Opinion / Speeches
Mnangagwa's inauguration speech
26 Aug 2018 at 12:48hrs | Views

The First Lady, Amai A. Mnangagwa,
Chairperson of the African Union, His Excellency
President, Paul Kagame,
Heads of State and Former Heads of State here present,
Chairperson of the African Union Commission; Mr Moussa Faki,
Chief Justice, Justice Luke Malaba,
President of the Senate, Cde Edna Madzongwe,
Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda,
Hon. Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Judges of the Constitutional Court, Supreme and High Courts;
The Attorney General,
Members of Parliament,
Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Dr V. Hungwe,
Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr. M. J. M. Sibanda,
Service Chiefs,
Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Representatives of War Veterans, Ex-Detainees, Restrictees and War Collaborators,
Representatives of political parties,
Members of the Media,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Comrades and Friends,
It is with a deep sense of gratitude and humility that l stand here today, to address you fellow Zimbabweans, upon my inauguration as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, having been mandated to form the next Government, following the outcome of the just ended national plebiscite. We gather here yet again, as we did last year, with many similar guests, this is however a different Zimbabwe and the dawn of the Second Republic of Zimbabwe.
Following my commitment to open up the democratic space, the period since that special day on 24 November 2017, has indeed been momentous. In just nine months, we have birthed a new Zimbabwe and forged a different path for our nation. A path full of freedoms, democracy, transparency, love and harmony. A path of dialogue and debate. A path of unity, peace and development.
Distinguished Guests, Comrades and Friends;
We held the much anticipated 2018 Harmonised General Elections, in accordance with our laws and guided and informed by the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Elections as well as the AU Declaration on Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa.
These were elections in which all parties were free to campaign in all areas of the country; elections in which competing ideas were discussed and debated, freely and openly.
I took it upon myself to preach the message of peace, non- violence, harmony, love and unity, before, during and after the elections.
On 30th July 2018, we went out in our millions, to define our destiny and shape our future, calmly and peacefully. With the eyes of the world upon us and in the full glare of a broad spectrum of international observers and global media, we all freely exercised our democratic right to elect leaders of our choice, and indeed this we did.
I wish to thank you, my fellow Zimbabweans, for having heeded to my call for peace and for contributing towards the peaceful environment we are still enjoying to this day.
You demonstrated that Zimbabweans are by nature, a peace- loving people, and that our democracy has indeed come of age. I further commend you all for the warm hospitality you extended to visitors and observers during this electoral period.
The isolated and unfortunate incident of violence that reared its ugly head on 1st August 2018 was regrettable and most unacceptable. Such conduct should be alien and vile to our nature, culture and traditions as the Zimbabwean people.
To put closure and finality to the matter, I will soon be announcing members of the Commission of Inquiry into the said violence, who will upon completion publish their findings. Once again, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones.
Following the announcement of the Harmonised General Election results by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission; I am deeply humbled and honoured by my election to the Office of President of our beloved country, and the exceptional mandate conferred on my Party ZANU PF, which garnered more than two- thirds majority in the National Assembly.
The Court Application by the MDC Alliance, challenging the outcome of the Presidential Election, culminated in the judgement of the Constitutional Court handed down on Friday 24th August 2018. The Constitutional Court upheld the will of the people as expressed on 30 July 2018.
My Government is unwavering in its commitment to constitutionalism, entrenching the rule of law, the principle of separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary.
Distinguished Guests; Comrades and Friends;
The successful realisation of our shared Vision 2030 will require concerted and the disciplined implementation of radical economic reforms targeted at attracting and facilitating foreign and domestic investments in line with the reality that "Zimbabwe is open for business".
Through the engagement and re- engagement policy, we are opening a new chapter in our relations with the world, underpinned by mutual respect, shared principles and common values. We look forward to playing a positive and constructive role as a free, democratic, transparent and responsible member of the family of nations.
Internally, we will speed up the efforts to improve the ease and cost of doing business and economic competiveness. Measures will be put in place to promote domestic savings in support of the national developmental agenda. Furthermore, necessary steps will be taken to create fiscal space through rationalisation and cost cutting measures.
Measures will be taken to correct the fiscal imbalances that threaten to undermine the viability of the financial sector as reflected through the spiralling cash shortages and the distortions plaguing the foreign currency exchange market.
Now that elections are behind us, we must now focus on addressing the economic challenges facing our country. To realise our vision and leapfrog our industrialisation and modernisation agenda, we will foster policies that attract both domestic and global capital. We will soon be reviewing the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements, to promote and encourage investments from across the world. Efforts will also be taken to expedite and bring to finality the resolution of the country's external debt arrears, under the LIMA Plan.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Now is the time for us all to unite as a nation and grow our economy. Let us courageously and diligently embark on a shared journey towards the realisation of our national Vision to transform Zimbabwe into a middle income economy, with increased investment, decent jobs, broad based empowerment, free from poverty and corruption by 2030.
My Government will, in the next five years accelerate industrialisation, modernisation and mechanisation, with greater emphasis on market driven policies. Furthermore, comprehensive strategies will be put in place to stimulate the value chains across our industries and commerce.
Building on the achievements in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, infrastructure and tourism, as a result of the deliberate polices we made in the last nine months, my Government will consolidate the growth of the economy.
We will modernise major roads, airports, railways and border posts. Through modern infrastructure, we will connect Zimbabweans, to each other, to the region and to the world!
My Government will facilitate a more coherent SME framework to strengthen production links across businesses and industry. Concerted efforts will therefore be put in place to improve economic efficiencies through the use of appropriate technologies and innovations.
There is need for the modernisation and revamping of our social services sector to improve the efficiency and quality of service delivery. My Government will move speedily to refurbish and construct health, education and water and sanitation infrastructure. This is a promise we will deliver.
In a bid to vault the industrialisation process, we have set up incubation hubs, encouraged innovation and inventions to ensure that our education sector speaks to the present and future socio- economic, technological and scientific needs of our country.
As per our promise, my administration will continue to prioritise the advancement and empowerment of women, youth and the disabled, in every sphere of the economy. We will make firm and deliberate efforts to strengthen their capacity to participate in the economy and in governance.
In all these initiatives, the creation of jobs, jobs and more jobs will be at the core of all our policies.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
The vision of a new and prosperous Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe we want, is a shared one and transcends political party lines. As your President, I pledge to act fairly and impartially, without fear or favour, as a President of all Zimbabweans.
I am your listening President, a servant leader. In this vein, those who will occupy public office at any level, under my Government will be required to exercise servant leadership in the execution of their duties and to be humble and responsive in their interactions and dealings with the citizenry.
Equally, the bureaucracy in the Second Republic will be expected to be development oriented, responsive to the people's needs as well as exhibit high principles of professional ethics and integrity.
My administration will therefore expect public sector officials to deliver quality and timely services to the people as well as facilitate business, trade and investment. Bureaucratic bottlenecks, unnecessary delays, lethargic and corrupt activities will not be tolerated.
We must as a society encourage and inculcate the culture of hard honest work. The prosecution of perpetrators of corruption will be carried out without fear or favour.
In the Second Republic, no person or entity will be allowed to steal, loot or pocket that which belongs to the people of Zimbabwe. No one is above the law. This is a New Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe we all want.
Distinguished Guests;
As per our pledge during the campaign trail, my Government will be implementing the Constitutional provisions with regards the devolution of Government powers and responsibilities. Provinces will now be expected to plan and grow their provincial economies.
Economic development at every level is the ultimate goal. I therefore challenge local authorities in the Second Republic, to be the engines of local economic development and growth. My Government will not stand by and watch people suffer due to dereliction of duty, corruption or incompetence within our local authorities.
Dear friends;
It will not be easy, but as the Holy Bible teaches us:
"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised."
We have indeed endured; we have toiled; and now as we walk in unity the path that lies ahead, we will reap a better and more prosperous future.
As I have repeatedly said in the past months, real change does not happen overnight. However, inspired by our national anthem, we must work together, nothing is beyond our reach. With love and unity, we will reach the Promised Land, we will build the Zimbabwe we all want, brick upon brick, stone upon stone.
Ladies and Gentlemen; Fellow Zimbabweans;
Allow me to once again, thank you for the confidence you have shown in me. I am emboldened and inspired by your collective hopes, dreams and desires; and the trust reposed in me. I will work tirelessly, as a servant leader, to improve the quality of life for all of us.
To all my colleagues and other political parties who contested in the just ended Harmonised Elections, especially those represented in Parliament, I exhort us to commit ourselves to collectively develop our motherland. We are all Zimbabweans; what unites us is greater than what could ever divide us.
Let me assure you that tomorrow is brighter! Let us look forward to the journey ahead, a journey we will walk together as one people, a united people. A journey of development, progress and prosperity in our New Zimbabwe.
Together, let us explore new frontiers in every facet and sphere of our economy and society. Let us endeavour to climb new heights. Let us arise and shine, for indeed our light has surely come!
Blessed be the Land of Zimbabwe!
Blessed be all the people of Zimbabwe!
God bless Zimbabwe!
I thank you!
Chairperson of the African Union, His Excellency
President, Paul Kagame,
Heads of State and Former Heads of State here present,
Chairperson of the African Union Commission; Mr Moussa Faki,
Chief Justice, Justice Luke Malaba,
President of the Senate, Cde Edna Madzongwe,
Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda,
Hon. Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Judges of the Constitutional Court, Supreme and High Courts;
The Attorney General,
Members of Parliament,
Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Dr V. Hungwe,
Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Dr. M. J. M. Sibanda,
Service Chiefs,
Members of the Diplomatic Corps,
Representatives of War Veterans, Ex-Detainees, Restrictees and War Collaborators,
Representatives of political parties,
Members of the Media,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Comrades and Friends,
It is with a deep sense of gratitude and humility that l stand here today, to address you fellow Zimbabweans, upon my inauguration as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, having been mandated to form the next Government, following the outcome of the just ended national plebiscite. We gather here yet again, as we did last year, with many similar guests, this is however a different Zimbabwe and the dawn of the Second Republic of Zimbabwe.
Following my commitment to open up the democratic space, the period since that special day on 24 November 2017, has indeed been momentous. In just nine months, we have birthed a new Zimbabwe and forged a different path for our nation. A path full of freedoms, democracy, transparency, love and harmony. A path of dialogue and debate. A path of unity, peace and development.
Distinguished Guests, Comrades and Friends;
We held the much anticipated 2018 Harmonised General Elections, in accordance with our laws and guided and informed by the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Elections as well as the AU Declaration on Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa.
These were elections in which all parties were free to campaign in all areas of the country; elections in which competing ideas were discussed and debated, freely and openly.
I took it upon myself to preach the message of peace, non- violence, harmony, love and unity, before, during and after the elections.
On 30th July 2018, we went out in our millions, to define our destiny and shape our future, calmly and peacefully. With the eyes of the world upon us and in the full glare of a broad spectrum of international observers and global media, we all freely exercised our democratic right to elect leaders of our choice, and indeed this we did.
I wish to thank you, my fellow Zimbabweans, for having heeded to my call for peace and for contributing towards the peaceful environment we are still enjoying to this day.
You demonstrated that Zimbabweans are by nature, a peace- loving people, and that our democracy has indeed come of age. I further commend you all for the warm hospitality you extended to visitors and observers during this electoral period.
The isolated and unfortunate incident of violence that reared its ugly head on 1st August 2018 was regrettable and most unacceptable. Such conduct should be alien and vile to our nature, culture and traditions as the Zimbabwean people.
To put closure and finality to the matter, I will soon be announcing members of the Commission of Inquiry into the said violence, who will upon completion publish their findings. Once again, I would like to extend my deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones.
Following the announcement of the Harmonised General Election results by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission; I am deeply humbled and honoured by my election to the Office of President of our beloved country, and the exceptional mandate conferred on my Party ZANU PF, which garnered more than two- thirds majority in the National Assembly.
The Court Application by the MDC Alliance, challenging the outcome of the Presidential Election, culminated in the judgement of the Constitutional Court handed down on Friday 24th August 2018. The Constitutional Court upheld the will of the people as expressed on 30 July 2018.
My Government is unwavering in its commitment to constitutionalism, entrenching the rule of law, the principle of separation of powers and the independence of the judiciary.
Distinguished Guests; Comrades and Friends;
The successful realisation of our shared Vision 2030 will require concerted and the disciplined implementation of radical economic reforms targeted at attracting and facilitating foreign and domestic investments in line with the reality that "Zimbabwe is open for business".
Internally, we will speed up the efforts to improve the ease and cost of doing business and economic competiveness. Measures will be put in place to promote domestic savings in support of the national developmental agenda. Furthermore, necessary steps will be taken to create fiscal space through rationalisation and cost cutting measures.
Measures will be taken to correct the fiscal imbalances that threaten to undermine the viability of the financial sector as reflected through the spiralling cash shortages and the distortions plaguing the foreign currency exchange market.
Now that elections are behind us, we must now focus on addressing the economic challenges facing our country. To realise our vision and leapfrog our industrialisation and modernisation agenda, we will foster policies that attract both domestic and global capital. We will soon be reviewing the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements, to promote and encourage investments from across the world. Efforts will also be taken to expedite and bring to finality the resolution of the country's external debt arrears, under the LIMA Plan.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
Now is the time for us all to unite as a nation and grow our economy. Let us courageously and diligently embark on a shared journey towards the realisation of our national Vision to transform Zimbabwe into a middle income economy, with increased investment, decent jobs, broad based empowerment, free from poverty and corruption by 2030.
My Government will, in the next five years accelerate industrialisation, modernisation and mechanisation, with greater emphasis on market driven policies. Furthermore, comprehensive strategies will be put in place to stimulate the value chains across our industries and commerce.
Building on the achievements in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, infrastructure and tourism, as a result of the deliberate polices we made in the last nine months, my Government will consolidate the growth of the economy.
We will modernise major roads, airports, railways and border posts. Through modern infrastructure, we will connect Zimbabweans, to each other, to the region and to the world!
My Government will facilitate a more coherent SME framework to strengthen production links across businesses and industry. Concerted efforts will therefore be put in place to improve economic efficiencies through the use of appropriate technologies and innovations.
There is need for the modernisation and revamping of our social services sector to improve the efficiency and quality of service delivery. My Government will move speedily to refurbish and construct health, education and water and sanitation infrastructure. This is a promise we will deliver.
In a bid to vault the industrialisation process, we have set up incubation hubs, encouraged innovation and inventions to ensure that our education sector speaks to the present and future socio- economic, technological and scientific needs of our country.
As per our promise, my administration will continue to prioritise the advancement and empowerment of women, youth and the disabled, in every sphere of the economy. We will make firm and deliberate efforts to strengthen their capacity to participate in the economy and in governance.
In all these initiatives, the creation of jobs, jobs and more jobs will be at the core of all our policies.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
The vision of a new and prosperous Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe we want, is a shared one and transcends political party lines. As your President, I pledge to act fairly and impartially, without fear or favour, as a President of all Zimbabweans.
I am your listening President, a servant leader. In this vein, those who will occupy public office at any level, under my Government will be required to exercise servant leadership in the execution of their duties and to be humble and responsive in their interactions and dealings with the citizenry.
Equally, the bureaucracy in the Second Republic will be expected to be development oriented, responsive to the people's needs as well as exhibit high principles of professional ethics and integrity.
My administration will therefore expect public sector officials to deliver quality and timely services to the people as well as facilitate business, trade and investment. Bureaucratic bottlenecks, unnecessary delays, lethargic and corrupt activities will not be tolerated.
We must as a society encourage and inculcate the culture of hard honest work. The prosecution of perpetrators of corruption will be carried out without fear or favour.
In the Second Republic, no person or entity will be allowed to steal, loot or pocket that which belongs to the people of Zimbabwe. No one is above the law. This is a New Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe we all want.
Distinguished Guests;
As per our pledge during the campaign trail, my Government will be implementing the Constitutional provisions with regards the devolution of Government powers and responsibilities. Provinces will now be expected to plan and grow their provincial economies.
Economic development at every level is the ultimate goal. I therefore challenge local authorities in the Second Republic, to be the engines of local economic development and growth. My Government will not stand by and watch people suffer due to dereliction of duty, corruption or incompetence within our local authorities.
Dear friends;
It will not be easy, but as the Holy Bible teaches us:
"For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised."
We have indeed endured; we have toiled; and now as we walk in unity the path that lies ahead, we will reap a better and more prosperous future.
As I have repeatedly said in the past months, real change does not happen overnight. However, inspired by our national anthem, we must work together, nothing is beyond our reach. With love and unity, we will reach the Promised Land, we will build the Zimbabwe we all want, brick upon brick, stone upon stone.
Ladies and Gentlemen; Fellow Zimbabweans;
Allow me to once again, thank you for the confidence you have shown in me. I am emboldened and inspired by your collective hopes, dreams and desires; and the trust reposed in me. I will work tirelessly, as a servant leader, to improve the quality of life for all of us.
To all my colleagues and other political parties who contested in the just ended Harmonised Elections, especially those represented in Parliament, I exhort us to commit ourselves to collectively develop our motherland. We are all Zimbabweans; what unites us is greater than what could ever divide us.
Let me assure you that tomorrow is brighter! Let us look forward to the journey ahead, a journey we will walk together as one people, a united people. A journey of development, progress and prosperity in our New Zimbabwe.
Together, let us explore new frontiers in every facet and sphere of our economy and society. Let us endeavour to climb new heights. Let us arise and shine, for indeed our light has surely come!
Blessed be the Land of Zimbabwe!
Blessed be all the people of Zimbabwe!
God bless Zimbabwe!
I thank you!
Source - Online
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