Opinion / Speeches
Let's treasure unity - Mugabe's speech in FULL
26 May 2016 at 01:54hrs | Views

We publish here a full text of the speech delivered by President Mugabe at the Million-Man March in Harare yesterday.
Pamberi neZanu-PF! NeZanu -PF! Nechimurenga! Nechimurenga! Pamberi neWomen's League. NeWomen's Leaugue. NeYouth League. NeYouth League. Pamberi nokugona. Nokugona. Nokubatana. Nokubatana. Netsika. Netsika. Pasi nevasingadi kubatana nevamwe. Pasi neImperialism. Necolonialism. Neo-colonialism. Icho! Icho! Icho! Ndatenda.
Ndinoda kuvamba ndichipa rukudzo kuvatsigiri vangu. Ndichivamba naMnangagwa vanova Vice President vedu muparty nemumatongerwo enyika.
Vice President Mphoko vanovavo zvakare mutsigiri wedu muZanu-PF nemumatongerwo enyika. Ndichitenda zvakare basa raitwa rekutsigira vadiki vedu nemusangano wedu. Ndinoda kutenda vaChombo secretary wedu weadministration nevamwe vatsigiri varipano.
Ndinoda kutendawo zvakare zvikwata zvedu zvemuhurumende. Kubvira kune vakabata Defence yenyika VaChiwengwa, vanoona nezvemirairo yedu kuti irikuchengetedzwa vechipurisa vaChihuri. Vose vatinoti maService Chiefs vangadai varipano.
Ndichitendawo zvakare zvikwata zvemuhurumende varipano. Tingadai tiine veCommision dzedu varipano VaNzuwa vakabata civil service. Ndichienda kune vane zvigaro zvepamusoro mune mumatongerwo enyika. Tichivamba naSpeaker wedu wemuParliament VaMudenda. Ndichienda kunapresident vedu vekuSenate Mai Madzongwe.
Maministers ndataura vangadai varipano. Asi nhengo dzeParliament neveSenate varipano. Ndinovatenda nekuuya kwavaitawo pano. Ndinotenda kana kuine vabva kuJudiciary vangadai varipano ndingavatende vakatungamirirwa naChief Justice Chidyausiku.
Ndotendawo zvakare shamwari dzedu dzatuma nhengo kuuya kumusangano uno uyu.
Ndodzokera zvino kumutambo wedu chaizvoizvo. Vaita zvanga zvisati zvamboitwa nevamwe vadiki muparty, kubvira patakavamba ipapo.
Hongu, vanhu vakauya neuzhinji patakadzoka tichibva kunze kwenyika avo vedu vakanga vaenda kuti tironge hondo yechimurenga tirikunze. Matambirirwo akaitwa vaNkomo, matambirirwo andakazoitwawo ini. Pakauya vanhu vakaisvowanda zvikava nekurumbidzwa zvikuru kuti hondo yedu yeChimurenga yakanga yabudirira. Muvengi akanga ademwa. Nyika yakanga yauya.
Vechidiki vedu, mwanakomana uyu Chipanga, vakati vane pfungwa dzevechidiki yekuti vave nekurumbidza President weparty. Yekurumbidza President weparty sezvaataura. Nebudiriro yedu nehutungamiri hwatakaratidza kunyika yeAfrica, tichiratidzazve muregion yedu yeSadc neComesa asi zvikuru tichiratidza munyika medu yeZimbabwe.
VaChipanga mose nevakomana venyu vose vamunotungamirira. Zuva renyu ndiro zuva ranhasi rabva kwamuri. Mati makashanda nemadzimai. Madzimai, zvichivamba naMai Mugabe, Mai Sandi nevamwe vose vekumadzimai makabatana nevakomana vedu nevasikana vedu vechidiki kuti zuva ranhasi ribudirire, tinoda kukutendai zvikuru.
Ndinotenda kuti pfungwa iyi yanga isingabudirire dai pasina rutsigiro rwakabva, hongu kumusangano, asi musangano tichiti maprovinces emusangano anzwa shoko irori, anzwe kusundwa kuti atsigire pfungwa yevadiki kuti kuno tizova nehuwandu hwevanhu vanosvika one million. Batsirai, rongai pamwechete kuti pfungwa yevadiki iyi ibudirire. Nhasi tazviona. Vakutiudza kuti vamwe vachiri kuuya, asi kwakashomeka transport. Saka ini munhu arikupiwa rukudzo rwasakisa zuva ranhasi rivepo, ndinoda kukutendesesai Chipanga nevamwe venyu.
Chipanga haangonzi Chipangaka uyu. Anonzi Kudzai Chipanga. Munenge muchimupa rukudzo hongu, asi tirikukupaiwo rukudzo isu rwemusangano rwokuti necherechedzo yamatipa iyi, matsigira musangano zvikurukuru. Hapana anogona kusunda mbwee yeZimbabwe kana mati mbii nhasi pana apa.
Ndizvo zvatinotarisira kubva kuvadiki vedu. Vave nezvinangwa zvinosusukidza musangano, zvinopa mbiri kumusangano. Zvinopa kubatana kumusangano. Zvichipawo simba kuvakokeri vemusangano, kuvatungamiri vemusangano kuti vachitevera gwara seramatiratidza pano, vanenge vachizoshanda nemasimba kuti musangano uenderere mberi. Zvinangwa zvawo zvibudirire muhurumende, hurumende izadzikise zvido zvemusangano zvinova zvido zvatinoti zvevanhu, tinotevera zvido zvevanhu.
Asi izuva ranhasi ratinoyeuchidzwa kuti Africa yese zuva ranhasi irikupembera kuti izuva redu, tinoyeuka rusununguko rwenyika nenyika dzeAfrica. Africa Day, izuva redu rekucherechedza kuti tanga tiri muhusungwa zuro uno uyo.
Zuro akapfuura tava nhasi. Nhasi tava vanhu vemuAfrica vakasununguka. Hatichanzi tiri vanhu vemaBritish nekuti vari munyika dzirikutongwa nemaBritish. Aya ave maFrench nekuti vari munyika dziri kutongwa neFrance asi tiri munyika dzeAfrica nevanhu veAfrica. Ava havasisiri vechiPutukezi varikutongwa nemaPutukezi. Saka Zimbabwe neZambia, Malawi, dzaive macolonies eBritain.
Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde nedzimwe dzanga dzichitongwawo nemaPutukezi. Tozoenda Africa whole yese, ana Congo, yakambotongwa nemaBelgians. Asi imwe Republic of Congo yaitongwa nemaFrench. Ana Rwanda, Burundi nemaBelgians. Tanzania yakambotongwa nemaGerimani ikazopiwa kumaBritish. Chionai zvanga zvichiitwa nyika dzedu. VanaNigeria vanga ari under the British. AnaGhana under the British. Vana Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast under the French. Cameroon yaimbove yemaGerimani ndokuzopiwa maFrench rimwe divi, rimwe divi ropiwa maBritish. Takaganurwa ganurwa, kupazwa kudaro, kugoverwa kune dzimwe nyika dzekunze.
Hondo dzakarwiwa muAfrica. Asi hondo dzakanga dziri dzekurwira rusununguko dzaive kuno kuSouthern Africa, Vana Angola nana Congo dzakanga dzisina kugarwa nevauyi masettlers, British and French settlers.
Nyika dzakanga dzakaoma kusunungura inyika dzakanga dzine masettlers aibva kunze seedu. Zvakareva kuzvipira kwakakomba, vanhu vakafa vachirwira rusununguko muchimurenga chekutanga, muchimurenga chepiri. KuAlgeria zvimwechetezvo maFrench akanga asingadi kubva achiti Algeria is part of France.
Saka zuva ranhasi tiri kuyeuka kuti matambudziko iwayo ataive nawo, nokuti taive varanda munyika dzedu, akapera. Tava vanhu vakasununguka muAfrica. Saka tinopembera zuva ranhasi tichiti tava vanhu vakasununguka vanozvitonga. Ikoku kupembera kwatinoita isu kuno kuZimbabwe kunova nemhembero idzo mbiri venyikawo dzese vanoti rumwe rutivi varikupemberera Africa rumwe rutivi varikuzvipemberera ivo.
Asi zuva ranhasi kwatiri isu raisvonatswa nevadiki vedu vemusangano vanaChipanga vachitsigirana nemadzimai. Varatidza kumusangano wedu kuti chido kana une chido chakanangana nezvisungo zvemusangano, chazeyewa mumusangano, chabvumiranwa chonzi chozadziswa chichida vanhu kuti vabatane. Hezvo chionai chidzidzo chiri kubva kuvana vedu nhasi ku vakuru tinovatenda zvikuru kuru.
Iniwo pachangu semunhu ari kurumbidzwa zuva ranhasi ndinoti kwavari handina kana remuromo.
Nhasi rukudzo rwabva rwandidukupisa zvikuru, asi ndinoziva kuti mukundiongorora kwamakaita nebasa randakaedzawo kuita nerandinoramba ndichiwedzera kuita makaona mafambiro andinoita.
Ndofunga kuti makaona kuti pandakapinda mumusangano ndakambonge ndaenda kuGhana.
Ndakambonge ndawanawo pfungwa dzekuti musangano wekuzvisunungura unorongwa sei. VeGhana vakanga vazvironga sei?
Ndakange ndafundawo zvekare kuti wapinda mumusangano werusununguko unosungirwa kuva munhu unozvipira kuti uve pasi pehukuru hwemusangano iwoyo. Vanenge vanzi ava ndivo vakuru ndovaunokudza.
Ndofunga makaonawo zvekare kana kuudzwa kuti tichiita macongress edu pakanga pasina anoti ini ndoda kupiwa chinzvimbo ichi kana ichi. Kana ini hapana kumbogambira kuti ndoda kuva chakati kana chakati. Ndakangonzi pokutanga wavaPublicity Secretary weparty ndikati hongu. Zanu yazovakwa zvikanzi secretary-general, ndikati hongu.
Handina pandakamboti ndinoda kuti ndive President weparty. Hapana kana zuva rimwe chete! Hapana kana zuva rimwe chete! Kana urongwa hwandakamboita hwekuti munditsigire kuti ndigova President, aewa.
Tiri kuhondo vakomana vachiti Sithole uyu waenda haachada zveZanu-PF, haungangorambi uri Secretary-General. Ndakati kwete takasarudzwa nevanhu hatingazvisarudzi kuno kunze kwenyika.
Asi vazoona kuti vaendesesa chose vakati hondo yedu tinenge tichida musoro weparty. Hongu tichaenda, kudzokera kumusha, tonotaura zvatinenge taitawo kuno kunze.
Tichiri kuno kunze tinoda kuti utitungamirire. Saka vese vanana Muzenda nanaJosiah Tungamirai nevese vataive navo takazoita musangano kuChimoio zvikanzi, aiwa taida kuti uite acting. Ndikati zvaknaka. Zvikanzi aiwa kuno tichiri kunze tinoda kuti tionekwe separty yakakwana. Ndokuzobvuma kwatakazoita.
Tichizojoinwawo nevamwe vanaMnangagwa ava vanga vabva kuchikoro kuuniversity. Takazovadana vese nanaSekeramayi takazovadana vese kuti huyai tisangane. Havana kuuya vachiti tinoda zvigaro zvakati zvakati takangovapawo zvigaro zvatakavapa ikoko.
Ndirikuda kuti zvibude pachena kuti haisi tsika yedu mumusangano yekuti vanhu vagambire kuti tinoda kuva zvakati kana kuenda kun'anga vachiti tinoda. Hatina izvozvo, hatina kumboita musangano wataisarudzirwa nen'anga kuti uyu achazova mutungamiri, aewa.
Ngazvive zvinhu zvechido chevanhu, vanhu maonero avo vachiona kuti iwe wakakwana panzvimbo apa, iwe wakakwana panzvimbo apa, mumusangano toita Congress dzedu ndopanosarudzwa vanhu.
Hurongwa hwese hwanga huchiitwa, zvese zvekuti kuneparty yanhingi, zvitsva kwatiri. Zvinokanganisa musangano.
Handiwo maitiro emusangano, aewa. Vanhu ngavatwasanuke vanenge vanzi ndimi vatungamiriri, titungamirirei. Pamaiswa ipapo ndipapo. Woita basa rako uri ipapo. Haikona kupinga vamwe ndare.
Hakuna ndare, harisi bhora rekunzvengesana, kwete. Zvido zvevanhu vanhu. Vanhu vane ruzivo, vanhu vari kutamba, soccer aewa.
Vanoda vatungamiri vari pachokwadi. Vatungamiri vanoona zvido zvavo. Vanotevera zvido zvavo. Vanoisa vanhu kumberi vachiti zvido zvenyu ndozvinotitungamirira.
Hurumende ive hurumende yevanhu. Party yevanhu inozvara hurumende yevanhu. Taiswa munzvimbo dzataiswa idzodzo dzehurumende, iwe wapihwa basa, iwe wave minister wechakati, minister wechakati. Ko, rega kuva nekupunyunya kuti ahh, ini ndapiwa ministry isina kukwana, ndaida kuti ndipiwe ministry yakati. Kwete. Yawapiwa iyoyo ndiyoyo.
Shanda pairi unozoonekwa kuti ungaende here pane imwe ministry. Asi tinenge tichinzwa runyerekupe kuti vanhu vanga vachipunyunya kuti, Aah, izvi zvazoitirwei. Aah, ndanga ndichida kupiwa ministry yeFinance kana yeForeign Affairs.
Aewa, hatidaro. Tinoona kuti zvaunenge wakakodzera ndezvipi. Pamwe unenge usina kumbokodzera futi. Zvino vamwe vanenge vachiuya vachiti zvandave MP, zvandave MP, aah ndatoqualifier kuva minister. You haven't qualified at all. Not at all! Do your work uri muParliament uonekwe zvakanaka wozosarudzwawo. Hatidi mumusangano, vanhu vanoti isu tinozvitonga. Kubva kumaprovince kwese dzimwe nguva unonzwa munhu ari muprovince achiti, aewa izvi hazvingaitwe izvi ndisingade inini. Unenge uri ani unoti izvi hazvingaitwe ini ndisingade.
Province inosungirwa kugara pasi vobvumirana kana iwe une pfungwa dzauinadzo dzinozeyewa nevazhinji. Pawapiwa, wapiwa. VaChitepo vakanga vakumbirwa navaNyerere kuti vazoita basa ikoko rohuprosecutor kuTanzania.
Taita Zanu, kuCongress takati, aah vashanda kwavamakore takuvada kuno vazova chairman. Takanovasarudza kucongress kuGweru kuti vave chairman weparty. Ivo vachiita basa ravakanga vasheedzerwa asi isu taona kuti zvavainzi vaite taifunga kuti vakashanda mushando unoita kuti vekuTanzania vakwanise kuzviitira. Saka takangotumira shoko rekuti mava chairman.
Musangano wabhanwa takavati chibvai kuTanzania ikoko muuye muzoita Dare reChimurenga. Vakabvuma vakauya kuzoita Dare reChimurenga. Vakabvuma vakauya. Vakanga vari kunze vasina kubatwa sezvatakaitwa isu kuiswa mujeri kana mumadetention vakanga vapunyuka vananaChikoore nanaShamuyarira, vanaSimpson Mutambanengwe. Takati vese ava vanga vari vakuru veparty, chivaunganidzai mubatane muite Dare reChimurenga, nevaive kunze vamungagone kuwana vaive kunze vese nanaTongogara vanaHamadziripi, vese naRugare Gumbo ava vakazouya vachibva kuCanada kwaakanga aenda kunodzidza. Vakazoita Dare Rechimurenga. VanaKangai vese.
Vakabatana naChitepo ndopavakavamba Dare reChimurenga vakavamba hondo yechimurenga. Vashaya, isu taburitswa mumajeri, vebato vakaungana kuhotera vakati vaMugabe tinoda kuti mubude muende tarasikirwa navaChitepo chiendai munobata basa ranga richiitwa navaChitepo.
Kukasarudzwa kuti muchatsigirwa navaTekere. Varipo vakambonzi batanai navaMugabe vakaramba vakati kwete, uyu kwete, asi vaTekere vakabvuma.
Ndopatakabva taenda kuManicaland, nhoroondo yemapindire edu. Kubatana nasekuru Tangwena.
Taimira nzvimbo nenzvimbo mupakara tapiwa mvumo nevakuru veMozambique kwatakabuda nako, zvikanzi chiuyai, ndokupinda kwatakaita.
ZvokuTanzania zvakazova zvokumashure asi hatina kuti kwete, takanga tisingazive kuti tichazofamba nemafambiro api. Taingoti nzira tichaiwana chete. Chido changa chiripo. Tapiwa basa, tinosungirwa kutakura mitoro yebasa iroro. Tozvionera munzira kuti ichokwadi. Hezvo tikazonobatana nevamwe hondo yechimurenga ikarwiwa. KuMozambique, patakaenda yanga iri Zanu tikazonobatana neZapu wo, vakanga vasiiwa kunze vana JZ Moyo, TG Silundika nevamwe vakanga vasara ikoko.
Chimurenga chedu chakaenderera mberi tikabatana Zanu ne Zapu tikava Patriotic Front.
Takaenda kuhurukuro takabatana kudaro tapuhwa mazano nevakuru anaNyerere nanaKaunda kuti mukabatana zvinoita kuti mashoko enyu amunenge muchikurukura nemaBritish anzwike. Asi imi zvamuri mapato ehondo maviri aya mukabatana pahuviri hwenyu hamuzopesana, ndozvakaitika. Ndosaka muchitiona nanhasi, Zanu-Zapu. VaMphoko, from a Zapu side. VaMnangagwa from Zanu. Iyo yakava unity yatakazoita navaNkomo rusununguko rwauya tambopesana zvakare, 1987.
Saka Unity Accord yedu ndiyo yatiri kuchengeta. Vechidiki vedu, vaChipanga ndoda kukutendai.
I want now to say a few words in English for the benefit of those who do not understand Shona and for the benefit of our listeners' mamwe madiplomats arikutererawo. I, as President of Zanu-PF wish to express my deep thanks and appreciation and the thanks of my family, my wife Grace who is here, the whole family. To our youth, the Youth League of ZANU- PF for this great act, revolutionary act, run by them, organised by them. Sure, as we say, with support from the women and also here and there support from the main body of the party as they championed right through.
They travelled and they were reported drunk to each and every province organising the people for this march they were determined that this will succeed. Along the way, sure they met some discouraging words, even from within and amongst us. But they persisted, they persisted and said forward ever, backward never.
Forward ever and even some circles who had said, oh, no you cannot organise it. Oh, no what are you doing for? Eventually realised that the youths were determined, that the youth had a plan and they decided to support them.
So, now with that full support, your day has succeeded and we say to you congratulations for this success. Congratulations on your having demonstrated to us all that determined as you were, you could fulfil your ambitions. And here you are, we are all here, all done by you. And once again I say thank you, thank you, thank you ever more. It's the glory that you are giving the President, but the President says, in a reciprocal way, that it's our glory together. It's the glory of the party. A glorious day for the party, a glorious day for us all. Let us, again and again, thank the youths for it. But it's a day also on which the Lord has made this glorious light. We thank the Lord. Tinotenda vamufundisi vedu vatitungamirira pano neshoko ravatipa rekubatana. Am sure all of us united we stand . . . We divided we shall fall.
Unity, unity and ever unity that should be the bidding, the bidding within us, within our bosoms and of course the bidding also as expressed by the party.
That bidding shall always be a guide as we organize ourselves. Kana vaNkomo pandakavaona pahurwere hwavo, zvinhu zviviri zvavakandiudza kuti ndisimbirire pazviri ndezvizvi: kubatana, the unity of our people that they shall not be persons who will say because we are Zezurus, because we are Manyikas, because we are Karangas, we are Ndebeles. We must be treated differently. All of us are the same.
No tribe should boast superiority over another. Hapana izvozvo, tinoti pasi nazvo. We fought for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans.
Saka vakati vaNkomo kubatana rambai muchisimbirira shoko rekubatana. Repiri; land to the people. The land must never, never get out of the control and ownership of our people. Saka ivhu kuvanhu. VaChipanga vanga vachitiudza zvichemo zvemayouths, vapihwewo maplots, vapihwewo minda. Sure, we have no objections to that.
For the youths, vaChipanga, you should remember that only 20 years ago, you were young children and you belonged to baba naamai families. The families were given under A1 or A2 land. So you were part of the family given land.
But now you are saying you are mature people. Now, you no longer live in the custody of the family and in your own right, you deserve to be considered as deserving land owners. Sure! We will read the list of your recommendations and demands to us and we will definitely provide positive answers to most of them. But it may not be possible to give each and everyone land. Also it is not each and everyone who has aptitude to become a farmer.
But every person requires a piece of land to at least build a home. Hapana munhu anosungirwa kushaiswa kana plot kana stand pekuvaka imba. Kana ndichiti hapana munhu, ndiri kureva tose. Hapana rusarudza apa. Hapana kuti ava ndeve MDC kana chii, aiwa. Munhu weZimbabwe anosungirwa kuwana pekugara. Hatidi vanhu vanozoti hatina pekugara vozova mbavha, voda kutorera vamwe, aiwa. Asika, not all of us can be settled around Harare.
We happen to be separately settled. Others are residents of Bulawayo and around Bulawayo. They should at least find some stands. Those who are residents of Gweru, Kwekwe, Kadoma, around Chinhoyi have to find stands.
Those in Harare, well Harare, we all drift to Harare and Harare has the greatest population of all the cities. Sure, it may be difficult for everyone to have a stand at the same time but stands can be found. In a special way, we have already set aside some land for stands to be cut down and given to some of our people.
But we also would want to see the youths in employment, we would also want to see the youths in self-employment. The youths must acquire skills, hence we want our youths to be educated. Vanhu vanosungirwa kufunda. Hongu, tese hatingafunde zvekuwana madegree, but at least all the children should aspire to have O Level at least. With O Level, you are able to look around and do something for yourself. But we have training institutions, tertiary institutions where the youths can be trained to have skills.
We have our people, some of who are quite gifted, who have natural skills. They carve, they sew, they knit, they mould, they tailor. Well and good, those are lines that can be pursued. That is self-employment. When you are self-employed, you develop in a small way, employ, two, three or four people and eventually you can establish a little business, a little company for yourself. We want to see that.
However, let there be discipline. Our youths must be disciplined. You have clubs, youth clubs where those who belong to the clubs are disciplined you must have definite rules.
Avoid violence. One thing I insisted upon as the organisation of this march was taking place, was that it must be organised without violence and be undertaken without violence.
At the end of the day today, let us hear good stories that it was well-performed. They were no fights, no attacks anywhere. The people came peacefully and went peacefully. That's what we want to hear. Then glory will be enhanced.
At the end of the day, today let us hear good story, that it was well performed, there were no fights, no faults anywhere, no attacks of buildings anywhere, the people came peacefully and left peacefully that's what we want to hear, Tinzwe izvozvo kuti ndoozvaitika. Then our glory will be enhanced, will be enhanced by the talk later.
By the way, this was the best act of all acts that the party was capable of, done by the youths of the party, the youths performed well, it was well organised. It will allow them to hear the enthusiasm of other youths, even those who were outside the party admired you. It attracted other youths who are not in the party to join the party.
We want to hear that story. I want to thank you for having also gone with other associated groups of youths, students were here, youth were everywhere on top of having had support from the war veterans, well and good. That is what we want. In the party, we'll be very happy that we continue this way, we continue this way.
Avoid being confused by the confusions, they will always be there. Those who want you to belong to them, vakuru vanoti tererai, terera zvangu zvandinotaura chete. Aiwa, pasi navo. Gwara reparty ndereparty, vakuru vanotererwa. Vakuru veparty, zvavanotaura zvibve muzvinangwa zveparty kwete zvavo zvekuda kurumbidzwa, aiwa.
Let this day be the day you have made and made in the sense that you have determined to listen to yourself and listen to the voice of the party and never to listen to the discordant voices from whatever sources they may come from within the party. The party has no factions. As the party, those who say they belong to this, they belong to that are deceiving themselves there is only ZANU-PF. And let us not hear discordant voices from whosoever.
Our war veterans I say, must work within the party. They must not be preaching their own voices, political voice outside the party, no. They must come within the party.
Then whatever grievances you have will be solved within the party, whatever ideas, progressive ideas they have, will be listened to within the party. There should never be little groups to promote so and so or promote so and so. Those little groups are treasonous groups, they are treasonous groups they spoil the party. There is one group Zanu-PF, why don't you come with your views to the party we discuss them, your differences in the party, your criticisms even within the party?
You can criticise the leaders within the party and not go to newspapers, the Daily what, the Daily nonsense and you are making these little papers live, you are helping them to live, you are giving them life. The stories that are being told, you get the stories against the First Lady, stories against so and so, so and so in the newspaper. Nonsense! Stop all that.
The party was never founded on other principles than principles of unity, principles of togetherness, principles of harmony, harmony not disharmony. Varipo varikutoita specialise now writing to the press, giving false information about others, hatidi nyaya idzodzo ngadziregedzwe.
Well, it's a day we are together. There are men and women here, the youths here, the students here, there are workers here and I am glad this has been done by our youths, continue, continue, continue, continue this way talk to all of us, give us your views and do it not arrogantly, but do it with humility. Kuti apapapa, hamusikuona here kuti apa parikukanganiswa apa?
Tinoterera, apapapa hamusikuona kuti zvinhu zvingaitwe nenzira iyi kana iyi here, hamusikuona kuti uyu ne uyu neuyuyu varikuda kukanganisa musangano varikuti zvakati nezvakati. Kwete kunyeyana, ingava party yekunyeyana?
Rumour mongering all the time? No, down with that. Let us be straight forward and let's organise our party well.
The objectives that we have set will have been achieved, we have Zim-Asset, we have programmes that we are pursuing along various socio-economic plans, in agriculture, in mining, in industry, infrastructure, commerce, are we creating more jobs, are we creating more industries, more areas where our people are self-employed, so they can employ others, these are the jobs we want.
Our industrialisation, beneficiation, value edition, for now the people require food, they require homes. Have we enough food for them to last them till the next season? Are we distributing the food fairly? Everyone must eat regardless of their politics or religion, we must serve everyone in the country.
Hatingade kuti titi, nekuti avo varimumusangano weopposition, saka tovanyima kudya. Ko munenge muchiti vawane kudya kunobva kupi?
Nekuti kudya kwedu kunorimwa muno munyika muno. Tikanga tisina muno tiine gore renzara tinotenga, totengera vanhu vose vanodya. Isuwo hongu tinotsutsumwa zvedu kuti kana vaguta matumbu voti denounca futi voenda vachiti isai ma sanctions, pavanhu veZanu-PF. Put more sanctions. Ko, ndiyo same Zanu-PF irimugovernment, ndiyo irikukupa sadzaka, ndiyo irikuita kuti dumbu rako rikure iri asi waakuda kuti ma sanctions arambe aripo. Anyway ndozvinoita opposition yedu.
Our opposition is quite peculiar, ndinoterera kuti ndinzwe kuti ko, mazano avanawowo ekupindura nyika ndeapi, ekuchengetedza nyika ndeapi kuti the land belong to us, it belongs to Zimbabwe. We don't want foreigners. Mazano ekudefenda nyika ndeapi? Ekusimudzira nyika ndeapi? Ekusimudzira vana vedu fundo ndeapi? Asi vanongoda chete kuti MDC ah, we must remove Zanu-PF.
Zanu-PF ndiyo enemy yenyu? Ko mabvisa Zanu-PF, agriculture munoita mutowo upi? Industry munoita mutowo upi? Education munoibata nemutowo upi? Hatisati tazvinzwa isu, asi kungoti ah, VaMugabe, chiripo ipapa nezuro vachida, they wanted to pre-empt this meeting zvichinzi the people must ask Mugabe to go. Ko, ndinogoenda kupi?
I belong to my people, my people say stay here, I'm not a Britain, I don't like it, I'm not American, I'm not a Yankee, I'm not Britain, I told Blair to keep his England so I can keep my Zimbabwe. So I belong to Zimbabwe, so they say I must go, but within the party, the outsiders why do they want Zimbabwe,to stand down, to resign, retire?
Vanhu vanguka, ndovangati aah, chiretireyi. Ko MDC shungu, itsitsi here dzekunzwira VaMugabe kuti vaneta kana kuti kutya VaMugabe, kutya VaMugabe? So tell the paper that VaMugabe says no, you go hang, hang yourself. Anyway tiri tese, I am at the service of the people. If the people tell us to go I will go, but as long as I feel I should serve the people and I will do my best as I have done in the past, I will do my best and when time comes I go.
Hapana kwandinoenda, thank you. Time has gone. Hatingangoramba tichienderera. Vamwe vachaenda kure hatidi kuti vanhu, kuve nemaaccidents, hatidi. Tinoda kuti mubve pano nesoko rokuti tabvumirana. President vabvuma kuti pfungwa dzevadiki, zvichemo zvavo tichazonoongorora kuparty, within the party system ende tinenge tichivapa mhinduro dzedu dzatinadzo asi varikuti zano rekubatana iri, unity, unity ngarirambe riri mberi, unity, unity and unity forever.
Kana takabatana kudaro sezvamaudzwa naVamufundisi vedu, the blessings, God will shower without measure on us.
Let us ensure that unity start with the family, the family must be united, families within our villages must work in harmony, they must be united, our regions must be united, the various tribal groups here must be united and that we must show as we deliver its service that it's working for the people as a whole, working for a united people that finally, nationally we are united.
VaNkomo vakati, tinoramba tichivayeuka navo kuti unity begins with me, unity begins with you, unity begins with all of us, that's va John Nkomo, let's remember him for that and wherever you are, whatever that you are doing , try to be united. I am aware that kune ma boss vanoda kuitwa feel kuti ah uyu yaa ane simba akati iwe ibva apa, gara apa ende achibva agarisa vanhu pasi kuti kana paine vasikana abva awonekwa kuti ane masimba aiwa hatidi kudaro.
The best manager is one who manages in a humble way, yes you must be forceful, but people must see and be satisfied that ah, no you are a just person, a just CEO, a fair CEO and a disciplined CEO, an incorruptible CEO, one who does not to steal, mbavha dzawanda, mbavha aaa ukapa vanhu basa wabirwa apapapa ukati uite kabasa vaunoisa pabasa ipapo vaambavha.
Vanotsvaga nzira yekuti aaa ndingazvibatsire sei, ungazvibatsire sei nebasa remunhu?
Nderako? Unobhadharwaka iwe zvino wava kuda kuzvibatsira sei, ndakuita mufudzi wemombe waakuda kuzvibatsira sei nemombe dzangu ndopandinokutema nedemoka ipapo wotemwa nedemo nemuridzi wemombe wanzi iwe iva mufudzi, haungaite huchenjeri kana hwatsuro hwekunzi, chengeta vana ava wopedza kutematema.
Once again, on my behalf and on behalf of my family, people of Zanu-PF and on behalf of Zimbabweans I want to thank you. Well done.
Will God Bless you and the Youth League.
Pamberi nokubatana, nokubatana.
Pamberi neYouth League, neYouth League, neWomen's League, neWomen's League yedu, Pasi nevasingade kubatana.
Vanhu ngavafunde. Zvimwe zviparty ngazvifunde kuti kunoorganizwa sei.
Pamberi neZanu-PF! NeZanu -PF! Nechimurenga! Nechimurenga! Pamberi neWomen's League. NeWomen's Leaugue. NeYouth League. NeYouth League. Pamberi nokugona. Nokugona. Nokubatana. Nokubatana. Netsika. Netsika. Pasi nevasingadi kubatana nevamwe. Pasi neImperialism. Necolonialism. Neo-colonialism. Icho! Icho! Icho! Ndatenda.
Ndinoda kuvamba ndichipa rukudzo kuvatsigiri vangu. Ndichivamba naMnangagwa vanova Vice President vedu muparty nemumatongerwo enyika.
Vice President Mphoko vanovavo zvakare mutsigiri wedu muZanu-PF nemumatongerwo enyika. Ndichitenda zvakare basa raitwa rekutsigira vadiki vedu nemusangano wedu. Ndinoda kutenda vaChombo secretary wedu weadministration nevamwe vatsigiri varipano.
Ndinoda kutendawo zvakare zvikwata zvedu zvemuhurumende. Kubvira kune vakabata Defence yenyika VaChiwengwa, vanoona nezvemirairo yedu kuti irikuchengetedzwa vechipurisa vaChihuri. Vose vatinoti maService Chiefs vangadai varipano.
Ndichitendawo zvakare zvikwata zvemuhurumende varipano. Tingadai tiine veCommision dzedu varipano VaNzuwa vakabata civil service. Ndichienda kune vane zvigaro zvepamusoro mune mumatongerwo enyika. Tichivamba naSpeaker wedu wemuParliament VaMudenda. Ndichienda kunapresident vedu vekuSenate Mai Madzongwe.
Maministers ndataura vangadai varipano. Asi nhengo dzeParliament neveSenate varipano. Ndinovatenda nekuuya kwavaitawo pano. Ndinotenda kana kuine vabva kuJudiciary vangadai varipano ndingavatende vakatungamirirwa naChief Justice Chidyausiku.
Ndotendawo zvakare shamwari dzedu dzatuma nhengo kuuya kumusangano uno uyu.
Ndodzokera zvino kumutambo wedu chaizvoizvo. Vaita zvanga zvisati zvamboitwa nevamwe vadiki muparty, kubvira patakavamba ipapo.
Hongu, vanhu vakauya neuzhinji patakadzoka tichibva kunze kwenyika avo vedu vakanga vaenda kuti tironge hondo yechimurenga tirikunze. Matambirirwo akaitwa vaNkomo, matambirirwo andakazoitwawo ini. Pakauya vanhu vakaisvowanda zvikava nekurumbidzwa zvikuru kuti hondo yedu yeChimurenga yakanga yabudirira. Muvengi akanga ademwa. Nyika yakanga yauya.
Vechidiki vedu, mwanakomana uyu Chipanga, vakati vane pfungwa dzevechidiki yekuti vave nekurumbidza President weparty. Yekurumbidza President weparty sezvaataura. Nebudiriro yedu nehutungamiri hwatakaratidza kunyika yeAfrica, tichiratidzazve muregion yedu yeSadc neComesa asi zvikuru tichiratidza munyika medu yeZimbabwe.
VaChipanga mose nevakomana venyu vose vamunotungamirira. Zuva renyu ndiro zuva ranhasi rabva kwamuri. Mati makashanda nemadzimai. Madzimai, zvichivamba naMai Mugabe, Mai Sandi nevamwe vose vekumadzimai makabatana nevakomana vedu nevasikana vedu vechidiki kuti zuva ranhasi ribudirire, tinoda kukutendai zvikuru.
Ndinotenda kuti pfungwa iyi yanga isingabudirire dai pasina rutsigiro rwakabva, hongu kumusangano, asi musangano tichiti maprovinces emusangano anzwa shoko irori, anzwe kusundwa kuti atsigire pfungwa yevadiki kuti kuno tizova nehuwandu hwevanhu vanosvika one million. Batsirai, rongai pamwechete kuti pfungwa yevadiki iyi ibudirire. Nhasi tazviona. Vakutiudza kuti vamwe vachiri kuuya, asi kwakashomeka transport. Saka ini munhu arikupiwa rukudzo rwasakisa zuva ranhasi rivepo, ndinoda kukutendesesai Chipanga nevamwe venyu.
Chipanga haangonzi Chipangaka uyu. Anonzi Kudzai Chipanga. Munenge muchimupa rukudzo hongu, asi tirikukupaiwo rukudzo isu rwemusangano rwokuti necherechedzo yamatipa iyi, matsigira musangano zvikurukuru. Hapana anogona kusunda mbwee yeZimbabwe kana mati mbii nhasi pana apa.
Ndizvo zvatinotarisira kubva kuvadiki vedu. Vave nezvinangwa zvinosusukidza musangano, zvinopa mbiri kumusangano. Zvinopa kubatana kumusangano. Zvichipawo simba kuvakokeri vemusangano, kuvatungamiri vemusangano kuti vachitevera gwara seramatiratidza pano, vanenge vachizoshanda nemasimba kuti musangano uenderere mberi. Zvinangwa zvawo zvibudirire muhurumende, hurumende izadzikise zvido zvemusangano zvinova zvido zvatinoti zvevanhu, tinotevera zvido zvevanhu.
Asi izuva ranhasi ratinoyeuchidzwa kuti Africa yese zuva ranhasi irikupembera kuti izuva redu, tinoyeuka rusununguko rwenyika nenyika dzeAfrica. Africa Day, izuva redu rekucherechedza kuti tanga tiri muhusungwa zuro uno uyo.
Zuro akapfuura tava nhasi. Nhasi tava vanhu vemuAfrica vakasununguka. Hatichanzi tiri vanhu vemaBritish nekuti vari munyika dzirikutongwa nemaBritish. Aya ave maFrench nekuti vari munyika dziri kutongwa neFrance asi tiri munyika dzeAfrica nevanhu veAfrica. Ava havasisiri vechiPutukezi varikutongwa nemaPutukezi. Saka Zimbabwe neZambia, Malawi, dzaive macolonies eBritain.
Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde nedzimwe dzanga dzichitongwawo nemaPutukezi. Tozoenda Africa whole yese, ana Congo, yakambotongwa nemaBelgians. Asi imwe Republic of Congo yaitongwa nemaFrench. Ana Rwanda, Burundi nemaBelgians. Tanzania yakambotongwa nemaGerimani ikazopiwa kumaBritish. Chionai zvanga zvichiitwa nyika dzedu. VanaNigeria vanga ari under the British. AnaGhana under the British. Vana Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast under the French. Cameroon yaimbove yemaGerimani ndokuzopiwa maFrench rimwe divi, rimwe divi ropiwa maBritish. Takaganurwa ganurwa, kupazwa kudaro, kugoverwa kune dzimwe nyika dzekunze.
Hondo dzakarwiwa muAfrica. Asi hondo dzakanga dziri dzekurwira rusununguko dzaive kuno kuSouthern Africa, Vana Angola nana Congo dzakanga dzisina kugarwa nevauyi masettlers, British and French settlers.
Nyika dzakanga dzakaoma kusunungura inyika dzakanga dzine masettlers aibva kunze seedu. Zvakareva kuzvipira kwakakomba, vanhu vakafa vachirwira rusununguko muchimurenga chekutanga, muchimurenga chepiri. KuAlgeria zvimwechetezvo maFrench akanga asingadi kubva achiti Algeria is part of France.
Saka zuva ranhasi tiri kuyeuka kuti matambudziko iwayo ataive nawo, nokuti taive varanda munyika dzedu, akapera. Tava vanhu vakasununguka muAfrica. Saka tinopembera zuva ranhasi tichiti tava vanhu vakasununguka vanozvitonga. Ikoku kupembera kwatinoita isu kuno kuZimbabwe kunova nemhembero idzo mbiri venyikawo dzese vanoti rumwe rutivi varikupemberera Africa rumwe rutivi varikuzvipemberera ivo.
Asi zuva ranhasi kwatiri isu raisvonatswa nevadiki vedu vemusangano vanaChipanga vachitsigirana nemadzimai. Varatidza kumusangano wedu kuti chido kana une chido chakanangana nezvisungo zvemusangano, chazeyewa mumusangano, chabvumiranwa chonzi chozadziswa chichida vanhu kuti vabatane. Hezvo chionai chidzidzo chiri kubva kuvana vedu nhasi ku vakuru tinovatenda zvikuru kuru.
Iniwo pachangu semunhu ari kurumbidzwa zuva ranhasi ndinoti kwavari handina kana remuromo.
Nhasi rukudzo rwabva rwandidukupisa zvikuru, asi ndinoziva kuti mukundiongorora kwamakaita nebasa randakaedzawo kuita nerandinoramba ndichiwedzera kuita makaona mafambiro andinoita.
Ndofunga kuti makaona kuti pandakapinda mumusangano ndakambonge ndaenda kuGhana.
Ndakambonge ndawanawo pfungwa dzekuti musangano wekuzvisunungura unorongwa sei. VeGhana vakanga vazvironga sei?
Ndakange ndafundawo zvekare kuti wapinda mumusangano werusununguko unosungirwa kuva munhu unozvipira kuti uve pasi pehukuru hwemusangano iwoyo. Vanenge vanzi ava ndivo vakuru ndovaunokudza.
Ndofunga makaonawo zvekare kana kuudzwa kuti tichiita macongress edu pakanga pasina anoti ini ndoda kupiwa chinzvimbo ichi kana ichi. Kana ini hapana kumbogambira kuti ndoda kuva chakati kana chakati. Ndakangonzi pokutanga wavaPublicity Secretary weparty ndikati hongu. Zanu yazovakwa zvikanzi secretary-general, ndikati hongu.
Handina pandakamboti ndinoda kuti ndive President weparty. Hapana kana zuva rimwe chete! Hapana kana zuva rimwe chete! Kana urongwa hwandakamboita hwekuti munditsigire kuti ndigova President, aewa.
Tiri kuhondo vakomana vachiti Sithole uyu waenda haachada zveZanu-PF, haungangorambi uri Secretary-General. Ndakati kwete takasarudzwa nevanhu hatingazvisarudzi kuno kunze kwenyika.
Asi vazoona kuti vaendesesa chose vakati hondo yedu tinenge tichida musoro weparty. Hongu tichaenda, kudzokera kumusha, tonotaura zvatinenge taitawo kuno kunze.
Tichiri kuno kunze tinoda kuti utitungamirire. Saka vese vanana Muzenda nanaJosiah Tungamirai nevese vataive navo takazoita musangano kuChimoio zvikanzi, aiwa taida kuti uite acting. Ndikati zvaknaka. Zvikanzi aiwa kuno tichiri kunze tinoda kuti tionekwe separty yakakwana. Ndokuzobvuma kwatakazoita.
Tichizojoinwawo nevamwe vanaMnangagwa ava vanga vabva kuchikoro kuuniversity. Takazovadana vese nanaSekeramayi takazovadana vese kuti huyai tisangane. Havana kuuya vachiti tinoda zvigaro zvakati zvakati takangovapawo zvigaro zvatakavapa ikoko.
Ndirikuda kuti zvibude pachena kuti haisi tsika yedu mumusangano yekuti vanhu vagambire kuti tinoda kuva zvakati kana kuenda kun'anga vachiti tinoda. Hatina izvozvo, hatina kumboita musangano wataisarudzirwa nen'anga kuti uyu achazova mutungamiri, aewa.
Ngazvive zvinhu zvechido chevanhu, vanhu maonero avo vachiona kuti iwe wakakwana panzvimbo apa, iwe wakakwana panzvimbo apa, mumusangano toita Congress dzedu ndopanosarudzwa vanhu.
Hurongwa hwese hwanga huchiitwa, zvese zvekuti kuneparty yanhingi, zvitsva kwatiri. Zvinokanganisa musangano.
Handiwo maitiro emusangano, aewa. Vanhu ngavatwasanuke vanenge vanzi ndimi vatungamiriri, titungamirirei. Pamaiswa ipapo ndipapo. Woita basa rako uri ipapo. Haikona kupinga vamwe ndare.
Hakuna ndare, harisi bhora rekunzvengesana, kwete. Zvido zvevanhu vanhu. Vanhu vane ruzivo, vanhu vari kutamba, soccer aewa.
Vanoda vatungamiri vari pachokwadi. Vatungamiri vanoona zvido zvavo. Vanotevera zvido zvavo. Vanoisa vanhu kumberi vachiti zvido zvenyu ndozvinotitungamirira.
Hurumende ive hurumende yevanhu. Party yevanhu inozvara hurumende yevanhu. Taiswa munzvimbo dzataiswa idzodzo dzehurumende, iwe wapihwa basa, iwe wave minister wechakati, minister wechakati. Ko, rega kuva nekupunyunya kuti ahh, ini ndapiwa ministry isina kukwana, ndaida kuti ndipiwe ministry yakati. Kwete. Yawapiwa iyoyo ndiyoyo.
Shanda pairi unozoonekwa kuti ungaende here pane imwe ministry. Asi tinenge tichinzwa runyerekupe kuti vanhu vanga vachipunyunya kuti, Aah, izvi zvazoitirwei. Aah, ndanga ndichida kupiwa ministry yeFinance kana yeForeign Affairs.
Aewa, hatidaro. Tinoona kuti zvaunenge wakakodzera ndezvipi. Pamwe unenge usina kumbokodzera futi. Zvino vamwe vanenge vachiuya vachiti zvandave MP, zvandave MP, aah ndatoqualifier kuva minister. You haven't qualified at all. Not at all! Do your work uri muParliament uonekwe zvakanaka wozosarudzwawo. Hatidi mumusangano, vanhu vanoti isu tinozvitonga. Kubva kumaprovince kwese dzimwe nguva unonzwa munhu ari muprovince achiti, aewa izvi hazvingaitwe izvi ndisingade inini. Unenge uri ani unoti izvi hazvingaitwe ini ndisingade.
Province inosungirwa kugara pasi vobvumirana kana iwe une pfungwa dzauinadzo dzinozeyewa nevazhinji. Pawapiwa, wapiwa. VaChitepo vakanga vakumbirwa navaNyerere kuti vazoita basa ikoko rohuprosecutor kuTanzania.
Taita Zanu, kuCongress takati, aah vashanda kwavamakore takuvada kuno vazova chairman. Takanovasarudza kucongress kuGweru kuti vave chairman weparty. Ivo vachiita basa ravakanga vasheedzerwa asi isu taona kuti zvavainzi vaite taifunga kuti vakashanda mushando unoita kuti vekuTanzania vakwanise kuzviitira. Saka takangotumira shoko rekuti mava chairman.
Musangano wabhanwa takavati chibvai kuTanzania ikoko muuye muzoita Dare reChimurenga. Vakabvuma vakauya kuzoita Dare reChimurenga. Vakabvuma vakauya. Vakanga vari kunze vasina kubatwa sezvatakaitwa isu kuiswa mujeri kana mumadetention vakanga vapunyuka vananaChikoore nanaShamuyarira, vanaSimpson Mutambanengwe. Takati vese ava vanga vari vakuru veparty, chivaunganidzai mubatane muite Dare reChimurenga, nevaive kunze vamungagone kuwana vaive kunze vese nanaTongogara vanaHamadziripi, vese naRugare Gumbo ava vakazouya vachibva kuCanada kwaakanga aenda kunodzidza. Vakazoita Dare Rechimurenga. VanaKangai vese.
Vakabatana naChitepo ndopavakavamba Dare reChimurenga vakavamba hondo yechimurenga. Vashaya, isu taburitswa mumajeri, vebato vakaungana kuhotera vakati vaMugabe tinoda kuti mubude muende tarasikirwa navaChitepo chiendai munobata basa ranga richiitwa navaChitepo.
Kukasarudzwa kuti muchatsigirwa navaTekere. Varipo vakambonzi batanai navaMugabe vakaramba vakati kwete, uyu kwete, asi vaTekere vakabvuma.
Ndopatakabva taenda kuManicaland, nhoroondo yemapindire edu. Kubatana nasekuru Tangwena.
Taimira nzvimbo nenzvimbo mupakara tapiwa mvumo nevakuru veMozambique kwatakabuda nako, zvikanzi chiuyai, ndokupinda kwatakaita.
ZvokuTanzania zvakazova zvokumashure asi hatina kuti kwete, takanga tisingazive kuti tichazofamba nemafambiro api. Taingoti nzira tichaiwana chete. Chido changa chiripo. Tapiwa basa, tinosungirwa kutakura mitoro yebasa iroro. Tozvionera munzira kuti ichokwadi. Hezvo tikazonobatana nevamwe hondo yechimurenga ikarwiwa. KuMozambique, patakaenda yanga iri Zanu tikazonobatana neZapu wo, vakanga vasiiwa kunze vana JZ Moyo, TG Silundika nevamwe vakanga vasara ikoko.
Chimurenga chedu chakaenderera mberi tikabatana Zanu ne Zapu tikava Patriotic Front.
Takaenda kuhurukuro takabatana kudaro tapuhwa mazano nevakuru anaNyerere nanaKaunda kuti mukabatana zvinoita kuti mashoko enyu amunenge muchikurukura nemaBritish anzwike. Asi imi zvamuri mapato ehondo maviri aya mukabatana pahuviri hwenyu hamuzopesana, ndozvakaitika. Ndosaka muchitiona nanhasi, Zanu-Zapu. VaMphoko, from a Zapu side. VaMnangagwa from Zanu. Iyo yakava unity yatakazoita navaNkomo rusununguko rwauya tambopesana zvakare, 1987.
I want now to say a few words in English for the benefit of those who do not understand Shona and for the benefit of our listeners' mamwe madiplomats arikutererawo. I, as President of Zanu-PF wish to express my deep thanks and appreciation and the thanks of my family, my wife Grace who is here, the whole family. To our youth, the Youth League of ZANU- PF for this great act, revolutionary act, run by them, organised by them. Sure, as we say, with support from the women and also here and there support from the main body of the party as they championed right through.
They travelled and they were reported drunk to each and every province organising the people for this march they were determined that this will succeed. Along the way, sure they met some discouraging words, even from within and amongst us. But they persisted, they persisted and said forward ever, backward never.
Forward ever and even some circles who had said, oh, no you cannot organise it. Oh, no what are you doing for? Eventually realised that the youths were determined, that the youth had a plan and they decided to support them.
So, now with that full support, your day has succeeded and we say to you congratulations for this success. Congratulations on your having demonstrated to us all that determined as you were, you could fulfil your ambitions. And here you are, we are all here, all done by you. And once again I say thank you, thank you, thank you ever more. It's the glory that you are giving the President, but the President says, in a reciprocal way, that it's our glory together. It's the glory of the party. A glorious day for the party, a glorious day for us all. Let us, again and again, thank the youths for it. But it's a day also on which the Lord has made this glorious light. We thank the Lord. Tinotenda vamufundisi vedu vatitungamirira pano neshoko ravatipa rekubatana. Am sure all of us united we stand . . . We divided we shall fall.
Unity, unity and ever unity that should be the bidding, the bidding within us, within our bosoms and of course the bidding also as expressed by the party.
That bidding shall always be a guide as we organize ourselves. Kana vaNkomo pandakavaona pahurwere hwavo, zvinhu zviviri zvavakandiudza kuti ndisimbirire pazviri ndezvizvi: kubatana, the unity of our people that they shall not be persons who will say because we are Zezurus, because we are Manyikas, because we are Karangas, we are Ndebeles. We must be treated differently. All of us are the same.
No tribe should boast superiority over another. Hapana izvozvo, tinoti pasi nazvo. We fought for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans.
Saka vakati vaNkomo kubatana rambai muchisimbirira shoko rekubatana. Repiri; land to the people. The land must never, never get out of the control and ownership of our people. Saka ivhu kuvanhu. VaChipanga vanga vachitiudza zvichemo zvemayouths, vapihwewo maplots, vapihwewo minda. Sure, we have no objections to that.
For the youths, vaChipanga, you should remember that only 20 years ago, you were young children and you belonged to baba naamai families. The families were given under A1 or A2 land. So you were part of the family given land.
But now you are saying you are mature people. Now, you no longer live in the custody of the family and in your own right, you deserve to be considered as deserving land owners. Sure! We will read the list of your recommendations and demands to us and we will definitely provide positive answers to most of them. But it may not be possible to give each and everyone land. Also it is not each and everyone who has aptitude to become a farmer.
But every person requires a piece of land to at least build a home. Hapana munhu anosungirwa kushaiswa kana plot kana stand pekuvaka imba. Kana ndichiti hapana munhu, ndiri kureva tose. Hapana rusarudza apa. Hapana kuti ava ndeve MDC kana chii, aiwa. Munhu weZimbabwe anosungirwa kuwana pekugara. Hatidi vanhu vanozoti hatina pekugara vozova mbavha, voda kutorera vamwe, aiwa. Asika, not all of us can be settled around Harare.
We happen to be separately settled. Others are residents of Bulawayo and around Bulawayo. They should at least find some stands. Those who are residents of Gweru, Kwekwe, Kadoma, around Chinhoyi have to find stands.
Those in Harare, well Harare, we all drift to Harare and Harare has the greatest population of all the cities. Sure, it may be difficult for everyone to have a stand at the same time but stands can be found. In a special way, we have already set aside some land for stands to be cut down and given to some of our people.
But we also would want to see the youths in employment, we would also want to see the youths in self-employment. The youths must acquire skills, hence we want our youths to be educated. Vanhu vanosungirwa kufunda. Hongu, tese hatingafunde zvekuwana madegree, but at least all the children should aspire to have O Level at least. With O Level, you are able to look around and do something for yourself. But we have training institutions, tertiary institutions where the youths can be trained to have skills.
We have our people, some of who are quite gifted, who have natural skills. They carve, they sew, they knit, they mould, they tailor. Well and good, those are lines that can be pursued. That is self-employment. When you are self-employed, you develop in a small way, employ, two, three or four people and eventually you can establish a little business, a little company for yourself. We want to see that.
However, let there be discipline. Our youths must be disciplined. You have clubs, youth clubs where those who belong to the clubs are disciplined you must have definite rules.
Avoid violence. One thing I insisted upon as the organisation of this march was taking place, was that it must be organised without violence and be undertaken without violence.
At the end of the day today, let us hear good stories that it was well-performed. They were no fights, no attacks anywhere. The people came peacefully and went peacefully. That's what we want to hear. Then glory will be enhanced.
At the end of the day, today let us hear good story, that it was well performed, there were no fights, no faults anywhere, no attacks of buildings anywhere, the people came peacefully and left peacefully that's what we want to hear, Tinzwe izvozvo kuti ndoozvaitika. Then our glory will be enhanced, will be enhanced by the talk later.
By the way, this was the best act of all acts that the party was capable of, done by the youths of the party, the youths performed well, it was well organised. It will allow them to hear the enthusiasm of other youths, even those who were outside the party admired you. It attracted other youths who are not in the party to join the party.
We want to hear that story. I want to thank you for having also gone with other associated groups of youths, students were here, youth were everywhere on top of having had support from the war veterans, well and good. That is what we want. In the party, we'll be very happy that we continue this way, we continue this way.
Avoid being confused by the confusions, they will always be there. Those who want you to belong to them, vakuru vanoti tererai, terera zvangu zvandinotaura chete. Aiwa, pasi navo. Gwara reparty ndereparty, vakuru vanotererwa. Vakuru veparty, zvavanotaura zvibve muzvinangwa zveparty kwete zvavo zvekuda kurumbidzwa, aiwa.
Let this day be the day you have made and made in the sense that you have determined to listen to yourself and listen to the voice of the party and never to listen to the discordant voices from whatever sources they may come from within the party. The party has no factions. As the party, those who say they belong to this, they belong to that are deceiving themselves there is only ZANU-PF. And let us not hear discordant voices from whosoever.
Our war veterans I say, must work within the party. They must not be preaching their own voices, political voice outside the party, no. They must come within the party.
Then whatever grievances you have will be solved within the party, whatever ideas, progressive ideas they have, will be listened to within the party. There should never be little groups to promote so and so or promote so and so. Those little groups are treasonous groups, they are treasonous groups they spoil the party. There is one group Zanu-PF, why don't you come with your views to the party we discuss them, your differences in the party, your criticisms even within the party?
You can criticise the leaders within the party and not go to newspapers, the Daily what, the Daily nonsense and you are making these little papers live, you are helping them to live, you are giving them life. The stories that are being told, you get the stories against the First Lady, stories against so and so, so and so in the newspaper. Nonsense! Stop all that.
The party was never founded on other principles than principles of unity, principles of togetherness, principles of harmony, harmony not disharmony. Varipo varikutoita specialise now writing to the press, giving false information about others, hatidi nyaya idzodzo ngadziregedzwe.
Well, it's a day we are together. There are men and women here, the youths here, the students here, there are workers here and I am glad this has been done by our youths, continue, continue, continue, continue this way talk to all of us, give us your views and do it not arrogantly, but do it with humility. Kuti apapapa, hamusikuona here kuti apa parikukanganiswa apa?
Tinoterera, apapapa hamusikuona kuti zvinhu zvingaitwe nenzira iyi kana iyi here, hamusikuona kuti uyu ne uyu neuyuyu varikuda kukanganisa musangano varikuti zvakati nezvakati. Kwete kunyeyana, ingava party yekunyeyana?
Rumour mongering all the time? No, down with that. Let us be straight forward and let's organise our party well.
The objectives that we have set will have been achieved, we have Zim-Asset, we have programmes that we are pursuing along various socio-economic plans, in agriculture, in mining, in industry, infrastructure, commerce, are we creating more jobs, are we creating more industries, more areas where our people are self-employed, so they can employ others, these are the jobs we want.
Our industrialisation, beneficiation, value edition, for now the people require food, they require homes. Have we enough food for them to last them till the next season? Are we distributing the food fairly? Everyone must eat regardless of their politics or religion, we must serve everyone in the country.
Hatingade kuti titi, nekuti avo varimumusangano weopposition, saka tovanyima kudya. Ko munenge muchiti vawane kudya kunobva kupi?
Nekuti kudya kwedu kunorimwa muno munyika muno. Tikanga tisina muno tiine gore renzara tinotenga, totengera vanhu vose vanodya. Isuwo hongu tinotsutsumwa zvedu kuti kana vaguta matumbu voti denounca futi voenda vachiti isai ma sanctions, pavanhu veZanu-PF. Put more sanctions. Ko, ndiyo same Zanu-PF irimugovernment, ndiyo irikukupa sadzaka, ndiyo irikuita kuti dumbu rako rikure iri asi waakuda kuti ma sanctions arambe aripo. Anyway ndozvinoita opposition yedu.
Our opposition is quite peculiar, ndinoterera kuti ndinzwe kuti ko, mazano avanawowo ekupindura nyika ndeapi, ekuchengetedza nyika ndeapi kuti the land belong to us, it belongs to Zimbabwe. We don't want foreigners. Mazano ekudefenda nyika ndeapi? Ekusimudzira nyika ndeapi? Ekusimudzira vana vedu fundo ndeapi? Asi vanongoda chete kuti MDC ah, we must remove Zanu-PF.
Zanu-PF ndiyo enemy yenyu? Ko mabvisa Zanu-PF, agriculture munoita mutowo upi? Industry munoita mutowo upi? Education munoibata nemutowo upi? Hatisati tazvinzwa isu, asi kungoti ah, VaMugabe, chiripo ipapa nezuro vachida, they wanted to pre-empt this meeting zvichinzi the people must ask Mugabe to go. Ko, ndinogoenda kupi?
I belong to my people, my people say stay here, I'm not a Britain, I don't like it, I'm not American, I'm not a Yankee, I'm not Britain, I told Blair to keep his England so I can keep my Zimbabwe. So I belong to Zimbabwe, so they say I must go, but within the party, the outsiders why do they want Zimbabwe,to stand down, to resign, retire?
Vanhu vanguka, ndovangati aah, chiretireyi. Ko MDC shungu, itsitsi here dzekunzwira VaMugabe kuti vaneta kana kuti kutya VaMugabe, kutya VaMugabe? So tell the paper that VaMugabe says no, you go hang, hang yourself. Anyway tiri tese, I am at the service of the people. If the people tell us to go I will go, but as long as I feel I should serve the people and I will do my best as I have done in the past, I will do my best and when time comes I go.
Hapana kwandinoenda, thank you. Time has gone. Hatingangoramba tichienderera. Vamwe vachaenda kure hatidi kuti vanhu, kuve nemaaccidents, hatidi. Tinoda kuti mubve pano nesoko rokuti tabvumirana. President vabvuma kuti pfungwa dzevadiki, zvichemo zvavo tichazonoongorora kuparty, within the party system ende tinenge tichivapa mhinduro dzedu dzatinadzo asi varikuti zano rekubatana iri, unity, unity ngarirambe riri mberi, unity, unity and unity forever.
Kana takabatana kudaro sezvamaudzwa naVamufundisi vedu, the blessings, God will shower without measure on us.
Let us ensure that unity start with the family, the family must be united, families within our villages must work in harmony, they must be united, our regions must be united, the various tribal groups here must be united and that we must show as we deliver its service that it's working for the people as a whole, working for a united people that finally, nationally we are united.
VaNkomo vakati, tinoramba tichivayeuka navo kuti unity begins with me, unity begins with you, unity begins with all of us, that's va John Nkomo, let's remember him for that and wherever you are, whatever that you are doing , try to be united. I am aware that kune ma boss vanoda kuitwa feel kuti ah uyu yaa ane simba akati iwe ibva apa, gara apa ende achibva agarisa vanhu pasi kuti kana paine vasikana abva awonekwa kuti ane masimba aiwa hatidi kudaro.
The best manager is one who manages in a humble way, yes you must be forceful, but people must see and be satisfied that ah, no you are a just person, a just CEO, a fair CEO and a disciplined CEO, an incorruptible CEO, one who does not to steal, mbavha dzawanda, mbavha aaa ukapa vanhu basa wabirwa apapapa ukati uite kabasa vaunoisa pabasa ipapo vaambavha.
Vanotsvaga nzira yekuti aaa ndingazvibatsire sei, ungazvibatsire sei nebasa remunhu?
Nderako? Unobhadharwaka iwe zvino wava kuda kuzvibatsira sei, ndakuita mufudzi wemombe waakuda kuzvibatsira sei nemombe dzangu ndopandinokutema nedemoka ipapo wotemwa nedemo nemuridzi wemombe wanzi iwe iva mufudzi, haungaite huchenjeri kana hwatsuro hwekunzi, chengeta vana ava wopedza kutematema.
Once again, on my behalf and on behalf of my family, people of Zanu-PF and on behalf of Zimbabweans I want to thank you. Well done.
Will God Bless you and the Youth League.
Pamberi nokubatana, nokubatana.
Pamberi neYouth League, neYouth League, neWomen's League, neWomen's League yedu, Pasi nevasingade kubatana.
Vanhu ngavafunde. Zvimwe zviparty ngazvifunde kuti kunoorganizwa sei.
Source - the herald
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