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RG Mugabe is gone but his dark side still haunts Zimbabwe?
I offer my condolences to the son of soil, the icon of Zimbabwe's liberation, a pan africanist,..... and an emancipator of our nation. May his sould rest in eternal peace.These words I utter w...Published: 06 Sep 2019 at 10:26hrs | | by Dr. Takesure Tazvishaya
Even slaves refused to sell their souls
As the world marks 400 years since 1619, when Africans were first abducted and sold into slavery in America, this extract below from the book To Be A Slave by African-American author Julius Lester, pu...Published: 06 Sep 2019 at 07:16hrs | 2 | by Conway Tutani
Elephant ambassador Charlie felled by poacher’s guns
Tracking collars and sophisticated telemetary are a good way to see where wild elephants roam. They can also lead grisly discoveries about where they die. ...Published: 06 Dec 2016 at 15:30hrs | 6 | by Don Pinnock
Zapu Golden Jubilee celebrations as it happened: Report
3:32 ajbhova: The President of ZAPU Dr D Dabengwa speaks against reverse racism as that practiced by Zanu. [via Twitter]...Published: 17 Dec 2011 at 14:16hrs | | by Mafu Sithabile
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