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Zimbabwe poised for record platinum haul
THE World Platinum Investment Council (WPIC) says Zimbabwe is on track to ramping up output of the white metal to an all-time high of 502 kilo ounces (koz) following massive investment by one of the c...Published: 02 Dec 2023 at 14:37hrs | 10 | by Staff reporter
Pilot mining starts at Karo platinum project
Tharisa Capital, a South African co-producer of platinum group metal (PGM) and chrome concentrates, says its Karo Mining platinum project in Zimbabwe remains on track, with the first plant concrete po...Published: 18 Jul 2023 at 06:18hrs | 11 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe suspends platinum levy
THE Government has suspended the 5 percent levy on raw platinum exports after miners lobbied the Treasury for its removal citing its detrimental impact on operations and the commitment by industry pla...Published: 17 May 2022 at 06:31hrs | 3 | by Staff reporter
All Zimbabweans must benefit from mineral Resources: Zimcodd
THE Zimbabwe Coalition of Debt and Development has reported that in the week under review, Zimbabwe registered a big milestone in the mining of Platinum Group Minerals (PGMs) with the addition o...Published: 07 Apr 2022 at 11:08hrs | 1 | by Stephen Jakes
Zimbabwe's platinum output rises 6%
ZIMBABWE'S platinum output increased by 6% to 475 000 ounces (oz) last year as the backlog of semi-finished inventory was processed through South African smelters and refineries, the World Platinum In...Published: 13 Mar 2022 at 08:07hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe set to up platinum output
Zimbabwe is expected to add up to 4% (about 17 thousand ounces (koz)) of platinum production volumes as a backlog of semi-finished inventory is refined in south Africa on the back of easing disruption...Published: 17 Sep 2021 at 06:18hrs | 2 | by Staff reporter
Platinum prices defy global crisis
ZIMBABWE'S platinum output increased by 5% to 476 000 ounces (oz) last year, the World Platinum Investment council (WPIc) said on Thursday, commending government for including the firms among essentia...Published: 12 Mar 2021 at 06:48hrs | | by Staff reporter
Zimbabwe platinum output up 4%
According to the World Platinum Investment Council (WPIC) latest Platinum quarterly report for the third quarter of 2020, Zimbabwe saw a marginal increase in platinum output in a period where global d...Published: 18 Jan 2021 at 10:41hrs | | by Staff reporter
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