Search / Frankis
Phillip Chiyangwa at it again
Phillip Chiyangwa, known as Captain Fiasco, and his long-time fiancée Sarah Frankis, held a lavish wedding planned in just nine days. The event, orchestrated by Sarah’s sister Elaine Frankis, was a...Published: 06 Jul 2024 at 11:40hrs | 97 | by Staff reporter
Is the voice of people really the voice of God?
VOX populi, vox Dei is a common Latin phrase loosely translated to mean "Voice of the people is the voice of God". Sometimes this same conjecture is replicated as the will of the people is the will of...Published: 11 Jun 2022 at 09:30hrs | | by Tendai Makaripe
MDC-T: Inventing a matching scandal
Before the 1789 revolution which gave a bloody full-stop to the Frankish Monarchical line, France was an unliked, war-mongering polity. That dubious status continued during the "reign" of Robspierre, ...Published: 24 Mar 2012 at 04:52hrs | | by Nathaniel Manheru
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