Opinion / Speeches
Bulelani's speech on King Mzilikazi Day 2021
07 Sep 2021 at 02:59hrs | Views

Mahlabezulu ,Mthwakazi omuhle, zingane zobaba.
Mthwakazi omuhle , namhlanje sihlangane lapha ngosuku olukhulu kakhulu esizweni sethu, ngilethemba elikhulu ukuthi iningi laMahlabezulu lihlanganele kunye lathi ngesikhathi esifanayo kwi nkundla zokuxhumana ezehlukeneyo, kubomabonakude basebulenjini, kanye nasemisakazweni futhi.
Ngiyalibingelela lonke Mahlabezulu.
Ngesikhathi esifanayo ngidlulisa ukubingelela kumakhosi esizweni sonke, okuyizinduna zakulolonke kwelikaMthwakazi.
Zingane zezinkanyezi, namhlanje lusuku olukhulu, lapho sihlangane ngokuzo khumbula usuku lokukhothama ko mbumbi wesizwe sethu, isilo saseMhlahlandlela, inkosi uMzilikazi kaMashobane.
Nanxa namhlanje, ilusuku sokugubha kube yinjabulo, sigiye, sijakadule kodwa ngeminyaka elikhulu, namashumi amahlanu, lantathu(153 years) edlule, kwaba lusuku olwabamuncu esizweni ngendlela engathethekiyo.
Ilanga lasithela emini libalele, kwazamazama umhlaba, kwadilika intaba enkulu, izinduna zenkosi zasala obala, amabutho ayengabhekwa ngaziqu zamehlo asala ethithibele, isizwe esasilamandla asabekayo salila kwadabukisa ezweni.
Ingakho sizw'esihle, angicabangi kukhona olunye usuku esizweni sethu olubaluleke njenga lololusuku.
King Mzilikazi day is indeed a Mthwakazi day, a day this nation learnt new ways to overcome any challenges confronting the nation.
A day, this nation learnt that at some point the sun will set down, but it shall rise again.
This is the day that prepared this brave and beautiful nation to confront every challenge with their bare hands.
A day this nation made it a point that nothing, neither death nor demons will ever break our spirits.
Mthwakazi omuhle, King Mzilikazi was a great fighter, leader and a nation builder.
Our founding father and King never chose comfort over the wellbeing of his own people.
As I stand tall before you, today, I'm proud to be a descendent of such a great man, but in the midst of my pride, a question pops up, 'if King Mzilikazi were to rise today, would he be proud of me and what our nation has become?"
That is one question, every one of us sitting here today, must ask ourselves.
This is a question every chief or induna yakoMthwakazi should be asking themselves.
This is one question, I'm challenging every Mthwakazi citizen to ask themselves.
I would also like to further challenge you to look at yourselves and ask the following questions,
Are we anywhere near to emulating what our forefathers achieved in their lifetimes.
Do we measure our successes by what we have achieved for our individual selves or by what we have done for our nation.
Does one's individual achievement make one a hero of his nation?
Mthwakazi omuhle, it was indeed a great and commendable idea 21 years ago, on the 9th of September 2000 that this nation decided to revive the commemoration of this day.
Since that day, the nation has slowly and gradually moved in trying to find its feet, identity and pride.
Although, we must admit that the pace has been sometimes too slow,and to some extent allowed our detractors to determine it, but we have moved indeed and a lot of ground has been covered.
Now we need to accelerate our speed, and time is not on our side.
This event was made possible today by the unity, unanimity and determination of this nation.
The nation unapologetically spoke clearly and boldly from all corners of life and we as your leadership clearly received the massage.
Mthwakazi people are tired of being treated like second class or none existent citizens.
Mthwakazi people want to mark their space on the world map and be a proud nation again.
Together we can make it and together we shall rise again.
At some point, one is tempted to spell out our program of action but remember inkosi ngumlomo ongathethimanga, therefore, there shall come a time for it.
For now, I'm calling upon every one of you to prepare and mobilize for the rebirth of Mthwakazi Kingdom.
A Kingdom where abeThwakazi bonke, young and old will equally feel proud to belonging to it. Asibonge ama technological advances of todays world ngoba, we are now able to develop what we call the Mthwakazi virtual kingdom.
Where at the touch of a button, one can participate in the kingdoms day to day's events and discussions, irrespective of which border they may find themselves in globally, through the assistance of some of our prominent Mthwakazians, We have commissioned a world renowned IT company to assist us to put together a sophisticated system, that is not only advanced whilst being user friendly, but also very safe to host our people's database needs and processing. Manje ngiyazi ukuthi we promised to launch a few months ago but we realized that the initial design was sub par for isizwe sika Mzilikazi.
That is why we made an executive decision to withdraw and get it up to scratch and highly secured. Yiko maHlabezulu ngicela nisithembe, sisebenzisane once it goes live ngoba ngiyazi we have reason to be skeptical as a nation at times kodwa if awuzothemba iNkosi Yakini uzothemba bani?? The data collected there will in the long run help us do the job of leading our nation easier and better and more reliably ngoba then sizobe siwazi ama demographics ethu kahle, ukuthi sazi masikhuluma sikhulumela bani> this info will not be shared with anyone without your prior consent ngoba sonke lana ngiyathemba niyamazi umthetho omusha abalibiza I POPI?!
Ngiyathemba isicelo sam sizwakele bantu baka khokho.
Sizwe sikababa, as we gather here today the world is facing a serious pandemic, a situation which has not spared us as well.
This has not helped our situation but made the situation even more extremely difficult.
I am therefore appealing to all of you to observe all recommended non-pharmaceutical means to minimize the risks of contracting the virus and at same breath appealing to you to take the recommended available medical means so that this nation can pull through this global pandemic. I for one ngilaso I Steve(cate) se vaccine, wena ulindeleni?
Mthwakazi has faced its own countless pandemics since the demise of King Lobhengula in 1894.
My fathers' people have never tested genuine peace and prosperity for the longest of time.
The fact that we have survived those human sanctioned pandemics, we shall also overcome this natural pandemics as well.
Therefore let's not lose hope and focus, we shall indeed rise again.
I am glad to see representatives of some of our Khumalo brothers and sisters from various areas including the eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal amongst others, including royalty from other areas… This is indeed what umzilikazi set out to do, ukhlanganisa izizwe ndawonye. We need to strengthen our ties bantu be Nkosi ngoba ukubambana nibe yi mbumba kuqakatheke nge mpela, ngoba there really is strength in numbers.
I thank you,ngiyabonga,futhi ndiyabulela kuni nonke.
Nisale kahle
Mthwakazi omuhle , namhlanje sihlangane lapha ngosuku olukhulu kakhulu esizweni sethu, ngilethemba elikhulu ukuthi iningi laMahlabezulu lihlanganele kunye lathi ngesikhathi esifanayo kwi nkundla zokuxhumana ezehlukeneyo, kubomabonakude basebulenjini, kanye nasemisakazweni futhi.
Ngiyalibingelela lonke Mahlabezulu.
Ngesikhathi esifanayo ngidlulisa ukubingelela kumakhosi esizweni sonke, okuyizinduna zakulolonke kwelikaMthwakazi.
Zingane zezinkanyezi, namhlanje lusuku olukhulu, lapho sihlangane ngokuzo khumbula usuku lokukhothama ko mbumbi wesizwe sethu, isilo saseMhlahlandlela, inkosi uMzilikazi kaMashobane.
Nanxa namhlanje, ilusuku sokugubha kube yinjabulo, sigiye, sijakadule kodwa ngeminyaka elikhulu, namashumi amahlanu, lantathu(153 years) edlule, kwaba lusuku olwabamuncu esizweni ngendlela engathethekiyo.
Ilanga lasithela emini libalele, kwazamazama umhlaba, kwadilika intaba enkulu, izinduna zenkosi zasala obala, amabutho ayengabhekwa ngaziqu zamehlo asala ethithibele, isizwe esasilamandla asabekayo salila kwadabukisa ezweni.
Ingakho sizw'esihle, angicabangi kukhona olunye usuku esizweni sethu olubaluleke njenga lololusuku.
King Mzilikazi day is indeed a Mthwakazi day, a day this nation learnt new ways to overcome any challenges confronting the nation.
A day, this nation learnt that at some point the sun will set down, but it shall rise again.
This is the day that prepared this brave and beautiful nation to confront every challenge with their bare hands.
A day this nation made it a point that nothing, neither death nor demons will ever break our spirits.
Mthwakazi omuhle, King Mzilikazi was a great fighter, leader and a nation builder.
Our founding father and King never chose comfort over the wellbeing of his own people.
As I stand tall before you, today, I'm proud to be a descendent of such a great man, but in the midst of my pride, a question pops up, 'if King Mzilikazi were to rise today, would he be proud of me and what our nation has become?"
That is one question, every one of us sitting here today, must ask ourselves.
This is a question every chief or induna yakoMthwakazi should be asking themselves.
This is one question, I'm challenging every Mthwakazi citizen to ask themselves.
I would also like to further challenge you to look at yourselves and ask the following questions,
Are we anywhere near to emulating what our forefathers achieved in their lifetimes.
Do we measure our successes by what we have achieved for our individual selves or by what we have done for our nation.
Does one's individual achievement make one a hero of his nation?
Mthwakazi omuhle, it was indeed a great and commendable idea 21 years ago, on the 9th of September 2000 that this nation decided to revive the commemoration of this day.
Since that day, the nation has slowly and gradually moved in trying to find its feet, identity and pride.
Although, we must admit that the pace has been sometimes too slow,and to some extent allowed our detractors to determine it, but we have moved indeed and a lot of ground has been covered.
Now we need to accelerate our speed, and time is not on our side.
This event was made possible today by the unity, unanimity and determination of this nation.
The nation unapologetically spoke clearly and boldly from all corners of life and we as your leadership clearly received the massage.
Mthwakazi people are tired of being treated like second class or none existent citizens.
Mthwakazi people want to mark their space on the world map and be a proud nation again.
Together we can make it and together we shall rise again.
At some point, one is tempted to spell out our program of action but remember inkosi ngumlomo ongathethimanga, therefore, there shall come a time for it.
For now, I'm calling upon every one of you to prepare and mobilize for the rebirth of Mthwakazi Kingdom.
A Kingdom where abeThwakazi bonke, young and old will equally feel proud to belonging to it. Asibonge ama technological advances of todays world ngoba, we are now able to develop what we call the Mthwakazi virtual kingdom.
Where at the touch of a button, one can participate in the kingdoms day to day's events and discussions, irrespective of which border they may find themselves in globally, through the assistance of some of our prominent Mthwakazians, We have commissioned a world renowned IT company to assist us to put together a sophisticated system, that is not only advanced whilst being user friendly, but also very safe to host our people's database needs and processing. Manje ngiyazi ukuthi we promised to launch a few months ago but we realized that the initial design was sub par for isizwe sika Mzilikazi.
That is why we made an executive decision to withdraw and get it up to scratch and highly secured. Yiko maHlabezulu ngicela nisithembe, sisebenzisane once it goes live ngoba ngiyazi we have reason to be skeptical as a nation at times kodwa if awuzothemba iNkosi Yakini uzothemba bani?? The data collected there will in the long run help us do the job of leading our nation easier and better and more reliably ngoba then sizobe siwazi ama demographics ethu kahle, ukuthi sazi masikhuluma sikhulumela bani> this info will not be shared with anyone without your prior consent ngoba sonke lana ngiyathemba niyamazi umthetho omusha abalibiza I POPI?!
Ngiyathemba isicelo sam sizwakele bantu baka khokho.
Sizwe sikababa, as we gather here today the world is facing a serious pandemic, a situation which has not spared us as well.
This has not helped our situation but made the situation even more extremely difficult.
I am therefore appealing to all of you to observe all recommended non-pharmaceutical means to minimize the risks of contracting the virus and at same breath appealing to you to take the recommended available medical means so that this nation can pull through this global pandemic. I for one ngilaso I Steve(cate) se vaccine, wena ulindeleni?
Mthwakazi has faced its own countless pandemics since the demise of King Lobhengula in 1894.
My fathers' people have never tested genuine peace and prosperity for the longest of time.
The fact that we have survived those human sanctioned pandemics, we shall also overcome this natural pandemics as well.
Therefore let's not lose hope and focus, we shall indeed rise again.
I am glad to see representatives of some of our Khumalo brothers and sisters from various areas including the eastern Cape and Kwazulu Natal amongst others, including royalty from other areas… This is indeed what umzilikazi set out to do, ukhlanganisa izizwe ndawonye. We need to strengthen our ties bantu be Nkosi ngoba ukubambana nibe yi mbumba kuqakatheke nge mpela, ngoba there really is strength in numbers.
I thank you,ngiyabonga,futhi ndiyabulela kuni nonke.
Nisale kahle
Source - Online
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