Search / Balozwi
2 Royal baLozi graves in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Bulawayo's Athlone Cemetery is the oldest formal graveyard in the modern city, being established in December 1893 in the vicinity of what was known as White Man's Camp. There are many significant pers...Published: 25 Sep 2024 at 11:12hrs | 1101 | by Paul Hubbard, Independent Researcher, Bulawayo
Names and naming: Naming as a form of documentation
NOT so long ago we visited Beitbridge District to capture the voices of the youth. We visited Beitbridge East and the area provided me with an opportunity to reflect on naming, the subject that I am d...Published: 09 Jun 2019 at 08:12hrs | 6 | by Phathisa Nyathi
The Kalanga Origins of the Thembu and Nelson Mandela Revealed
Stories of our Great Achievements Must be Told Alan Dershowitz notes his feelings about his Jewish identity when he was a Yale law student: "When I ...Published: 06 Jan 2014 at 11:26hrs | 60 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Whence Are the Kalanga (And the Question of Semitic Blood Addressed)
Editor, last week I penned an article titled "Who are the Kalanga?" which, apparently, excited a lot of interest j...Published: 02 Dec 2013 at 09:55hrs | 29 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Who are the Kalanga?
Who are the Kalanga, or Bakalanga, BaNambya and Vhavenda?One day not many years ago whilst passing by the Plumtree District Hospital, I overheard two men arguing about the people bearing the surn...Published: 25 Nov 2013 at 12:20hrs | 21 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Bukalanga is the largest population group in Southern Africa
Over the last few weeks I penned articles in which I demonstrated that the Shona do not comprise over 80% of Zimbabwe's population as is usually claimed in the dominant narrative in Zimbabwe. Publis...Published: 18 Feb 2013 at 05:18hrs | 17 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Do we really need 'A' Level
Writing on Bulawayo24 yesterday (June 12), a ...Published: 13 Jun 2012 at 05:06hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
ZRP - Police Service or Force of Occupation
Ladies and gentlemen, I am sure the question above resonates with you. In a supposedly "independent" and "democratic" country it sounds paranoid if not stupid to ask a question of this kind. But I sh...Published: 05 Jun 2012 at 18:55hrs | 2 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
Inside the Great Nation of Bukalanga: A Definition of Bukalanga vis-à-vis the Ndebele, Shona and Ngwato
For most of the time in the past 200 years, the peoples of Bukalanga have been treated as a sub-ethnicity of the Ndebele, the Ngwato and the Shona. We also raised the point that the Great Nation of B...Published: 29 Apr 2012 at 22:58hrs | 81 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Injiva further remanded over R87 000 fraud
The 35-year-old injiva who is facing a charge of defrauding a colleague of R87 000 has been further remanded as the court wants his alleged accomplice arrested before the case proceeds.Milton...Published: 13 Jan 2012 at 06:41hrs | 1 | by Court Reporter
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