Opinion / Speeches
Mangoma's acceptance speech
24 Oct 2015 at 09:13hrs | Views

Madam Vice President and members of the Management Committee, Guardian Council Members, NEC Members, Provinces and District members
Members of the diplomatic corps
Civil Society and NGOs here present,
Democratic Stakeholders here present
invited Guests, ladies and gentlemen
Thank you, Thank you so much fellow Zimbabweans for realizing that there is a leadership vacuum in the country and for showing unbridled confidence in me.
I want to thank all those who voted for me at this inaugural RDZ congress.
Your vote of confidence in me reaffirms that there was need for good to triumph over evil.
I am extremely proud of my colleagues and family especially my wife Nancy who firmly stood by me burning the midnight oil despite all odds to make sure that Zimbabweans view the country through progressive and democratic lens.
Through my leadership, RDZ intends to form the next Government. We want to Renew Hope to the millions of Zimbabweans reeling under untold poverty and suffering. We espoused in our roadmap, we are here to reassure that we will Renew and strengthen the Institutions which have been militarized by the current regime.
We want to overhaul the entire style of governance which has not only brought the economy to its knees, but forced millions of the country's skilled labour into the diaspora.
Our aim is to Build a Strong and friendlyNation, Revive and grow the economy and make Zimbabwe the regional breadbasket it once boasted of being and not the basket case it has been reduced to through maladministration, corruption and other untold vices.
RDZ will pursue the democratization of the country, and in particular shall strive for the liberation, empowerment and transformation of Zimbabwe into a modern democratic developmental state that will result in economic prosperity for the people.
Our ideology is one of MODERN NATIONALISM. This makes us reconnect with the old Nationalists, ie HerbertChitepo, Nikita Mangena, JosiahTongogara, Lookout Masuku, JaisonZiyapapa Moyo, Dr Edson MudadirwaZvobgo, Mayor Urimbo, Rev NdabaningiSithole , Dr Joshua Nkomo etc, our forebears, who fought for equality of all citizens and above all equal access to our national resources. We want to make change from the Animal Farm mentality, where others think and behave as being more equal than others.
Zimbabwe is our country and ask you to sustain hope in the RDZ.
We shall not and never sit idle while a dynasty is being created in front of our eyes as long as we have the courage to keep fighting and the ideals of our forefathers alive.
We draw the line in the sand and will fight to the bitter end to reclaim our birthright. We will fight to have our dignity restored.
We are Africans and subscribe to the unity of Africa. We endorse all the noble efforts in the region and in the continent to fight for the Development and economic progression of Africa, its member states and its people. We will work with our brothers and sisters in our Continent Africa to make it the next GIANT and leader of the world.
We believe in the rights of citizens to freely choose their leaders and Government. We believe in mixing of Merit, Representativeness and social conscience. Government should be able to look after the poor and ensure no child will stay out of school and that every family has a roof on its head. Priority will be given to social services. The disabled and the vulnerable must have access to descent livelihoods.
RDZ is driven and guided by a set of principles and values, which you the people have adopted here at Congress. These are Servant Leadership, Nation Building, Non Violence, Tolerance, Freedom, Justice, Solidarity, Transparency,Team work, Free Voting, Economic Prosperity and Reparations. I will enunciate on a few below.
Servant Leadership
Last night an election was conducted to select the National Management Team. This team will serve the party and the nation. All these leaders, myself included, applied to serve, so none of us can claim to be ordained and pushed by other people to occupy the position. We offered to serve and the people agreed to hire us for a period until the NEXT Congress. We are Servants of the people and we agree to serve the Party and the Nation with humility.
Our leadership structures run down to the grassroots. We have leaders at the grassroots and leaders who were fortunate to attend this historic Congress. All these leaders at the various structures make the TEAM. All members of the team are important and we will all win as a team. No one member is more important than the team.
This country has been consumed by greed and corruption. RDZ will fight corruption until it is rooted out of our society. We see a few who have corruptly accumulated wealth whilst the rest of us languish in abject poverty. A fight against corruption is a fight we must win. I remember when our Anti Corruption Commission attempted to investigate those high positions in government, but guess what they became the victims. I also remember President Mugabe saying the former South African President Mbeki had complained of corrupt Zimbabwean Ministers, again what happened NOTHING.
Zimbabweans are not fools, they know corruption is tolerated and endorsed at the high echelons of government and has become a way of life but this has to stop And as RDZ will stop the scourge.
Those of us who fight against corruption are arrested and subjected to lengthy trials.I have on several occasions experienced the wrath of telling the truth and fighting corruption during and after the GNU. I can assure you that this will not deter us but instead made us stronger to fight even harder. RDZ promotes accountability, transparency and good governance. RDZ will set up systems that are people friendly, stable, clear and transparent.
Free Voting
RDZ believes in the right of the people to choose their leaders and to be governed by the party and leaders of their choice. This is achieved through the creation of an environment, which makes it possible for all those who want to register to vote being allowed to do so. To vote in a free fair and credible election devoid of violence, intimidation and rigging.
We recognize that the Electoral law in this country was a result of negotiations. However, the practice is very different from the law. The reforms we demand are that ZEC and its officials must follow the law.
Citizenship granted to individuals by the Constitution must be respected and these citizens allowed to register as voters and those already in the voters roll not be removed.
Voters registration exercise must be continuous. We need to know when the voter registration will commence having gone for more than two years without anyone being registeredexcept for the few areas where there has been constituency by elections. If as it looks obvious that ZEC is not capable of registering voters, then RDZ advocates that voting be done using the National Identity documents as happened in 1980.
Restrictions on Voter education be removed
Violence and intimidation be dealt with. RDZ abhors ZANU PF officials declaring violence and no go areas, but demand that ZEC and the police take the necessary action in accordance with the law.
Nation Building
We see all citizens as equal irrespective of tribe or place of origin and all citizens are given equal opportunities. Zimbabwe is extremely polarized. The RDZ will promote and do those things that bring the people together and make Zimbabwe a proud nation. RDZ will put a stop to the use of violence and hate language in our society. We will promote tolerance and working together. RDZ will mix merit, representativeness and pragmatism to bridge from our difficult past.Development will be decentralized. Government will be devolved whilst retaining a unitary state.
RDZ will promote strong family values and engender a sense of community. RDZ will reclaim the people's dignity and make it possible for all to enjoy the NATIONAL CAKE.
Economic Prosperity
Zimbabwe is very rich in terms of natural resources and human capital yet we its inhabitants are among the poorest in the world. RDZ will convert rich resources of the country into tangible economic prosperity of the citizens. The wealth of the country must be equitably be enjoyed by the individuals of the country. RDZ will create a system that gives dignity to hard work, reward hard work and enterprise, create an ethos for hard work and economic prosperity and security.
Many Zimbabweans have suffered in the hands of the state since 1980. The notable episodes include Gukurahundi in the 1980s, Food riots in the 1990s, fast track resettlement of early 2000s, the democratization episodes, Murambatsvina in 2005, Machipisa in 2007, operation wavhotera papi in 2008, New
Murambatsvina and Vendor wars in 2015.Even this week we have witnessed the continued wantom distruction of houses in Kambuzuma. This is a clear demonstration that those in power DO NOT CARE. It does not make sense to destroy houses, property and peoples livelihoods. RDZ holds accountable both the ruling regime and CITY FATHERS of breaching the peoples's rights to SHELTER as enshrined in the national constitution and other global rights charters.
RDZ will put closure to these through the state paying reparations to the victims. This will also include provision of proper identity documentation and allow our NATION to move forward without the baggage of the past.
We have witnessed people of Chisumbanje being driven off their land, being made homeless and landless. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and settlement. We have witnessed the people of Chiadzwa being bundled out of their diamond rich home area. They now live in a protected village with nowhere to graze their livestock. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and resettlement. We have witnessed the people of Chingwizi being removed to make way for Tokwe Mukorsi dam. They now live like refugees in their own country. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and resettlement. We have witnessed the people of Mazowe being forcibly moved out to make way for an unnecessary game farm. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and resettlement. Recently we have heard that villagers near Gutu Mupandawana have to be moved without compensation, from a farm allocated to the army. We urge the army to leave these villagers alone and find another area.
All the people (irrespective of race, tribe or gender) on land must have security of tenure, and therefore must not be moved. This covers all sectors from A1 fast track to commercial farms.The security title must be bankable enabling them to pledge the land as security with financial and other institutions. The security of tenure should enable them to lease, transfer and pass on to their heirs.
RDZ will put closure on land acquisitions through agreeing on compensation to the previous farm owners.
Food Security
RDZ will work to ensure Zimbabwe has sufficient food to feed itself within a maximum period of two years.
This will be done through allocating 200 000 hectares for intensive maize production. Part of this land will be new opened up irrigation areas around Tokwe Mukorsi dam. Skilled farmers will be contracted to produce maize, so as to achieve a minimum of 8 to 10 tonnes per hectare. This will cost about $200 million and result in maize output of 2 million tonnes. High yielding seed varieties including GMO maize seed will be used.
For the rest of the population, measures will be put in place for easy access to agricultural inputs, extension services and creation of market chains.
In summary food security will be achieved through having the appropriate skilled people planting the appropriate maize seed on 200 000 hectares of land at a cost of $200 million.
Broad Front
RDZ will work with other organisations in our persuit to transform the current terrible governance system in the country. We will move with those who want to travel on the path to transformation but not with those who are on a path to power for the leaders self gratification at the expense of the people. We will move together with those who are prepared to live by our principles and values. We will avoid recreating the past, which has brought us to the suffering we are currently enduring.
Other policy issues
RDZ will abolish the Indeginisation and Empowerment Act replacing it with a more workable Partnership arrangement
RDZ will ensure every child goes to school from primary to tertiary levels.
RDZ will ensure that children under 5, elderly people over 65 and pregnant women have access to health care. All communicable diseases including HIV and AIDS are treated expeditiously at government expense.
The disabled, orphans and the vulnerable have access to adequate social welfare
Easy access to Residential stands
MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL and may God bless Zimbabwe
I thank you
Elton Steers Mangoma
RDZ President
Madam Vice President and members of the Management Committee, Guardian Council Members, NEC Members, Provinces and District members
Members of the diplomatic corps
Civil Society and NGOs here present,
Democratic Stakeholders here present
invited Guests, ladies and gentlemen
Thank you, Thank you so much fellow Zimbabweans for realizing that there is a leadership vacuum in the country and for showing unbridled confidence in me.
I want to thank all those who voted for me at this inaugural RDZ congress.
Your vote of confidence in me reaffirms that there was need for good to triumph over evil.
I am extremely proud of my colleagues and family especially my wife Nancy who firmly stood by me burning the midnight oil despite all odds to make sure that Zimbabweans view the country through progressive and democratic lens.
Through my leadership, RDZ intends to form the next Government. We want to Renew Hope to the millions of Zimbabweans reeling under untold poverty and suffering. We espoused in our roadmap, we are here to reassure that we will Renew and strengthen the Institutions which have been militarized by the current regime.
We want to overhaul the entire style of governance which has not only brought the economy to its knees, but forced millions of the country's skilled labour into the diaspora.
Our aim is to Build a Strong and friendlyNation, Revive and grow the economy and make Zimbabwe the regional breadbasket it once boasted of being and not the basket case it has been reduced to through maladministration, corruption and other untold vices.
RDZ will pursue the democratization of the country, and in particular shall strive for the liberation, empowerment and transformation of Zimbabwe into a modern democratic developmental state that will result in economic prosperity for the people.
Our ideology is one of MODERN NATIONALISM. This makes us reconnect with the old Nationalists, ie HerbertChitepo, Nikita Mangena, JosiahTongogara, Lookout Masuku, JaisonZiyapapa Moyo, Dr Edson MudadirwaZvobgo, Mayor Urimbo, Rev NdabaningiSithole , Dr Joshua Nkomo etc, our forebears, who fought for equality of all citizens and above all equal access to our national resources. We want to make change from the Animal Farm mentality, where others think and behave as being more equal than others.
Zimbabwe is our country and ask you to sustain hope in the RDZ.
We shall not and never sit idle while a dynasty is being created in front of our eyes as long as we have the courage to keep fighting and the ideals of our forefathers alive.
We draw the line in the sand and will fight to the bitter end to reclaim our birthright. We will fight to have our dignity restored.
We are Africans and subscribe to the unity of Africa. We endorse all the noble efforts in the region and in the continent to fight for the Development and economic progression of Africa, its member states and its people. We will work with our brothers and sisters in our Continent Africa to make it the next GIANT and leader of the world.
We believe in the rights of citizens to freely choose their leaders and Government. We believe in mixing of Merit, Representativeness and social conscience. Government should be able to look after the poor and ensure no child will stay out of school and that every family has a roof on its head. Priority will be given to social services. The disabled and the vulnerable must have access to descent livelihoods.
RDZ is driven and guided by a set of principles and values, which you the people have adopted here at Congress. These are Servant Leadership, Nation Building, Non Violence, Tolerance, Freedom, Justice, Solidarity, Transparency,Team work, Free Voting, Economic Prosperity and Reparations. I will enunciate on a few below.
Servant Leadership
Last night an election was conducted to select the National Management Team. This team will serve the party and the nation. All these leaders, myself included, applied to serve, so none of us can claim to be ordained and pushed by other people to occupy the position. We offered to serve and the people agreed to hire us for a period until the NEXT Congress. We are Servants of the people and we agree to serve the Party and the Nation with humility.
Our leadership structures run down to the grassroots. We have leaders at the grassroots and leaders who were fortunate to attend this historic Congress. All these leaders at the various structures make the TEAM. All members of the team are important and we will all win as a team. No one member is more important than the team.
This country has been consumed by greed and corruption. RDZ will fight corruption until it is rooted out of our society. We see a few who have corruptly accumulated wealth whilst the rest of us languish in abject poverty. A fight against corruption is a fight we must win. I remember when our Anti Corruption Commission attempted to investigate those high positions in government, but guess what they became the victims. I also remember President Mugabe saying the former South African President Mbeki had complained of corrupt Zimbabwean Ministers, again what happened NOTHING.
Zimbabweans are not fools, they know corruption is tolerated and endorsed at the high echelons of government and has become a way of life but this has to stop And as RDZ will stop the scourge.
Those of us who fight against corruption are arrested and subjected to lengthy trials.I have on several occasions experienced the wrath of telling the truth and fighting corruption during and after the GNU. I can assure you that this will not deter us but instead made us stronger to fight even harder. RDZ promotes accountability, transparency and good governance. RDZ will set up systems that are people friendly, stable, clear and transparent.
Free Voting
RDZ believes in the right of the people to choose their leaders and to be governed by the party and leaders of their choice. This is achieved through the creation of an environment, which makes it possible for all those who want to register to vote being allowed to do so. To vote in a free fair and credible election devoid of violence, intimidation and rigging.
We recognize that the Electoral law in this country was a result of negotiations. However, the practice is very different from the law. The reforms we demand are that ZEC and its officials must follow the law.
Citizenship granted to individuals by the Constitution must be respected and these citizens allowed to register as voters and those already in the voters roll not be removed.
Voters registration exercise must be continuous. We need to know when the voter registration will commence having gone for more than two years without anyone being registeredexcept for the few areas where there has been constituency by elections. If as it looks obvious that ZEC is not capable of registering voters, then RDZ advocates that voting be done using the National Identity documents as happened in 1980.
Restrictions on Voter education be removed
Violence and intimidation be dealt with. RDZ abhors ZANU PF officials declaring violence and no go areas, but demand that ZEC and the police take the necessary action in accordance with the law.
Nation Building
We see all citizens as equal irrespective of tribe or place of origin and all citizens are given equal opportunities. Zimbabwe is extremely polarized. The RDZ will promote and do those things that bring the people together and make Zimbabwe a proud nation. RDZ will put a stop to the use of violence and hate language in our society. We will promote tolerance and working together. RDZ will mix merit, representativeness and pragmatism to bridge from our difficult past.Development will be decentralized. Government will be devolved whilst retaining a unitary state.
RDZ will promote strong family values and engender a sense of community. RDZ will reclaim the people's dignity and make it possible for all to enjoy the NATIONAL CAKE.
Economic Prosperity
Zimbabwe is very rich in terms of natural resources and human capital yet we its inhabitants are among the poorest in the world. RDZ will convert rich resources of the country into tangible economic prosperity of the citizens. The wealth of the country must be equitably be enjoyed by the individuals of the country. RDZ will create a system that gives dignity to hard work, reward hard work and enterprise, create an ethos for hard work and economic prosperity and security.
Many Zimbabweans have suffered in the hands of the state since 1980. The notable episodes include Gukurahundi in the 1980s, Food riots in the 1990s, fast track resettlement of early 2000s, the democratization episodes, Murambatsvina in 2005, Machipisa in 2007, operation wavhotera papi in 2008, New
Murambatsvina and Vendor wars in 2015.Even this week we have witnessed the continued wantom distruction of houses in Kambuzuma. This is a clear demonstration that those in power DO NOT CARE. It does not make sense to destroy houses, property and peoples livelihoods. RDZ holds accountable both the ruling regime and CITY FATHERS of breaching the peoples's rights to SHELTER as enshrined in the national constitution and other global rights charters.
RDZ will put closure to these through the state paying reparations to the victims. This will also include provision of proper identity documentation and allow our NATION to move forward without the baggage of the past.
We have witnessed people of Chisumbanje being driven off their land, being made homeless and landless. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and settlement. We have witnessed the people of Chiadzwa being bundled out of their diamond rich home area. They now live in a protected village with nowhere to graze their livestock. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and resettlement. We have witnessed the people of Chingwizi being removed to make way for Tokwe Mukorsi dam. They now live like refugees in their own country. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and resettlement. We have witnessed the people of Mazowe being forcibly moved out to make way for an unnecessary game farm. We stand with them in their fight for proper compensation and resettlement. Recently we have heard that villagers near Gutu Mupandawana have to be moved without compensation, from a farm allocated to the army. We urge the army to leave these villagers alone and find another area.
All the people (irrespective of race, tribe or gender) on land must have security of tenure, and therefore must not be moved. This covers all sectors from A1 fast track to commercial farms.The security title must be bankable enabling them to pledge the land as security with financial and other institutions. The security of tenure should enable them to lease, transfer and pass on to their heirs.
RDZ will put closure on land acquisitions through agreeing on compensation to the previous farm owners.
Food Security
RDZ will work to ensure Zimbabwe has sufficient food to feed itself within a maximum period of two years.
This will be done through allocating 200 000 hectares for intensive maize production. Part of this land will be new opened up irrigation areas around Tokwe Mukorsi dam. Skilled farmers will be contracted to produce maize, so as to achieve a minimum of 8 to 10 tonnes per hectare. This will cost about $200 million and result in maize output of 2 million tonnes. High yielding seed varieties including GMO maize seed will be used.
For the rest of the population, measures will be put in place for easy access to agricultural inputs, extension services and creation of market chains.
In summary food security will be achieved through having the appropriate skilled people planting the appropriate maize seed on 200 000 hectares of land at a cost of $200 million.
Broad Front
RDZ will work with other organisations in our persuit to transform the current terrible governance system in the country. We will move with those who want to travel on the path to transformation but not with those who are on a path to power for the leaders self gratification at the expense of the people. We will move together with those who are prepared to live by our principles and values. We will avoid recreating the past, which has brought us to the suffering we are currently enduring.
Other policy issues
RDZ will abolish the Indeginisation and Empowerment Act replacing it with a more workable Partnership arrangement
RDZ will ensure every child goes to school from primary to tertiary levels.
RDZ will ensure that children under 5, elderly people over 65 and pregnant women have access to health care. All communicable diseases including HIV and AIDS are treated expeditiously at government expense.
The disabled, orphans and the vulnerable have access to adequate social welfare
Easy access to Residential stands
MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL and may God bless Zimbabwe
I thank you
Elton Steers Mangoma
RDZ President
Source - Elton Steers Mangoma RDZ President
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