicknPay.
We would rather have Pickn Pay closing shop than continue oppressing our people.
We are currently brainstorming around the imminent formation of an MRP aligned Trade Union, upon the PicknPay saga.
Lastly I would like to encourage all the people of Mthwakazi to join MRP and be part of it's structures.
Sekuseduze lapho esiya Khona, sekukude lapho esivela khona.
Once more I thank you all for being a part of this historic moment.
Source - Mqondisi Moyo
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